Chapter 455 Genius Sculpture
Almost all the disciples finished offering their gifts.

Sure enough, these disciples all use human portraits, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that they did it on purpose.

Ning Feng also saw the problem, looked at Hu Daodao and said, "Mr. Hu, he's trying to show us off, he's challenging us." He unconsciously put himself on the side of the Northern faction.

First of all, because the knife skills of the two still have a certain similarity, the similarity between the northern school and the peace knife style is relatively large, so there is a sense of intimacy.Secondly, because Mr. Hu really treats him like a junior, he is also willing to defend Mr. Hu.

Mr. Hu shook his head with a smile and said: "It's okay, just let him go. This matter cannot be achieved by hard work. The difference in ideas will make them go astray from the beginning."

"Well, it makes sense, with so many people, none of their works can be sold." Ning Feng said.

"Things will not be so simple. He still has two disciples who have not appeared. Both of them are outstanding. Their learning ability is quite strong. They will definitely change a little on the basis of the Southern School. There is no telling. Amazing works have appeared." Mu Fangshui said with a smile.

Hu Daodao smiled and pointed to a table: "Look over there."

"Huh?" Ning Feng asked strangely: "Why did he invite so many reporters for his birthday? What is he doing?"

"Indeed, although birthday celebration is not a small piece of news, it shouldn't be such a sensation. There are more important things in the whole country than his birthday celebration?" Mu Fangshui said in confusion.

Hu Daodao said: "Gu Ke is going to praise his two apprentices."

"En? What's going on?" Ning Feng asked incomprehensibly.

"This is actually just a trick. Invite a reporter in the name of celebrating his birthday, and then let his apprentice shine this time. This can be regarded as a gift from the master to the apprentice." Hu Daodao said: "And the ancient engraved This time he is very good at finding topics, using the differences between the north and the south to show the strengths of his disciples, it is estimated that it will cause a greater sensation."

"Oh, so there is such a thing." Mu Fangshui and Ning Feng suddenly realized at the same time.

Hu Daodao said to Mu Fangshui: "You are not the same. Your current strength is completely relying on yourself. I originally wanted to give you a ride, but in the end you just went to various places to study. Can you It’s not easy to be in the position now.”

He was very happy to be praised by Master, after all, Master was the person he admired the most in his life.

"Hou Feng is going up." Someone shouted, and everyone's attention was attracted to him at once.

Hou Fengchao bowed to the ancient engraving, and then directly lifted the cloth covering the work.


For a moment, everyone was surprised, this work is really beyond everyone's expectations.

Because it is a stone work, it is not a valuable item, it is a stone, the most common kind of stone.This is his master's birthday banquet, and he even sent stones.

"It's too cheap, isn't it? At least use some jade or something. If it's not possible, you can use some good wood. It's a bit shabby to use stone directly like this?"

"This person really doesn't know how to be grateful. The master has trained him for such a long time, and he only gave such a small thing. Isn't this a poor person?"

"Isn't his face burning panicked? How can such a cheap thing be sold?"

"Okay, don't worry about this, let's see how the works are. Gu Gu doesn't lack the money, it mainly depends on the technology."

"Gao, you're really smart." Hu Daodao couldn't help but comment on Hou Fengchao: "Sure enough, the evaluation of him is unusual. This kind of thinking is simply too extreme."

Ning Feng looked at this work carefully, and found that his carving was not much different from those of the previous ones, at most it was slightly better.But this work is quite different, and the spirit in it is much stronger than the previous ones.

What he carved was the appearance of a ferocious general, and that fierce aura was fully expressed.Ning Feng could see the sharpness and sharpness in it.

"This work seems to be a little different." Ning Feng sighed, and looked at Hu Daodao suspiciously: "He seems to have charm?"

Hu Daodao shook his head and said, "It's not the charm, but the fierce anger."

"En? How do you understand? I saw that the engraver of his work is still a southern school engraver." Mu Fangshui also asked for advice like his own teacher.

Hu Daodao said to everyone: "The main reason is this material."

"Material? Stone?" Ning Feng said.

"Yes, it's because of the stone." Hu Daodao said, "Sure enough, he is a smart man." He himself couldn't help admiring Hou Fengchao's power.

He was full of praise for this Hou Fengchao.

"His knife skills are southerly, and it is difficult to carve out the charm and aura of natural growth. Even some other expressions are difficult to express, but he chose a very good expression, anger!" Hu Daodao Said, he couldn't help patting his thigh while speaking.

Ning Feng looked it over and found that this thing was really angry, and the angry appearance was quite realistic.

"Angry?" Mu Fangshui looked at Hu Daodao in confusion.

"It's anger." Hu Daodao said: "Although it is difficult for the Southern School to portray other expressions, the expression of anger is quite good to avoid their shortcomings. If you want to portray anger, you need a sharp expression and a sharp expression. The facial expressions and the inner activities of the statues do not need too much expression, which just avoids the defects of their portrayal of characters.

And another point is the materials he chooses. "

"Materials? What happened to the materials?" Ning Feng continued to ask.

"It was a very correct choice for him to choose stone as a raw material. The stone has edges and corners, and it looks sharper after carving. Stone is the best for portraying angry expressions. The sharpness of the stone just gave him room to play."

"If you use other materials to express the charm that does not appear now, if you change it to jade, it will be much less fierce and more gentle." Hu Daodao once again said with emotion: "This child is really smart, using expressions and materials You actually avoided this problem. Genius!"

Ning Feng has heard Hu Daodao praise this Hou Fengchao several times.Even Ning Feng himself felt that this person was quite powerful, and he portrayed the general's anger quite realistically and with charm, but he still used the Southern School's knife skills.

No wonder it's not great.

But Ning Feng looked at the sculpture in his hand, and his own was still much stronger than his.Especially after being retouched with a knife, the work has been upgraded to a higher level.So in his mind, he is stronger than him!
(End of this chapter)

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