Chapter 456 Shy Maid
"No, no, no... Don't pay attention to the price of this item. You can see that his carving is much better than those before. Look at that kind of anger, it seems that it can be gushed out at any time."

"This one is really much better than those before. The most important thing is to have a charm, and that charm does exist."

"Really, I didn't expect that someone from the Southern School could carve such a good thing. This kind of portrait has always been the strength of the Northern School. Could it be that the Southern School wants to suppress the Northern School?"

"According to what you said, it's really true. The Nanpai can also carve portraits. That's amazing. And his details are pretty good."

"Not necessarily, it's not like there is no comparison with the statues of the Northern School. If there is a comparison, wouldn't this matter be very clear?"

Everyone began to discuss and admire this kind of engraving.

Gu Ke also looked at his proud disciple with a smile, and said: "Yes, you can carve such a distracted figure. The progress is not small. I am very satisfied with this gift, but you still have to be like the brothers of the Northern School in the future." Let’s learn from them, their portraits are very powerful.”

"Yes, Master." After he finished speaking, he stood aside with a cold face.

Ning Feng originally thought that it was time to use the Northern faction to improve their status, but he didn't expect it to pass like this.The familiar routine should be to ask a disciple from the Northern School to come up and show it together, in the name of exchanging ideas.

Then directly let the works of his disciples beat the Northern School, and then we can draw a conclusion that the disciples of the Southern School beat the Northern School in terms of portraits.

His disciples can become famous in one battle.

They didn't do that. Could it be that they were too narrow-minded?

But just as he was thinking, the next disciple came out immediately.

"Ji Xianliang, it is said that he is the most proud disciple of Gu Ke, and his strength should be higher than that of Hou Fengchao. I don't know what standard works he can produce. I hope his works can surpass Hou Fengchao."

"That's not necessarily the case. Hou Fengchao can think of that kind of way, but Ji Xianliang really may not be able to understand it."

"I can't wait to find out what his work is. I hope it will also give me a sense of wonder."

Everyone looked at Ji Xianliang and said expectantly.

Ji Xianliang walked up to Gu Ke, and then directly displayed his works.

Made of jade, portraits!
If this is the case, it is difficult to get the charm without using the engraving method of the Northern School.

But his object was displayed, even if he used the method of the Southern School, he did it.

Hu Daodao looked at Ji Xianliang and nodded appreciatively, and said to Mu Fangshui: "His talent is not inferior to yours at all, and your future opponent may be him."

"Well, he is indeed very smart, and he can use this method." Mu Fangshui said, he had been pursuing the spiritual power in small objects before, but he had been unsuccessful until Ning Feng's flat knife style appeared, giving his way of improving.

But Ji Xianliang is also a small object, and it is a portrait of a little maid.He portrayed the body quite delicately, but the woman's eyes were closed.

Holding the hand scroll in his hand, he seemed shy after seeing his sweetheart.That kind of shyness really makes people feel it clearly.

"Wow, this is a good engraving. I didn't expect to be able to engrave it like this. You can see that shy look, that kind of language is still shy, and the unspeakable feelings are expressed."

"His engraving is really good. I think he is inferior to the people of the Northern School at all. This kind of figure carving is quite wonderful. It seems that the carving of the figures of the Southern School is not as good as that of the Northern School. It is nonsense."

"That is to say, Ji Xianliang can carve to such a level? Others in the Southern School are not so easy. They can really compete with the Northern School if they can carve like this."

Everyone can also see that the carving level is indeed quite high. No matter what happens, everyone is in contact with this circle, and they still have some knowledge about carving.

What's more, even people who don't understand a good work know whether it's good or bad.

Obviously Ji Xianliang's thing is very good.

"He's smarter than Hou Fengchao." Hu Daodao said with a smile, "This man is indeed very powerful."

"How to say?" Ning Feng looked at him and said.

Mu Fangshui looked at Ji Xianliang, but said to Ning Feng: "Look at this work, there is a very good thing, that is, the girl's eyes are closed!"

"Well, so what?" Ning Feng asked puzzled.

"The eyes are the windows of the soul. Whether a work is good or bad, it is all concentrated in the eyes. The charm of the whole person is transmitted to the eyes from the spirit of the whole body, and then expressed from the eyes That feeling."

Mu Fangshui continued: "Look at your work, do you know where the biggest difference is?"

Ning Feng looked at his work, it seems that the eyes are really different, as if everything is for the eyes, and all the activities in the heart are transmitted from the eyes.

"Eyes?" he said.

"Yes, it's the eyes." Mu Fangshui said: "The northern school's carvers are more continuous, so the eyes are easier to express, but the southern school is too finely crafted, so it is difficult to express the eyes accurately. But Ji Xianliang closed his eyes To express shyness, thus solving this problem, so he is still quite powerful."

Hu Daodao took over the conversation at this time: "Although they can use various methods to avoid this, they have not really solved these problems, so they cannot surpass them. In fact, they also know that they cannot surpass them. Each has its advantages."

"Then what is he doing? Why is he acting like this?" Ning Feng said strangely, since there is no way to win, what is the point of acting.

Hu Daodao smiled and said: "He did this just to flatter them, just some tricks."

"Oh." Ning Feng finally understood that although the Nanpai can also portray characters, they use materials, expressions, etc. to cover up their real shortcomings.

"That's right, it's really good. It seems that you also have good achievements in figure statues." Gu Ke said to Ji Xianliang.

At this time, the reporter was also constantly shooting at the screen. This was what he wanted, just to help the apprentice.

Ning Feng thinks it's okay, as long as he doesn't step on others to get on stage, everything is easy to talk about, and any method that is not illegal can be used. .

But he obviously thought too much, this Ji Xianliang didn't know that the sutra was wrong, so he pointed directly at Ning Feng's table and said: "Northern sect, are you interested in giving me some advice?"

(End of this chapter)

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