Chapter 457

Now Ning Feng was a little dazed, why did this guy really jump out, is he a little too arrogant?

His work is indeed a bit good, but it has not yet reached the point where it wants to compete with the Northern School.

Gu Ke's expression was not good. He knew the level of the Northern School, so he didn't want to do this at all.He just wanted to push them out by taking advantage of the South School's engraving of portraits, but he didn't want to compete with the North School at all.

Unexpectedly, Ji Xianliang dared to challenge the Northern School with the self-confidence he didn't know where he came from.

Mu Fangshui at the scene was Hu Daodao's proud disciple, and his living animal carving skills were not a level higher than theirs.

If he was allowed to win on the spot, this contest of praising him would directly become a slap in the face of the North against the South.This is simply a plan that is not worth the candle.

If you lose, people don't care if you lost in what the Northern faction is good at.I will only talk about winning or losing this game.

At that time, it will be called by everyone that the southern faction lost to the northern faction.

The impact of this incident is too great, so now they are trying their best to avoid any form of competition between the North and the South.Because the impact is really too great.

"Hahaha... Xianliang, if you want to exchange ideas with the brothers from the northern faction, you can go down and have a good chat. After all, they are leaders in this field and will help you." Well, it means not letting them make trouble now.

He is very angry now, he dared to say such things in front of so many people without his own consent.Now I just want to tear him up to relieve my anger.

But Ji Xianliang obviously still didn't understand the intention of Gu Ke, and said to Hu Daodao, "It is said that the statues of your Northern School figures are more powerful. I wonder if you have the ability to compare with me."

In fact, he is a proud and arrogant master, and he is a little dissatisfied with being compared with Mu Fangshui all the time.In his opinion, he himself is the most talented, and Mu Fangshui is not qualified to be compared with him.

"Ji Xianliang, stand aside." Gu Ke got angry, roared, and then said to Hu Daodao: "I'm sorry, Mr. Hu, my disciple is not sensible. On the statues of figures, the Northern School is the leader. I hope to learn more in the future.”

He tried his best to turn over this article, but Ji Xianliang obviously felt that he was ready, and felt that his thing was quite powerful.The Northern faction was not taken seriously at all.

At this time, he dared to say to Mu Fangshui: "Mu Fangshui, everyone says you and I are as famous. I wonder if you can compete with me in your field of expertise?"

Gu Ke was going crazy with anger, doesn't this guy have a brain?
But he suddenly discovered that the current Ji Xianliang was not himself when he was young?No one is convinced, and everyone wants to challenge once.

Nine cows can't be pulled back, geniuses are always proud of their talents.But you have to experience some setbacks before you can be considered a real maturity.He can only minimize the impact of the matter now.

Some spectators around also felt that it was quite lively, and they were also willing to watch this rare North-South confrontation.

"Let's just compete. It's a good thing that they are hardworking. It's hard for him to have such confidence. It's not useless to communicate."

"I also think it is possible to compare. It is probably quite interesting to compete with the Northern faction in the most powerful aspects of the Northern faction. It just happens that everyone can have a good exchange and learn from each other's strengths."

"I think this work is quite good, at least at the master level. I don't know what kind of work the Northern School can produce. It's really hard for me to imagine what it would be like for a work to surpass this thing."

"Maybe you might as well compete, exchange and exchange, and more exchanges can make progress."

These people are just watching the excitement and don't think it's a big deal. They really don't know what the consequences of this matter are.Of course, it didn't have the slightest influence on them, but it had a great influence on the southern and northern factions.

Those disciples of the Southern School were also willing to give in to the competition. Although the two big bosses, Gu Ke and Hu Daodao, could coexist peacefully, the disciples below did not accept each other, and each wanted to overwhelm the other.

When they saw Ji Xianliang's work, their confidence was greatly encouraged. In their opinion, this work was no worse than the works of the Northern School.

"Let's compare, everyone is communicating anyway, and the competition can also increase our abilities, and let us see what the brothers from the Northern School are up to."

"That's right, we don't know whether it's real or just a fake name. Why don't we compare it with those of us who are laymen on portraits, so that we can know where the gap lies."

"We also want to see the strength of this Mu Fangshui who is on par with our senior brother Ji Xianliang, and it will also open our eyes. Anyway, it's communication, learning from each other!"

What they said sounds good, what communication, what discussion, in fact, isn't it just to compare with each other?They wanted to suppress each other, but they didn't understand the horror of the Northern faction at all.

Looking at the situation at the scene, Gu Ke seemed to be unable to control it, so he could only smile at Hu Daodao in embarrassment.

Hu Daodao stood up and said to them: "Actually, there is no difference between the northern faction and the southern faction, it's just that everyone's focus is different. But since everyone wants to compete so much, let my little apprentice Give the birthday gift he prepared to Gu Gu."

This is considered a challenge, but the way of saying it is more euphemistic.And he didn't let Mu Fangshui go up, if Mu Fangshui was asked to directly take out the large portrait that he is best at, it would directly lose the opponent's pk face.

But he had to worry about the face of both parties, and finally decided to ask Ning Feng to help.

He has to compare now, otherwise he will lose the prestige of the Northern School.And the surroundings have already become like this, and it is no longer possible to compare.

Hu Daodao also had to be concerned about Gu Ke's feelings, so sending Ning Feng, who was a little weaker, was giving Gu Ke face.

When Gu Ke saw Ning Feng, he breathed a sigh of relief. This man is Hu Daodao's new apprentice, and his level should be slightly worse.It is estimated that the level is not as good as Ji Xianliang.

At this time, he suddenly had a little expectation. If Ning Feng lost the game, their Nanpai might really win.

But Ji Xianliang was very dissatisfied, what he wanted was to compete with Mu Fangshui, not such an unknown young man.

Immediately, he pointed at Ning Feng and said, "I don't want to compare with the unknown people. Your level is too far behind, and you are not qualified."

Damn it, Ning Feng's temper is not as good as Hu Daodao's. If you want to compete with others, you are still arrogant.Now this is just not enough quality.

Ning Feng glanced at him sideways, and said with great contempt, "On your level, I'll talk about it if you win."

(End of this chapter)

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