Chapter 458 Stunning
"Who is this kid? Why is he so arrogant? He even talked to Ji Xianliang like that. I wonder if this kid is a bit arrogant."

"Hey, I can't help it. Who made Ji Xianliang's words hurt so much? In front of so many people, he said that he is not good enough. After all, he is a young man. How can he bear it?"

"But Ji Xianliang has that strength, so he dares to say that. Among the Northern factions, only Mu Fangshui can compare with him, right? Of course he is not happy to send an unknown young general to fight now."

"Mr. Hu is also a little careless. After all, Ji Xianliang is the most powerful disciple of the Southern School, right? Isn't he afraid of losing miserably when he sends out such a young man?"

"Who can say for sure about this matter. After all, the Northern School is an expert in portrait carving. Maybe they think they can handle it?"

"But Ji Xianliang's work is already on display, it's really not bad at all."

Everyone was quite controversial about Ning Feng's arrogant remarks. After all, as a newcomer, it would be quite embarrassing to dare to make such remarks to Ji Xianliang.

Ji Xianliang looked at Ning Feng, and said to him incredulously, "Are you a little too arrogant?"

Ning Feng glanced at him and said, "You must be too arrogant, you frog in a well!"

"You..." Ji Xianliang pointed at Ning Feng, a little annoyed and speechless, "Fine, fine... Let me see what kind of abilities you Northern faction have?"

Ji Xianliang really felt that he had found a real skill in sculpting figures, so he felt that he should be quite good.I don't feel like I should lose at all.

Hearing Ning Feng's words, the disciples of the Southern School were all blown up, and the two sides were on equal footing.Moreover, Ji Xianliang is also very important in their minds, so there is no way to accept Ning Feng's arrogant remarks.

He lashed out at Ning Feng.

"What do you know, you brat? Have you ever seen a real master? Don't think that you don't know the heights of the sky and the earth because you have a few brushes. There are many people stronger than you in the world."

"That is, do you know the strength of our Senior Brother Ji? Don't you have eyes? Can't you see this work? At least it's at the master level."

"You ignorant child, how dare you be so arrogant? Even your senior brother Mu Fangshui wouldn't dare to be so arrogant? Do you still think that you can be reckless?"

Ning Feng ignored the words of these people, and when the facts were revealed, they all shut up.

Looking at Ning Feng's appearance, Gu Ke was actually a little scared. Although he thought it would be no problem to win him, but seeing Hu Daodao's calm look, he was really worried.

He didn't believe that Hu Daodao didn't want to win. If they won, it would be of great significance to the development of their faction.This is the purpose and responsibility of these leaders.

"I'll let you see my work." Ning Feng waved his hand directly, and asked someone to bring his own thing over.

"What? It looks like a small piece? They don't seem to be very good at carving small pieces, right? It should be inferior to Ji Xianliang's detailed description."

"He chose the wrong thing. This thing is not what he is good at. He should compete with the big one. It seems that both parties are unwilling to compare their own advantages with others."

"The advantage of the southern school lies in the small details, while the advantage of the northern school lies in the large natural sculptures. But now it seems that one side chose the portraits that they are not good at, and the other chose small pieces that they are not good at. It seems that Ji Xianliang is more confident."

"He actually carves small pieces. Is this also a challenge to the Southern School? It's really interesting."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and it was really interesting that both sides actually attacked their own weaknesses.

The reporters at the scene even pointed their cameras at them. Gu Ke's birthday is not a big news, but the Civil War is a real big news.

This time they had a hunch that it would cause a sensation.

However, in their minds, it seems that Ji Xianliang has a better chance of winning, after all, he has already declared it.Some people have already written the manuscript and are waiting for the final results to be published.

All kinds of titles have been thought up, "Never forget the original intention, the genius of the Southern School Ji Xianliang beat the Northern School";

Apparently they didn't buy a new guy like Ning Feng at all.

Ning Feng smiled at everyone, and then directly lifted the gray cloth back under everyone's attention.Didn't you say that my strength is not enough?Then let you all see for yourself.

The cloth was lifted, revealing an old birthday boy holding a birthday peach inside.

The scene was so quiet that there was no sound coming out. Everyone looked at each other and seemed to be in disbelief.

"Hiss—this thing seems to be more powerful, why does it look more charming than Ji Xianliang's?"

"I also have this feeling. Why does it feel that his thing has a little more fairy energy, and there is a feeling that it can float up at any time?"

"I don't know what it feels like. I always feel that this thing of his looks a little nice? Don't you think so?"

When everyone saw Ning Feng's work, they talked a lot.

When Ji Xianliang saw this thing, his eyes shook twice in his eye sockets, he clearly felt that this thing was stronger than his own.

Although he is slightly better at depicting details, the other party is obviously much better than himself in terms of charm and overall naturalness.

This work of mine seemed to be a lot more depressing in front of him, and although the other item was an inferior jade, but because of the good use and matching of colors, there was even a touch of color.

He used closed eyes to portray a shy little girl.And this thing has a smile on its face, with a hint of immortality.

Comparing the two, one can immediately see that Ji Xianliang's works are much more stingy.

All the disciples of the Southern School stopped talking and talked quietly, apparently quite surprised.

Gu Ke was even more shocked, he didn't expect such a young man to have such strength.

Ji Xianliang pointed to Ning Feng and said, "Is this your work?"

"If it wasn't yours?"

"Impossible, impossible, how can you have such strength?" He didn't believe it at all, he didn't think that the work could have such a height at all.He has observed the works of the Northern School, and it seems that they are not so outstanding.

This is the excellence of Ping Dao Liu, he will further magnify the advantages of the Northern School.

(End of this chapter)

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