Chapter 459 Mu Fangshui's Works
Ning Feng waved his hand casually and said, "But it is my work. How do you feel?"

His face was really dark, and he really didn't want to believe that this was the work of a young disciple from the Northern School.

Gu Ke also looked at this work in surprise, this thing is simply amazing, this work is so mature, even more breakthrough than the original works of the Northern School.

Although some places are indeed rough, the naturalness is really beyond imagination, even if Hu Daodao made this thing himself, he still believes it.

He looked at Hu Daodao: "Mr. Hu, you didn't bring out your work, did you?" He said with a smile, but his tone was full of doubts.

"Hey, that's right, could this thing be the work of Mr. Hu? The lines are so beautiful, and it really doesn't look like something a young man can carve out. That kind of charm doesn't exist for decades. I guess I can't carve out my skills."

"There is really such a possibility. I saw that the grasp of this line and the smoothness are simply top-notch. It feels like a knife goes straight down and goes down."

"Yeah, it's really difficult without strong enough skills. I also wonder how a young man can have such strength?"

"But this competition was sent out suddenly by the Southern faction. They didn't have time to prepare at all. It's not logical."

There are also some people who still don't believe that this thing was made by Ning Feng, and suspect that it is Mr. Hu's substitute knife.

Mr. Hu stood up and looked at Gu Ke and said, "Do you think my hands can still hold a knife?" He smiled and glanced at everyone.

Everyone knows that Mr. Hu has sealed the knife, and because his hands have deteriorated, he can't hold the knife at all, and he hasn't even finished the work of sealing the knife.

"This work was indeed completed by him, and it was truly by him." Mr. Hu said seriously.

Ji Xianliang obviously still didn't believe it. He looked at Mu Fangshui and said, "Maybe it wasn't you, but it was possible that your disciple completed it on his behalf. He is a young man, and it is impossible for him to complete something of this level."

In fact, Ning Feng's level can only be regarded as average among Hu Daodao and Mu Fangshui. After all, some of Ning Feng's carvers are still very bad. Although they can carve charm, their artistry is still a bit worse than theirs.

Although the two of them need tools to help with carving, they are quite good at carving.Especially after being touched by a school like Ning Feng, their level has made a qualitative leap.

The work Mu Fangshui brought this time was completed after being inspired by Ning Feng.

So now Ning Feng's works are stronger in terms of fluency, but this strength is stronger than that of the Southern School.There is still a gap for these Northern Schools who focus on portraits.

Especially with the current wooden square water.

So Hu Daodao asked Ning Feng to make a move, which was indeed a very big concession.

"If you lose, you lose. Don't bite people everywhere. Do you think you're a mad dog?" Ning Feng doesn't have such a good manner. Since this guy talks about everything, there's no need to give him face.

"Who are you scolding?" Ji Xianliang looked at Ning Feng and said, he was very upset when he lost to Ning Feng, and he was even more upset when he saw Ning Feng's current state.

Ning Feng was blunt, and said in front of everyone: "It's you, it's you. If you can't afford to lose, don't stand up. As a frog at the bottom of the well, you still think you are awesome."

Said and gave him a big white eye.

Ning Feng knew that if he said this, the matter of inviting Gu Ke was completely obscene.It is very likely that they will offend all of them at once, but he just can't swallow it, his temper is so violent.

Besides, I have already turned Hu Daodao and Mu Fangshui back, so what do I need them for?To join in the fun?

"You..." Ji Xianliang had no way to refute, so he could only speak harshly, "He must not be able to carve works of this level, it must be wood and water instead of knives."

In fact, not only him, but countless people at the scene had this idea. After all, Ning Feng is so young, and he produced such a good work, which is really amazing.

Hu Daodao gestured to Mu Fangshui at this time.

He got up and took his own sculpture and walked to Ji Xianliang, and said, "Then let you see what my work is." The voice was very flat, as if talking about an unimportant matter.

When he opened the curtain, he was shocked again by what was inside.

The carving inside is a half-human half-pig appearance, and everyone should be able to tell that it is a story of a pig becoming a Buddha.Of course this story is taken from Zhu Bajie, but he has his own ideas.

Let his front body be human, with clasped hands and a string of Buddhist beads.And his lower body still looks like a pig.But it can make people feel that he is gradually degenerating from top to bottom, gradually changing from a pig to a Buddha.

The man's eyebrows were drooping, the front half of his body exuded a strong Buddha's light, and the lower half of his body really felt very red.That kind of mortal world and becoming a Buddha are intertwined, and it can make people feel that he has a gradual change process.

This is the real master, who can make the two feelings not conflict at all, and can be perfectly integrated.You must know that it is quite difficult to combine the two feelings, and it requires a very strong carver.

But Ji Xianliang obviously has no way to achieve this level, this work is simply too perfect, even more perfect than Ning Feng's work.

"Is this your work?" He asked in surprise again.Obviously, he still didn't believe this result at all. He felt that his comprehension of portraits was already quite good, but he didn't expect that the other party would show him surprises again and again.

Mu Fangshui just said to him lightly, "There are many talented people in the world, never underestimate anyone. Remember, there is still a long way to learn."

Everyone felt nothing but surprise when they saw this work.

"This work is really great. Mu Fangshui's level has reached this level. It's simply amazing. It is estimated that it will reach the level of Hu Daodao in a few years."

"Ji Xianliang lost. He is indeed not as good as the Northern School in this respect. The Northern School is indeed powerful in this respect. Just look at these two portraits, and the other statues are eclipsed in front of them."

"He shouldn't compare portraits with the other party. They are good at this. If he compares them with Diao Wu's level, he may not be inferior. I have seen his sculptures before, and they are about to catch up with ancient carvings. Well, this time I chose to carve portraits, isn't that just asking for trouble?"

"Yeah, I've seen him sculpt objects before, and that level has already been perfected, it's a pity..."

Gu Ke's face darkened, he thought that thing was someone else's substitute knife, but he didn't expect another disciple to be even more powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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