Chapter 462

Su Miaohan went to find Uncle Xue and arranged negotiations with those people.

Ning Feng continued to prepare the things he needed, but at this moment, someone came to the door.

"Ren Yi, how did you find me?" Ning Feng looked at Ren Yi at the door and said in surprise.He could still find where he lived, but he hadn't told him.

"Who is this young master? Why can't I find it?" Ren Yi walked in carelessly, and said to Ning Feng, "Hey, sister-in-law is not here?"

"Not here." Ning Feng said.

"That would be great." He was like a child, "Come on, let's go out and play."

Why does this guy always want to play?

"I still have something to do." Ning Feng said, he didn't have such a playful heart.

"My sister-in-law is finally not at home. When will you go if you don't want to play at this time? Besides, if you have anything to do, you can rest at home." Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng and said. "Look how interesting my buddy is. I think of you when I go out to play."

Ning Feng said to him with a smile: "I do have something to do, and there is still a business that has not been negotiated."

"Do you not consider me a brother?" He looked at Ning Feng and asked.

Ning Feng looked at him with a serious look and said, "Why? You are my only friend in Caiyun Province, why don't I treat you as a brother?" To be honest, Ning Feng is really willing to get along with him, and getting along with him is very easy. It's simple, you don't need too much intrigue at all, you just need to be sincere.

"You said you didn't come to me for business. In Caiyun Province, there are very few things that I, Ren Yi, can't handle." He patted his chest and said, "Just tell me if you have any troubles, and I'll give you a minute. Done."

"We want to establish a supply chain of high-grade raw materials. You also know that there are too few high-grade raw materials, and there are only a few companies that can form a supply chain. Negotiations will definitely not be easy." Ning Feng said with a bitter face.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ren Yi slapped his thigh and said to him: "Look at you people, you don't pay attention to adapting measures to local conditions at all, don't use your methods here, if it doesn't work, come with me, It will definitely let you get twice the result with half the effort.”

Ning Feng looked at him suspiciously and said, "Where are you going?"

He pulled Ning Feng and said, "Don't worry about where you go. Let me tell you, you can't talk about things like that. If you make an appointment like that, you may not be able to meet them in about a month. It has to be roundabout, understand?"

Ning Feng looked at Ren Yi suspiciously, but he still didn't understand what it meant.

"Forget it, you can go with me, there is absolutely nothing wrong." After finishing speaking, he directly pulled Ning Feng and walked outside.

Ning Feng didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, but in order to complete the work, he had no choice but to follow him.

Sitting in his car, the two drove all the way to the city center, and then stopped at the entrance of a bathing center.

Ning Feng looked at the big golden characters on it, "Renrou Township Bathing Center".

"Isn't this a good place?" Ning Feng squinted at him and said, "You won't lead me to do something bad, will you?"

Ren Yi said solemnly: "Some people come here to do bad things, and some people just want to take a bath. So whether to do good or bad things has nothing to do with this place, the key is to do with people."

"Fart!" Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him and said, "We are decent people, we don't do such bad things."

Even though he said that, there was still some longing in his heart.

Ren Yi smiled and pulled him inside, "Don't think too much, we are here to find someone to discuss business with. If you make a good appointment, you will not be able to make an appointment if you are killed. You will easily meet you here. the person you're looking for."

"Really?" Ning Feng asked.

"Really, there is absolutely no problem." In this kind of half-push, Ning Feng was pushed in.

At this time, a camera sticks out from a car behind. "With such a beautiful girlfriend, you dare to fool around!"

After speaking, he left the place.

Ning Feng didn't notice what was going on behind him, and walked inside with Ren Yi.He has a VIP channel inside, and there is a VIP area for everything he does.

After the two changed their clothes, Ning Feng followed him around.

"Where are you going?" Ning Feng looked at him and said.

He said to Ning Feng: "Of course I'm looking for someone. Feelings are all soaked in the pool. Of course we have to find a target."

Ning Feng had no choice but to continue to follow him into the VIP area, which was much more luxurious than the outside, and there were a lot fewer people.Many of the people inside were paunchy, with red wine, fruit plates, and beautiful women in bikinis massaging beside them.

"This is called life." Ren Yi slowly plunged into the pool, "Ah—" and incidentally let out a voice of ecstasy.

Ning Feng also followed him slowly into the pool. He had already discovered that the reason why Ren Yi entered this pool was because there was someone beside him.

At this time, the waiter came over very considerately immediately, and put down the red wine and fruit plate.

Then he just stood aside and didn't move.

Ren Yi said to him: "Call the two girls to give you a massage."

Ning Feng really couldn't bear their enjoyment. Some people even wore a scarf underneath, and some were completely naked.

It's not very comfortable to be stared at by a beautiful woman like this.

"Let's not want beautiful women, shall we?" Ning Feng looked at Ren Yi and said cautiously.He is really not used to being naked in front of the opposite sex.

Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng and said, "Brother, for work, for work, you should sacrifice your appearance."

The two women who came here were really good-looking, with quite attractive figures, and they were quite sexy in bikinis.When they saw Ning Feng, their eyes lit up.Who are they massaging every day?They are all bosses with big bellies and bald foreheads.

And Ning Feng is now a handsome young man, with very well-proportioned muscles and very handsome.Even if it is for nothing, they are willing to press it.

Under the lost eyes of one of the women, the other began to massage Ning Feng.

To be honest, their massage quality is really average.But guess, the people who asked them to massage didn't value their techniques, did they?

Ning Feng was still a little uncomfortable at first, but Ren Yi started to enjoy it directly, leaning against the girl's chest with his eyes closed, and enjoying it very much.

"Did you forget the purpose of our coming here?" Ning Feng suspected that he just tricked himself into taking a bath, and had no intention of helping him negotiate business.

"Don't be in such a hurry. If you are too anxious, it seems a bit deliberate. You might as well enjoy it. It's very comfortable." He said with a rather wretched smile.

(End of this chapter)

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