Chapter 463 The Gentle Female Killer

There is no way to refute this reason, so he can only stay where he is and enjoy the woman's massage.He couldn't lie down so naturally like him, really enjoy the massage peacefully.

But this girl kept teasing Ning Feng with both hands, groping everywhere.

It made Ning Feng quite uncomfortable, and he reacted a bit when he teased him.

He turned to look at Ren Yi, and he was already playing a little game of touching and kneading with that girl.

He smiled at Ning Feng and said, "Brother, you wait for a while, buddy has some things to deal with."

As for the shit, Ning Feng can think of what he is doing with his toes. Is this a business deal?This is the extravagance of being here with her.

After finishing speaking, he directly hugged the girl and walked towards a private room, without even thinking about it, he was going to save the girl who had lost her footing.

However, Ning Feng was obviously not that urgent, and said to the girl: "You take it and pay the bill. If you want to drink something, don't press it. I will make my own bubbles!" After saying that, he handed the bracelet in his hand to her .

If you can't let it go in this place, it will only be embarrassing, and it will become more and more uncomfortable.

The woman looked at Ning Feng resentfully, rubbed her chest against Ning Feng's arm and said, "Don't you want to play?"

There was water mist in his eyes, and he was full of charm, and that coquettish energy was simply not something that ordinary people could refuse.

However, Ning Feng was a man who had been with Su Miaohan for a long time, so he could still bear the temptation.Besides, although she can get a momentary pleasure when she sleeps, she feels sorry for Su Miaohan.

His sense of responsibility is still very heavy, and this kind of thing will never happen.

"No need, go check out." He directly rejected this person with a cold face.

In the end, she could only look at Ning Feng resentfully, and then left here gracefully.

After seeing him leave, Ning Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, it was really uncomfortable to stay by his side.He quickly wiped his forehead with a towel.

Suddenly, he found that behind the man on the opposite side, the woman who was giving him a massage suddenly pulled out a three or four inch long iron nail from her bra and stabbed it at his temple.

The strength and speed of this woman's strikes are quite professional, and she looks like a professional killer.

Ning Feng didn't think too much, and just yelled, be careful!

Then he directly grabbed the fruit plate beside him and threw it over.

That man was still in a daze, he didn't know what was going on, why did the man across from him suddenly throw a fruit plate at him?
But before he could react, Ning Feng had already rushed towards him.

He himself felt something was wrong.

He quickly fell down.

But the arm was still stabbed.

He immediately knew that someone was going to assassinate him, so he quickly yelled: "There is an assassin!" Every time he went out, he took bodyguards with him, but the security in Ruanrou Township was very good, especially in the VIP area.

So let the bodyguards play too.

He never thought that the technician he picked would be an assassin, the probability of this is too small, right?
He hugged his arms and called for help everywhere, but his bodyguards didn't know where they were yet.The female assassin was ready to stab again without hesitation, this time the target was his head, and he couldn't get away.

He felt like he was going to die.

But at this moment, Ning Feng swung the towel directly, knocked off the iron nail in the woman's hand, and then jumped up and kicked her in the chest.

She obviously felt it too, the visitor seemed to be a master, she hurriedly took two steps back, and then stepped forward to meet him.

But Ning Feng's strength was so strong that he just kicked her back directly.

She probably felt that she had no chance, so she glanced at the man, then at Ning Feng, and ran outside.

How could Ning Feng let him run away and chase after him directly, and the two started fighting again.

"Isn't it too courageous to kill so blatantly?" Ning Feng said with a smile, "We are a country ruled by law." He looked at this woman, her body was very well-proportioned, definitely not an ordinary technician.

The shot was very decisive, without any hesitation.

"Stop being hypocritical, just die." He said and punched Ning Feng directly.

Ning Feng held her fist directly and said, "It's hard to beat me!"

He felt that the woman's strength was still a bit weak, so he didn't take it seriously.

But at this moment, she jumped up directly, and gave Ning Feng a scissor kick with her legs.Holding his head and falling directly to the ground.

"I rub it, the strength is quite strong." Ning Feng sighed, the fall almost knocked him into a daze.

But he was a boy after all, with great strength, he directly separated her legs.He turned over and pressed her directly under him, looked at her with a smile and said, "Do you still want to run? Tell me, who sent you here. Why did you kill him?"

The woman looked at Ning Feng fiercely and said, "You don't need to worry about this."

As she said that, she was about to turn over and start working with Ning Feng, but just like that, she found that something seemed wrong.

Ning Feng also noticed something was wrong.

Because of the previous fight, especially the previous fight, the two of them had already knocked down the few coverings they had on their bodies.

Originally, Ning Feng was only wrapped in a towel, and it fell off at the very beginning.

During the fight, everyone didn't notice it wholeheartedly, but at this time they found it a little embarrassing.

Especially in the action just now, Ning Feng opened her scissor legs, turned over and pressed on her body, lying between her crotch.The two also knocked off their last clothes because of the fight.

Before the woman wanted to fight back but found that the two had a fierce collision.

The sensitivity under such a collision immediately made the two realize that the situation was not very good.

Ning Feng took a look and found that the top dress of hers was also crooked, exposing both of her private parts.Looking down along the skin, sure enough, all the clothes underneath were gone.

The two are together in an extremely ambiguous posture.

The woman blushed immediately, and slapped Ning Feng with her backhand, "Rogue!"

How fast Ning Feng reacted, he immediately grabbed his arm, then looked at her and said, "Damn it, blame me?"

"Get out of the way!" She said harshly to Ning Feng directly.

Ning Feng stepped aside quickly and surrounded himself with towels.Then watch the female killer put on his own clothes.I have to say that these women who exercise regularly still have a pretty good figure.

And the appearance is also quite good-looking, with a ponytail tied, quite capable.

Especially with that raised buttocks, Ning Feng was also thirsty looking at it.

(End of this chapter)

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