Chapter 464
During the fight between the two, they broke into a small room.So it's hidden.

She raised her head, stared at Ning Feng with a dark face, and said, "Still watching?"

Ning Feng smiled at her, but did not move his eyes away, staring at her slender legs without moving a bit.He won't look away, she is a killer, if she is killed, she will be in trouble.

Seeing that Ning Feng had no intention of avoiding him, she had no choice but to put on the pants that Ning Feng tore off in front of him.

She gave Ning Feng a vicious look, then put on her pants holding back the anger in her heart.

The whole process was clearly seen by Ning Feng.

"Why did you kill him?" Ning Feng looked at her and said.

She glanced outside, as if no one was chasing him, she looked at him and said, "Are you his bodyguard?"

"No, it's just someone who does what is right." Ning Feng said to him.

"Then you shouldn't be nosy, you will get into trouble." She stared at Ning Feng and said, "This person is not worth saving."

Ning Feng said very grandly: "I don't want anyone to die in front of me, and I won't kill you, nor will I hand you over to him, you can rest assured."

"Oh, you are really a funny person." The woman looked at Ning Feng and said.

How could Ning Feng have these thoughts, he was completely subconscious at the time, and he didn't think about anything at all.Now that I think about it, I feel a little regretful, why are you meddling in these nosy things?

"No way, the sense of justice is too strong. You go, you want to kill him for another chance. You won't go far this time." Ning Feng looked at her and said.

The woman also stared at Ning Feng and said: "Don't think that if you let me go, I won't settle accounts with you. I must pay back the good things you did today."

Ning Feng rolled her eyes and said: "You look at me, I look at you, everyone owes nothing to anyone." He said with a very cheap smile.

"Rogue!" She threw a pillow towards him directly. This is a private room, so there will naturally be pillows and the like.

Ning Feng quickly dodged to catch the pillow, and when he looked again, she had already run out.

Just after she ran away, the man arrived with his bodyguard, and the reaction was too slow.

"Where's the man?" The boss-like man pointed at Ning Feng and shouted, his tone full of orders and disdain.

At least I saved him, right?At least respect should be there, right?

"Who are you talking to?" Ning Feng looked at him lightly and asked.

"Who the hell is there besides you?" He might be used to yelling, forgetting that Ning Feng is not actually the one who receives his salary.

Ning Feng looked at him closely and said, "I remember that I saved you? You should at least thank me, right? This tone doesn't seem appropriate, does it?"

Ning Feng really regretted the rescue, why did this man look so ignorant.

The man said to Ning Feng: "You saved me, what's the matter? Who the hell let you save it? That's because you wanted it. It's none of my business?"

How can there be such shameless people in the world.

"Where did that guy go? Tell me the fuck, otherwise I'll never end with you." He pointed at Ning Feng and shouted.

Ning Feng was instantly furious, he looked at the man and said, "Don't talk to me like that, I will treat it as saving a dog, if you dare to talk like that to me again, think about the consequences yourself." A sharp murderous aura emanated from it.

This guy was taken aback by Ning Feng, but he still said arrogantly: "You... who the hell are you threatening? How dare you curse people..."


Before he finished speaking, Ning Feng kicked him out of the door with one kick, and slid on the ground for more than ten meters.

"It's like eating shit in his mouth, this kind of person deserves to die." Ning Feng cursed bitterly.Sure enough, it was hit by the little girl, this guy really doesn't deserve sympathy.

He beat him up directly, and of course these bodyguards couldn't watch them anymore, and rushed towards Ning Feng directly.

They were also trapped. They were originally here to catch the killer, but now they turned into a benefactor.This boss is indeed a bit perverted!
But with other people's wages, you still have to work if you should work.

Several people rushed up fiercely, but they were all knocked down by Ning Feng three times, five times and two times. This level was not enough for Ning Feng.

Ning Feng clapped his hands, walked up to that person and said, "What's the matter? Are you still farting?"

Thinking of this person, I was furious. I was his savior, yet he dared to talk to me like this, not to mention thank you, I didn't even have the minimum respect.

The man looked at Ning Feng and said, "You fucking wait for me, and you dare to talk to me like that, I won't let you stay here any longer."

Ning Feng patted his cheek and said, "Come on, tell me your name."

The man said with anger in his eyes: "Listen clearly to me, I am... porp porp..."

He really planned to declare his name, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Ning Feng grabbed his hair and pushed his head into the pool.This pool was the hottest one in it, and it burned him badly.

He wanted to jump out, but Ning Feng didn't let go at all, he only let go when he knew that he was about to drown.Crouching down and staring at him, he said, "Boy, have you rinsed your mouth yet?"

"Huhu..." Now his face was flushed red with snot and tears running down his nose, but he couldn't speak when he wanted to speak.After hearing Ning Feng's words, he immediately said, "It's clean, uh, it's clean."

Ning Feng's attack was too ruthless, and he really aimed at killing people directly. If he let go a little later, he would definitely be drowned.

"Do you know what politeness is? Do you know what gratitude is?" Ning Feng looked at him and said.

If you save this kind of person, you have to pay back, and you can't let yourself save him for nothing.

"I know..." It was obvious that his stomach was full of water. "grateful……"

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "You only know now?"

"Always knew."

"Okay, how much is your life worth? I saved your life, we can discount it." Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you money, money." He said to Ning Feng, now he just wants to leave such a person as soon as possible, and don't want to have any entanglements with him anymore, he is really terrible.

"Okay." Ning Feng said to him.

"I didn't bring my mobile phone." He said to Ning Feng pitifully.

Ning Feng smiled generously, "Take it, I'll wait for you here." While speaking, he slapped hard on a meridian on his back with his fingers.

"Go." She smiled at him after speaking.

The man scrambled and ran towards the outside.

Ning Feng looked at his back with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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