Chapter 467 You Are Here
"Brother, it's ok. Have you hooked up with a beautiful woman?" Ren Yi also walked out contentedly at this time, seeing Ning Feng chatting with a hot beautiful woman, said excitedly.

His words almost cost him his life.

Zhou Qingluo rushed over in a flash, kicked him to the ground, and then grabbed her neck.

It was Ning Feng who stopped him quickly to save him from the devil's claws.

After seeing Ning Feng, he was still a little nervous.He hurried to Ning Feng's back, and whispered to Ning Feng: "Brother, this girl is quite hot."

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, she will kill you directly." Ning Feng said to him.

Zhou Qingluo glanced at Ning Feng, and then said to him: "Give me your phone number, and I will contact you when the time comes."

The two borrowed a pen and a piece of paper from the counter and exchanged phone numbers.

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "You should give up quickly, don't even do the internship."

"Don't worry about it." After she finished speaking, she walked out with long legs.

"Brother, brother, what's the situation? This girl looks good, she has a hot body. Her front is convex and her back is raised, she still looks like a young grass, you can do it." Ren Yi said to Ning Feng: " But my temper got a little hot, and my neck hurts from pinching."

"As far as the situation is concerned, you have to bring me to discuss business, but you fucking talked about women. Just leave me there?" Ning Feng said to him dissatisfied.

Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng in surprise and said, "Are you so fast?"

"Quick what?"

"That girl, why did it end so soon?" He looked at Ning Feng with a smile.

Ning Feng kicked him on the butt, "What are you thinking, I'm that kind of person? Keeping yourself clean?"

"You retreated completely?" He looked at Ning Feng in surprise and said, "You can bear such a beautiful girl? Admiration, admiration!"

He looked at Ning Feng and said, "Actually, the person I brought you to find is the owner of this shop."

"Not that person in the pool?" Ning Feng always thought that the person he was looking for was that scum from before.

"When did I say that?" He said innocently.

"Okay." Ning Feng never thought that the boss here would be the client he was looking for. "Then why don't you just take me to him?"

"How can I come here and not have fun?" He smiled and said, "Let me tell you, most people don't know that the owner of this store is actually the leader of the high-end jadeite rough stone world. It is only I who can master such Good news. Let me tell you..."

"Stop bragging, hurry up." Ning Feng interrupted him: "Although you are young now, it's better not to do that kind of thing too often. It's not good for your health!"

"Okay, can't I take you there? Why bother cursing me like that." He took Ning Feng back into his clothes with great reluctance, and then walked towards a staircase, "My body is so strong .”

"Hmph, that means you are young. Do you occasionally feel dizzy, feel weak in your hands and feet, and feel a lot of it, but you always don't think about it. It feels like your body is being hollowed out?"

Ning Feng said to him.

"How do you know?" He looked at Ning Feng in surprise.

Ning Feng said: "Hands and feet are flimsy, pulse condition is weak, dark circles are too heavy, hair is yellow. Needless to say, kidney deficiency!"

"You still see a doctor?" He said to Ning Feng in surprise, Ning Feng gave him too much shock.

Ning Feng waved his hands casually and said, "It's nothing, it's just the vice president of Haicheng Hospital, and his medical skills are among the best in the field of Chinese medicine."

Just let go of bragging in front of people like Ren Yi, he loves hearing this kind of bragging the most.

"I'm going, really!" He looked at Ning Feng excitedly, and then his eye circles began to roll again, probably thinking about how to bring Ning Feng to pretend to be a force.

"Don't think about it, don't try to trick me." Ning Feng directly interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey, no, no, I didn't cheat you." Said and walked upstairs excitedly, "Come with me, let me tell you, I know the boss here very well, there is nothing that cannot be discussed with me .”

After learning about Ning Fengfeng's medical skills, he immediately became excited.Walking is also quite vigorous, not as sluggish as before that dragged him out of the gentle village.

This guy must have some purpose, Ning Feng doesn't know where he got so many ideas.

But this time, he didn't hang around with this guy after he was killed. He didn't know what happened, and he caused a lot of trouble.

The two stopped at the door of an office. Ren Yi leaned against the wall and said, "Inside, inside is the person you are looking for."

"Really? You didn't harm me?" Ning Feng looked at him and said.

"Don't worry, Brother Ren Yi is reliable in his work. Forget it." As he spoke, he went up and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" came a deep voice.

The two pushed the door open and entered, "Hello..."


"Why are you here?"

Just after he and Ning Feng went in, they shouted out in unison.

Because when they entered, they saw a figure that made Ren Yi very frightened.This figure had a great influence on him.

"Why are you here?" Ren Yi gritted his teeth and said.He looked at Zhou Qingluo very nervous, really afraid of another chokehold.

"Are you from here?" After Ning Feng looked at her, he immediately understood why this guy was so arrogant. This place probably belonged to her family.

Thinking about the identity of her family, and thinking about the things she did, who could put so many people here for his daughter to play around with?

Moreover, such a big incident happened, he, the boss, never showed up from the beginning to the end.And she was able to shuttle freely in it.She also said that she could help her solve the problem. It seems that this woman should be the boss' daughter or something.

"Why did you come up?" She didn't even think that Ning Feng would come up. Didn't she expose her identity all of a sudden?
She still wanted to hide it, but Ning Feng had guessed her identity long ago.This kid is so innocent...

"The boss here has something to do!" Ning Feng said, "I didn't expect you to be here too."

"Is there anything you want from me?" The man looked up at the two and asked.This man was very fat. After seeing this man's chest, Ning Feng immediately knew why Zhou Qingluo had such a good figure.

Good genetics!But this man can give birth to such a good girl, probably his wife is very beautiful.

Zhou Qingluo said to the two, "Sit down." Then she said directly to the man, "Dad, this is the man I told you about. Please give me a good word."

(End of this chapter)

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