Chapter 468
"Dad, how are you?" She folded her legs together and said to Ning Feng, "Sit down."

Ning Feng looked at her, now she was wearing a pair of hot pants and a dress that exposed her navel, her slender legs made her look extraordinarily lean.

"My baby, how can this matter be settled? This is a big matter. I have to discuss it with other management." The fat man dotes on this baby girl very much.

But he still couldn't make a decision on such a big matter easily.

"I checked on the Internet. This company is quite good. It is one of the top companies in the country. It should be more reliable." She said to the man, "Just trust me."

"Nonsense, this is a business matter, how can you use the results from the Internet?" The man shook his hand at her and said, "Don't talk to me about this matter again, I won't agree."

"You said what you want to do, and I let you do it. But you can't think of it as soon as you think about it. Before you wanted to be a killer, you scared me to death. Now what do you want to learn? Baby , you just stay in the company for a while, and then I can hand over the company to you. How can you safely hand over the company to you in the future if you are so detached?"

"I'm not the boss?" She said angrily: "Anyway, I've made up my mind, are you going to help or not? If not, I'll just follow him and run away."

"What!" He slapped the table and stood up, staring at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng himself was also wronged, how dare he want her, and ran away with him, this is not planting a shit pot for himself.

"I'm joking, I'm joking, she's just joking." Ning Feng said quickly.

"Dad, if you don't agree, I can really do it." She stared at his father and said, "Don't tell me about your business affairs, who was that before, that friend of yours Yes, didn't you just give it if you said it? Why can't you do it when you come to me? It seems that I still don't have enough status as a girl. "

This man was really tortured by her. The reason why he disagreed was because high-end goods are in extreme shortage now, and it is even more cherished to form a supply chain.

To be sent out so easily by her is simply a prodigal, and I don't know what it means to live with rare goods.

But she couldn't refute what she said.

"Luo Luo, that's not the case. All of this is subject to commercial evaluation." He said to Zhou Qingluo, but there was no evaluation at all.For people like them who control mines abroad, they are simply local bosses, and everything depends on their mood.

"Don't talk about these useless things with me." Zhou Qingluo said to him: "Who is important that I get along with you? Hey, my mother is gone, and you treat me like this, even a foreign woman can't compare up."

While speaking, tears of grievance were about to flow out.

Ning Feng really admired her acting skills, how could there be such a powerful person?You can cry if you say you cry, and you say it so emotionally.

The man obviously couldn't stand this, and hurriedly said to her: "Okay, okay, my God. Don't cry, don't cry, you can do whatever you want!"

"Oh, that's right!" When I heard this sentence, I returned to my normal level in an instant.

The speed of face-changing is staggering, and women are born to be good actors.

"Let you send someone to negotiate the contract." He said helplessly to Ning Feng, there is really no way to have such a daughter with a bent elbow. "But tell you, don't mess with my daughter's idea."

It is said that the daughter is the lover of the father's previous life. When he sees any man getting married with his daughter, he has a feeling that the cabbage that he has worked so hard has been scooped up by a pig.

So for a person who my daughter maintains so much, subconsciously is rejection.

"Don't threaten them." Zhou Qingluo said to his father: "What kind of contract are you talking about? Just make a copy of the one you made with me before, so why bother?"

When his dad heard the news, his eyeballs almost fell out.Is this still my daughter?

I gave myself a good contract before, and the profit I made was quite large, and the profit I made was less than half of the usual situation.Now that they want to issue another contract like this, they are cutting their own flesh.

Those who cut out are all white money.And it's not just about money, the contract will also stipulate various rights and interests.

I had too little of these rights at the beginning, and if I continued to do this, I would definitely lose money.Even if the price is raised, I will have to make a lot less money.

"No, that loss is too great." He shook his head like a rattle, and this time he would never agree.

"Why are you this kind of person? It's fine for you to marry me, but not for your daughter. Am I still your own?" She kept crying and stalking his father.

Ning Feng was a little moved. In fact, she didn't need to do so much. She just needed to help herself win the contract. There was no need to get such a lucrative contract.

"Actually, it doesn't have to be so good, just sign the contract according to the market situation." Ning Feng still couldn't help but said. "After all, everyone is in business, and it's good that everyone makes money."

"Just look at what this young man said." The man's eyes on Ning Feng suddenly improved a lot.

Zhou Qingluo gave Ning Feng a hard look, as if complaining about his random interruption.Then he continued to piss and roll at the fat man, "I don't care, anyway, you can figure it out. If you dare to make a contract worse than what you thought, then you don't love me anymore. If you don't love me, then go, go back and continue. Go read."

"Hey, my aunt." The man couldn't stand his daughter, so he hurriedly said: "Okay, okay... I will listen to you and listen to you. I will sign it immediately!"

He made a phone call directly and asked the secretary to print the contract.

Ning Feng himself was wondering, is this his biological daughter?It's too weird to actually send money out.

"Okay, since I brought you this business, I'll be in charge of this business, okay?" She said to the man.

The man looked at her in surprise and said: "Haven't you always been too lazy to take care of these things? Why do you want to take care of this thing again? It can't be that you have taken a fancy to this kid."

"Oh, no, how can I be so cheap!" She didn't estimate Ning Feng's feelings at all, and said directly: "I just want to show my revenge, you leave it to me!"

"Okay, okay, I'll leave this matter to you." His father didn't know what medicine he was selling in his daughter's mind.

But Ning Feng seemed to understand a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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