Chapter 472 Moxibustion
After the basic matters were settled, the two played here for several days, and they came anyway.

And things progressed much faster than expected, thanks to Ning Feng.

Su Miaohan hurried back after playing for two days, the company still needs someone to sit in charge.

Ning Feng still needs to give Hu Daodao the first treatment, so he will stay for two days for the time being.

"Xiaofeng is here, come in quickly, come in quickly." Hu Daodao looked at Ning Feng standing at the door and said.Now Hu Daodao lives in the hotel, the environment is quite good, the luxurious presidential suite, one can tell that Hu Daodao is not short of money.

Mu Fangshui was also here, and when he saw Ning Feng coming, he hurriedly greeted him.

There was also Hu Daodao's personal doctor, a man in his 40s.But this man is obviously not friendly to Ning Feng.There is no way, most people who come out of orthodox western medicine like this have prejudices against Chinese medicine.

Maybe some enlightened people will look at the problem from an equal perspective, but most people who have been educated by that system will still have a big prejudice against Chinese medicine.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, if we can't talk together, we won't talk.

Ning Feng also chatted with Hu Daodao for a while, and said to him, "Shall we start the treatment?"

Hu Daodao nodded and said, "En."

They immediately cleared out a table for Ning Feng to use for pulse diagnosis.

During the process of Ning Feng's pulse diagnosis, the personal doctor beside him looked completely disdainful, and he was quite disdainful of this kind of pulse diagnosis.

"Nervous diseases can also be judged by pulse diagnosis? A joke." His voice was very low, so Ning Feng took it as a small complaint and ignored him.

"Mr. Hu's hand is a problem with the nervous system of the hand. Can your Chinese medicine practitioners still be able to diagnose neurological diseases?" He seemed to feel that it was not enough to say something in a low voice, so he asked loudly.

Now that Ning Feng just finished his diagnosis, he looked at him and said, "We have different theoretical systems, so we have nothing to communicate with."

After finishing speaking, he touched Mr. Hu's with both hands for a while and said, "The meridians are more congested, and the older you are, the more fragile the meridians are, so your hands will be difficult to control. But it's not completely blocked, so it can still be cured." OK."

"Haha... Don't be ashamed, you can cure it if you say it can be cured? You can't be another liar, right? We have seen more than one or two Chinese medicine liars before." The private doctor sarcastically pointed at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng ignored him, the facts will always prove it, just use the results to slap him in the face.

"Put your hands flat, and I will give you moxibustion next." Ning Feng said to Hu Daodao.At his current age, it is not suitable to use needles, and some needles are still too domineering.

So it is better to use moxibustion.

Hu Daodao nodded after listening.

After speaking, Ning Feng took out a cylindrical object wrapped in paper.This thing is about twenty centimeters long, with some messy stuff in the middle.

This moxibustion is no longer simply moxa sticks and moxa velvet, it contains medicinal materials modified by Ning Feng.These medicinal materials all dredge the meridians, and the effect of this method will be very good.

"What the hell is this? What do you want to do with a small chimney?" The private doctor muttered beside Ning Feng: "If you can't cure it, don't treat it blindly. The old man's body is not used by you liars to cheat money. Do you still have a conscience?"

This person has been nagging by his side all the time, Ning Feng really wanted to slap him back, he was so tired of it.

He understands how these western doctors feel about Chinese medicine. In their view, the system of Chinese medicine is completely different from theirs, so it is not considered science.

But the science he said is not completely correct. Besides, are there still few major diseases cured by traditional Chinese medicine?Why does it have to be in their system?

And generally speaking, their teachers will also pass on to them the theory that Chinese medicine is not a science, thereby elevating the status of Western medicine.So it goes on and on again and again, making them unwilling to open their eyes to see how effective the Chinese medicine they have seen is.

Ning Feng looked at him, and repeated again, "Can you stop chattering by my side? I'm tired of hearing it."

"Mr. Hu, this kind of person is unreliable at first glance, don't trust him." This private doctor obviously wanted to strengthen his position, and every time Hu Daodao hired a doctor, it was a challenge to him.If he is not cured carefully, he will not even have a job. "What's the use of a little chimney?"

But Hu Daodao glanced at him and said, "Xiao Wu, you should be quiet for a while and let him try. Anyway, this is the case. Besides, he is not a liar, he is my friend."

After hearing Hu Daodao's words, the private doctor couldn't say anything more. He watched from the side holding his breath, but in his heart he was expecting Ning Feng to fail.

Ning Feng lit the lower end of the moxa stick, and then placed it on top of Hu Daodao's hand, letting the smoke smoke several acupuncture points on his hand.

To treat this disease, you have to start from the point to the surface, first open up a few acupuncture points, and then open the meridians.

A stick of moxa burns quickly.

The private doctor couldn't wait to rush forward and said, "Mr. Hu, is there any effect, is it getting better, and is there any adverse reaction."

Hu Daodao also said with some helplessness: "It's just that your hands are smoked, how can you react. Xiao Wu, don't make a fuss!"

"Mr. Hu, you are so confused. This has no effect at all, which means he is a liar. He used smoke, and it has no effect at all." The private doctor blackened Ningfeng at all costs.

Perhaps for Western medicine, Chinese medicine is a natural enemy.

Ning Feng squinted at him and said: "You have been treating Mr. Hu for many years without any effect. You want me to order a moxa stick and it will be effective. It is really fussy. You say I have no effect. Liar, do you think you are a liar?"

"You are the liar." Xiao Wu looked at Ning Feng, almost unable to refute.

"You can't be presumptuous just because you are a Western doctor. We admit that you are effective, and we have not denied the historical role of Western medicine. But you don't have to do your best to black Chinese medicine, right? It's as if any disease you have been treated by Western medicine can be cured. It’s so-so. Others are liars if they can’t be cured, and if you can’t be cured, you should be right?”

Ning Feng directly educated him, this guy is simply too irritating, you have all the strength to disbelieve, but don't compare yourself everywhere and you can't show that you are better than others.

"You..." He looked at Ning Feng, but he didn't find a reason to refute. "You are a liar!"

(End of this chapter)

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