Chapter 473 Okay
Ning Feng didn't bother to talk to him anymore, he pointed at him and said, "Don't bother me anymore, or don't blame me for being rude."

I hate this kind of person the most during treatment. Just imagine, during surgery, there is a person next to you who is always chattering in your ear. It would be strange not to bother him.

During the treatment, he calculated the patient's heartbeat and breathing with his heart, and also had to judge the patient's state.When he talks like this, it is easy to interrupt people's thoughts.

The man looked at Ning Feng's fierce eyes, and finally shut up obediently and stepped aside. "I'll just watch how you fail."

Of course, he made a very unsatisfactory sarcasm.

Ning Feng ignored him, took out a second moxa stick, lit it, put it on Hu Daodao's hand and started to smoke it.

After lighting it continuously for three or five times, he still didn't intend to stop, and continued to light the next moxa stick slowly.

"Are you okay? If not, don't continue to use this useless method to deceive people." After Ning Feng's warning, he endured it for a while, but after such a long period of time, it still had no effect.

He couldn't help but continue to sarcastically say: "If you can't do it, just say so, don't waste your time."

"Xiao Wu, don't say a few words, Ning Feng knows it in his heart." Hu Daodao also said to Xiao Wu, but his heart was sinking, because he really didn't feel any effect.

I still can't feel the strength in my hands.

"Xiaofeng, if it really doesn't work, we can use another method." Hu Daodao was obviously disappointed, and he looked at Ning Feng and said, "Anyway, it's not a day or two away."

Ning Feng looked up at Hu Daodao and said, "Don't worry, you will see the effect soon."

"Hmph, you said before that you will see the effect soon, but now you haven't seen where is the effect?" Xiao Wu said to Ning Feng: "You won't tell me that if you continue to smoke, you will see the effect."

"Mr. Hu, it will be effective soon. I have opened up the acupuncture points before. Your current body is not suitable for acupuncture and moxibustion. Acupuncture is still a bit fierce. Although moxibustion is slow, the effect is relatively mild. We have burned seven. The last one should be effective." Ning Feng said to him, then took out the last one and said: "The last one, whether it has any effect or not can be seen immediately."

"Okay, okay, come here, and I'll expose you." Xiao Wu said to Ning Feng, "You liars, you don't give up until you reach the Yellow River."

"It's okay, let's try again." Hu Daodao said to Ning Feng: "I have tried so many medicines, are you afraid of the last moxa stick?"

There are not only moxa sticks in here, but also various other precious medicinal materials. Ning Feng also collected them for several days before finding them all.

Of course, Ning Feng is confident that the last one will heal him. He has already opened up some key points before.Now you just need to unblock the last meridians.

Immediately, the blocked meridians can be dredged out of a little gap.

He concentrated on moving the moxa stick over his palm.Xiao Wu just doesn't believe that a small chimney can cure diseases?

"Okay." When the moxa was burned out, Ning Feng said to Hu Daodao.

Xiao Wu was the most concerned, so he hurried up and asked, "Mr. Hu, how do you feel?"

Hu Daodao tried to move his hand and said, "I don't feel anything?"

"Hmph, this is your effect? ​​Where is the effect? ​​Isn't that what people are like? Are you still saying that you are not a liar?" He looked at Ning Feng proudly, as if the breath in his heart had finally come out.

Mu Fangshui also looked at Ning Feng strangely and said, "Xiaofeng, is there something wrong?"

He had already searched Ning Feng's information before, and he already had a good understanding of Ning Feng's situation, and his medical skills were indeed trustworthy.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "I forgot a step, so I took out a bottle of alcohol."

"Hmph, stop pretending, a liar is a liar, just admit it honestly. If you don't admit it, don't do these messy things." Xiao Wu scolded Ning Feng, his eyes full of contempt.

Ning Feng ignored him, and signaled Hu Daodao to put his hands on the table.

When she was placed on the table, Ning Feng sprinkled the alcohol directly on the back of his hand, and then directly lit the fire. The flame spread quite quickly, and quickly burned the alcohol dry.

Then the flame went out by itself.

"Crooked ways!" Xiao Wu said with a sneer, "Don't think you can fool us with these little tricks."

At this time, Hu Daodao suddenly said in surprise: "My hand..."

"What's the matter? Is there any adverse reaction?" Xiao Wu rushed up, then took out the stethoscope, and said he was about to act, "I said this thing is crooked."

"No, no, my hands seem to have gained some strength." Hu Daodao said excitedly.He tried to reach for a plate of apples on the table.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he actually picked up a plate of three apples.

This appearance terrified everyone, usually he would struggle to pick up an apple, but now he was able to pick up so many apples.

Mu Fangshui looked at Hu Daodao's appearance and said, "'s all right?"

He rushed over to look at Hu Daodao and said, "Master, don't you feel very strong?" He seemed more excited than Hu Daodao.

Ning Feng quickly reminded: "Old man, you must calm down and don't get excited."

"I know." Hu Daodao was also trying his best to suppress his emotions, and he was also afraid that he would faint from excitement. "I seem to be able to move. I do have some strength in my hands."

Mu Fangshui looked at Hu Daodao proudly and said, "Hello, hello!"

Ning Feng deliberately said coldly: "It's not healed yet, it's just relieved a little bit. If you want to continue to heal, you need to continue the treatment for two to three days. If you want to pick up the carving knife, you still need a week's treatment." Continue to recover."

"It's okay, it's okay, this is pretty good." Hu Daodao said with a smile: "At least it gave me hope."

Xiao Wu also looked at this scene in astonishment, he didn't understand, why smoked people with that little chimney?This incident was beyond his expectation.

"It's impossible, it's unreasonable." He shook his head and said to Ning Feng, "What... what's going on here?"

But he rubbed his eyes again and found that everything was so real. "It's really cured? Is it really effective?"

(End of this chapter)

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