Chapter 475 Crazy
"Then hurry up, oh, by the way, what materials do you need to buy?" He looked at Ning Feng and said excitedly, his expectations for Ning Feng were quite high.

There is no doctor who can do this now.

Ning Feng pushed open the car door and said, "I have them here, I'll wait for a while, I'll go home and get them."

He took his set of silver needles and a Bianstone needle from the room.

In fact, this kind of situation belongs to the medicine that directly seals the meridians, and it also seals the most important heart meridian.So it will make him lose his mind from time to time, but judging from the current situation, he has not been completely blocked, after all, he can still be sober from time to time.

In fact, in layman's terms, this is what people say "bewitched!"

For this situation, Ning Feng really has a solution, and the effect is still very significant.

Ren Yi was obviously very excited and drove very fast, and drove directly to a high-end residential area.Then stopped in front of a villa.

This villa is only one floor high, about 400 square meters, but the decoration is quite luxurious.Outside is a huge swimming pool, with jacarandas planted on both sides, and the purple flowers are quite beautiful when they are in full bloom.

"Go here!" Ren Yi said to Ning Feng, and then led him to walk in one direction.

Ning Feng followed him to the door, which was locked with iron chains, and there were two strong men watching.

Ren Yi said to him, "Open the door."

Those two people glanced at each other, then hesitated for a long time and said: "The second master said that no one can enter it, so as not to be hurt."

Is this to prevent being hurt, or to monitor him?

"I'm not afraid, please open it for me." Ren Yi said to them: "Don't worry, he is still calm now."

But the two of them remained still, and said to him: "The second master must give orders in person."

Ning Feng was surprised by Ren Yi's brain, didn't he see such an obvious thing?It was a miracle that he survived, but maybe it was because he didn't have so many thoughts to survive.

After all, no one regarded him as a danger.

"I don't need it, I know the seriousness of the matter, open it for me quickly." Ren Yi didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter.These two people are obviously the second in charge of the family, and they came to watch his father.

But he still thought it was really to prevent being hurt.

"You can't open the door without the order of the second master..." Before the two guards finished speaking, Ning Feng shot directly.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two hits directly knocked people out, and then found the key from them and opened the door directly.

"You are..." Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng in surprise, why did he do it?
Ning Feng looked at him and sighed, and said, "It's God's blessing that you can survive in such a dangerous environment until now. Your luck is really overwhelming!"

As he spoke, he opened the door.

After opening it, he threw the iron chain towards a camera.


The camera was directly smashed into a large pile of debris.

These few actions directly frightened Ren Yi into a fool. What's going on?I was looking for someone to see a doctor, but when I came up, I knocked out the guard and smashed the camera.

"Didn't you find out until now? This is actually where your second uncle is watching him." Ning Feng said helplessly: "It's time for you to think about the coincidence of this process."

But Ren Yi obviously didn't think clearly, "What's going on? I can't figure it out?"

Ning Feng shook his head and pushed open the door.After the door was pushed open, a figure rushed over.

"Be careful." Ren Yi shouted at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng quickly moved his hands aside, and then quickly pressed a few acupuncture points on his body, and the person opposite him lay directly on the ground.

He looked at this man, who was quite well dressed.Obviously, after he wakes up, he will clean himself well.

Although the man on the ground had been acupointed by Ning Feng, his eyes were still full of violent emotions, as if he was ready to pounce on him at any time.

"Are you doing acupuncture?" Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng in surprise and said, "You can actually do acupuncture?"

"I know too many things, hurry up and help, and move the person to the bed." Ning Feng said to him.

Ren Yi hurried up to help, and helped carry the man to the bed in the room.

I didn't feel anything outside, but when I entered, a sudden darkness rushed over my face.The surrounding windows were all blocked, and there was no light inside.

In this kind of environment, it is no wonder that you can persist for such a long time without being depressed.

Ren Yi's scheming mind is indeed not deep, even such an obvious imprisonment can't be seen.

"Take off his clothes." Ning Feng turned on the light, and then instructed Ren Yi.

Ren Yi obediently began to remove his shirt.

Although his father was very dissatisfied, his eyes were full of anger, but there was nothing he could do.

However, he was tapped, and he had no choice but to react.

Ning Feng took the needle stone and directly stuck it on a few acupuncture points. The biggest function of the needle stone is to break these "evil spirits".At first he was still trying to resist.

But as Ning Feng continued to use various techniques such as pointing, wrapping, stabbing, and wrapping, he gradually calmed down.

"Hey, it seems to have a little effect, he has calmed down a lot?" Ren Yi said while watching from the side.

Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him, nonsense, if it doesn't work, heal it yourself!

He didn't stop, and kept lighting like this. After about half an hour, his eyes finally recovered. He was a little surprised when he first saw Ning Feng, but he calmed down after seeing Ren Yi.

After all, his own son would not harm him.

Seeing that he had regained his clarity, Ning Feng immediately released his dumb acupoint, and said, "Don't worry, I'm here to help you heal."

"Dad, this is my good friend. I invite you to see your doctor. He is the best doctor in Haicheng Hospital, and he is quite capable. Just bear with it." Ren Yi said looking at his father.

He was quite calm, looked at Ning Feng and said, "Thank you doctor, I've troubled you."

Ning Feng waved his hand and said: "He is my friend, I will definitely help him." This person looks pretty good, at least he is polite.

"Don't worry, you have been acupunctured by me. It's normal that you can't move for a while, just wait for a while." Ning Feng said to him, and took out a silver needle while speaking.

The silver needle pierced directly towards the ghost gate, twisted the tail of the needle with the right hand, pulled it directly from the ground to the sky, and then pierced the human again.Finally let go steadily, the tail of the needle rippling violently at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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