476 10 minutes

Ning Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth, it was exactly as he expected.

He pierced all the silver needles in his hand into it. This time, he didn't study the cause of the disease carefully, but started the treatment based on his first judgment.

Because there was not enough time, but when he went in with the first needle, he knew that he was right this time.

The lack of time is not because his condition is serious, but because someone will definitely destroy it later.

All twelve ghost gates were blocked, and then the tail of the needle began to shake violently.

At this time, Ning Feng suddenly heard movement outside, and said to Ren Yi: "Wait for me at the door, remember! Don't let anyone in. Even your second uncle, don't let in, stop it at all costs Even if they turn their faces, they have to stop me, you know?"

Ren Yi didn't know why Ning Feng was so serious all of a sudden.

"oh oh!"

"Don't be perfunctory, you must stop me in the next 10 minutes. Otherwise, your father and I will be in danger." Ning Feng said seriously to him: "I tell you, the person who wants to kill your father is you Second uncle, if you don't stop them for 10 minutes, everyone will have to play!"

"What?" He was still a little taken aback when he heard the news all of a sudden.

Time is running out, he is about to take off the silver needle now, and he is going to use the ghost needle.Within ten he was rather weak, and during that time his father was also rather weak.

"Go ahead, I don't have time to explain to you." Ning Feng pushed him directly, "If you don't want us to die, stop me for 10 minutes!"

Just in a daze, he went out, completely unaware of what was going on.All he knew was to let him stop the second uncle and the others.

Ning Feng could only hope that he could be a little bloody, looking at the silver needle that had been vibrating so fast.Immediately, both hands began to change the needles quickly. It only took five seconds, and all the needles had been changed once.

Immediately afterwards, a red line spread out at the end of the needle.And a black line was slowly swallowed up.

When the black thread was completely swallowed, he broke out in sweat immediately.

Seeing this, Ning Feng was relieved, basically it was considered a success.

"It's really comfortable." The man said to Ning Feng, "I feel that my whole body is much smoother."

"Nonsense, of course the flow is much smoother. Your illness is cured. But you are about to face the biggest danger in your life." Ning Feng said to him.

"Because your second brother is coming to kill you."

"What?" He suddenly became nervous, he knew who was going to hurt him.That is to say, a heartless person like Ren Yi can't see it.

"Unlock my acupuncture points, as long as I can move, they will not dare to do it." He said to Ning Feng, he is still very confident in his prestige, and his strength is also quite good, come three times The two are not afraid at all.

But Ning Feng said to him helplessly: "I'm afraid you will be disappointed. I treated you just now, and my hands have collapsed." High strength also has to collapse for 10 minutes.

"What do you mean?" He suddenly had a bad premonition, a man-made knife, and I sighed for the fish.

"So we can only rely on him now, I hope he can delay for 10 minutes." Ning Feng said to him: "Just 10 minutes, I can recover a little strength."

"No matter what, I still have to thank you this time." He said to Ning Feng: "If it weren't for you, I would never have a good time. I will be fooled by him all the time."

Ning Feng smiled and said, "Of course you have to thank me, and I'm very likely to die with you." He sat down and waited for his hands to recover.

"He should be able to do it." This is what the two of them now expect from Ren Yi.

Although Ren Yi has less scheming, he can still go in and out of Fengyue places all the year round, and he can still deal with people.

"Second uncle, why are you here?" Ren Yi looked at his second uncle, a fat middle-aged man, and said.

The middle-aged man said to him very friendly: "I heard that you found a doctor for your father? Let me take a look, don't hire any messy doctor, it is easy to cure people."

He was about to go inside, but he directly blocked the door and said to him: "Second Uncle, my dad said he wants to rest, so it's not convenient for you to go in."

He said with a smile: "The doctor is quite reliable, so I don't need to bother my second uncle. I also have the right to see my father's condition. Second uncle is busy with guild affairs, so don't worry about these trivial matters."

After being reminded by Ning Feng, he could think of some things himself.His second uncle never seemed to allow himself to visit his father when he was well.Every time I came, my father was in a state of madness, and it seemed that he had invited all the doctors.

I trusted him too much at the beginning, and didn't think about it at all.

But seeing that today, he had just hired a good doctor, he couldn't wait to come.How can people not doubt it?

"No, how can you do this kind of thing? Master, I have to go in and have a look. How can others know about my elder brother's illness?" He said, and he was about to force his way inside.

The more anxious he was, the more Ren Yi felt that he was very unreliable, and the more he felt that Ning Feng was right.

"Second uncle, don't worry about these things. This doctor is a professional. He specializes in this line of work, much more professional than you." He said with a smile: "Anyway, you can't get involved in this kind of thing, just Don't make a mess."

Of course he knew that Ning Feng was a professional, and the last thing he wanted was for professional people to come.The more professional people are, the more they can see the problem. How can this kind of thing make people see the problem?

His face turned dark immediately, and he said to Ren Yi: "Get out of the way, I have to go in anyway, what do you know about your family?"

"I'm not from a child's family, and I understand everything." Ren Yi looked at his second uncle and said, "If you have to go in, please wait outside for ten minutes, and then go in after the inspection inside. Otherwise, it will be too disturbing." Doctor."

The purpose of his coming is to interfere with the doctor, how can he wait for the doctor to finish the examination before going in?

"I have nothing to say to you." He was a little panicked, and he rushed in directly as he spoke.

Ren Yi was also unambiguous, and directly stopped in front of him, and then blocked him out: "What? Can't help it? Are you in such a hurry?"

"What did you say?" His second uncle was stunned for a moment, and then said vaguely to him: "You still don't believe me? I'm doing it for your own good. Can't you see how good the doctor is?"

(End of this chapter)

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