Chapter 477: Heaven's Revenge

"No." He blocked the door and said, "You won't lose a piece of meat if you wait for 10 minutes."

"What if I have to go in?" His second uncle's face had changed, and his hands were tightly clenched, ready to explode at any time.

Ren Yi looked at him and said, "I won't let you in." His eyes were unusually firm, and he didn't intend to let him pass at all.

"Pull him away!" He said directly to the two people behind.

The two behind them rushed over and prepared to make a move.

Ren Yi sneered and said to him: "What? I can't help it, want to do it?"

After hearing his words, his second uncle was stunned for a moment, and then said to the two younger brothers, "Drag me away!"

"Stop, you two members of the Stone Gang. He is not the leader of the Stone Gang. You two stand there for me and don't move. This guy wants to murder the leader. If you dare to do it, you are the accomplices. Do you know the consequences of rebellion?" Didn't expect him to be so powerful.

He pointed directly at the two strong men and shouted.

Unexpectedly, these two strong men were really taken aback.

When his second uncle came, it was too sudden, he just brought two younger brothers along.These two people are really not his confidants, and it will take some time for his confidants to arrive.

"Nonsense!" He pointed at Ren Yi and said, "Don't you know who I am? You heard someone's nonsense, and dare to say such heartbreaking words."

Ren Yi looked at him and said coldly: "If you have a clear conscience, just stand by and wait for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, my father will be cured. Do you dare to wait?"

After hearing Ren Yi's words, he suddenly felt a cold sweat break out.He knew that his elder brother was very knowledgeable about this kind of thing, if he woke up, he might really be finished.

"Get out of the way, I want to go in and have a look. I suspect that you deliberately invited a fake doctor to hurt brother, you two, let me take him aside, hurry up." He pointed at Ren Yi and said.

His own body is too weak, and there is no way for him to break through alone.

Ren Yi smiled and said: "You can only believe what you say, but that's my dear old man. I rely on him for everything I have now. Besides, everyone knows what virtue I am. I really feel good about this position. Not much interest."

He said to the two little brothers: "You two rest on the side. After 10 minutes, there will be nothing for you two."

The two younger brothers didn't know who to listen to, so they could only stand there and wait obediently, at a loss.

His second uncle was anxious in his heart, time passed faster and faster, he would have brought two confidants here if he knew it earlier, and he would hate less when the time came.

But just when he was in a hurry, his little brother came.

And there are quite a few people, at least seven or eight.

"Mazi, it's just in time, pull him aside for me." The second uncle said directly to the leader.This man is his confidant.

His second uncle was very careful in his work. Before coming, he specially notified his confidants to come later. He didn't expect them to come so soon.

Ren Yi's complexion changed. He looked at the time and pointed out that seven or eight minutes had passed, and there were one or two minutes left. Although one or two minutes is not very long, it seems too precious now.

These people didn't listen to Ren Yi's words, they only listened to his second uncle's words, and directly took him aside, no matter how much he punched and kicked, they couldn't stop them.

All he could do was yell towards the inside, "They went in."

This group of people walked in crowdedly, and as soon as they entered, they saw Ning Feng sitting and the leader lying down.

"Are you a doctor?" His second uncle looked at Ning Feng coldly and said.

Ning Feng nodded and said, "It's me." He smiled at him and said, "My medical skills seem to be better than the doctor you hired before, because I discovered the cause."

"Hmph, you forced me. I wanted you to leave this world quietly, but I didn't expect that you would not give up." His second uncle suddenly changed his appearance, looking at the leader and said.

"How nice of you to be crazy, and now you have to kill your son to die with you."

He glanced at the time, didn't wait for them to speak, and waved to the younger brothers beside him, saying: "Go up, kill them both."

His second uncle originally thought that the gang leader would die slowly due to illness, so that he could inherit the position without any black spots.Although I am a little more anxious now, for the sake of my own life, I still have to use this kind of dishonorable trick.

A few gangsters walked towards Ning Feng and the two with axes.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Believe it or not, God is not on your side at all!"

"Hmph, you don't have any strength to fight back now, it's easy to kill you!" His second uncle said in a strange way from behind.

Those little boys looked like they often hacked people, and the posture of holding the ax was very professional.

"Go to hell!" These people threw themselves at the two of them.

Almost at the same time, several of them died suddenly on the ground.There was no injury at all on the body, but the seven orifices were bleeding continuously.

"This is……"

"What's going on here? Is it really the condemnation he said? No way, it's too amazing."

"It's not a disease, is it?"

"Your family's disease is bleeding to death from the seven orifices, and you can still die until now, and die with your companions? Are you challenging your IQ?"

"But what's going on? Is it really a punishment from God?"

Seeing the sudden situation, everyone became a little uneasy, and began to spread negative emotions continuously.

In fact, it was just that Ning Feng used mental attacks to completely destroy their sea of ​​consciousness. For these bad guys, killing them would be cheap for them.

Except for himself, no one else understands the mystery of this process, so it looks like he has been condemned by God.

"God damn it, this guy must be playing tricks. Go up and hack him, and give him [-] yuan. This guy can't move now!" His second uncle looked at Ning Feng excitedly and said.

He didn't understand why those people died suddenly in front of him?But he couldn't show too much fear, he could only reward him with money.

Not to mention, this trick is quite useful.Fucking the guy directly, he rushed towards Ning Feng.

But this time the effect was still the same, those people died suddenly after walking a few steps, and the effect was quite consistent, bleeding to death from the seven orifices.

"I just said that I will be punished by the heavens." Ning Feng said with a smile: "You see that so many people have died suddenly, don't you still don't believe it?" He also showed a very confident smile.

(End of this chapter)

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