Chapter 478 scheming man

Ning Feng's smile was very weird, which made him very scared, and it was from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, he didn't want to kill people, but he was forced to do this, and he couldn't do without killing.If you don't kill him, you have to die yourself. He doesn't want to die now, and he still doesn't know why.

In fact, asking Ren Yi to intercept them was not only to protect himself, but more importantly, to protect them.

These people were killed by Bie Ningfeng breaking through the sea of ​​consciousness directly with his mental power. How could ordinary people withstand such a severe impact.

" are you?" He knew that Ning Feng was playing tricks, but he didn't know what was going on, so he looked at Ning Feng in fear and said.

If things go on like this, how many people come to deal with how many people?My confidant is simply not enough to watch.

"I'm the one who cleans you up." Ning Feng said with a smile, "You shouldn't be so greedy." He stood up and patted Ren Yi's father directly a few times.

"Second brother, you shouldn't be so greedy." He stood up and looked at the second child and said, "It's not bad for me to ask myself, I entrust the affairs of the gang to you wholeheartedly, but you did such a thing.

Is this the room?This is simply a prison with a gorgeous appearance. "

The second child looked at the boss in surprise, and he found that the boss was acting extremely calm now, without any trace of sickness. "You... how are you?"

He found that today was his unlucky day, and he really didn't know where Ren Yi could find such a person who could heal such a disease well.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he quickly rushed to Ren Yi, took out a gun from his pocket and aimed it at his forehead.

Facing the boss, he said, "Give me your position, or don't blame me for killing him."

"Don't move!" The boss looked at him and said, "If you dare to move him, I will definitely not let you live."

"Fart, may you let me go?" He looked at the boss and said, "I'm going to kill you, will you let me go?"

The boss said to him: "We are brothers after all. If you put down the gun, I will definitely let you go. You just need to leave here, and I will not continue to pursue it."

"Brother, stop acting, I know who you are. You are the kind of person who can turn your face if you say you can turn your face. You can break your current promise in a second." He said with a wry smile: "Don't force me, if you force me Me, we will die together."

"Okay, I'll let you go, you can go, I will never chase. As long as you don't hurt him, he is your nephew no matter what." The boss looked at the second son earnestly and said.

The second child stared at him, and then slowly led Ren Yi outside.Ren Yi wasn't nervous at all. In his opinion, this was his second uncle after all, and he wouldn't hurt himself even if he threatened him.

And he found an important thing, his gun was not loaded.

With so many years of experience in the rivers and lakes, the second uncle would never do such a thing. There is only one explanation.That is he doesn't want to really hurt himself.

Although there are conflicts between him and his father, and the power struggle is quite fierce.But in his heart he was still willing to treat this nephew well.

Ning Feng also watched all this. Although he was very good at hiding, Ning Feng still found out that he hadn't loaded the gun.So he never planned to make a move.

Human nature is a complicated thing. On the one hand, he fights to the death with his father, but on the other hand, he loves his nephew very much.It can be seen from Ren Yi's self-willedness that he never treats Ren Yi badly.

Even now I don't want to load it.

Ning Feng glanced at the boss, maybe he could see it too.Just don't know how he will react.

He followed the second child out step by step, and said something in his mouth, "Second brother, don't do stupid things, everything is easy to talk about."

"Don't come here, you just wait inside." The second child faced the old Daoist with a rather irritable tone.In his heart, he must be quite afraid of this brother.

The boss put down his hands, and said earnestly: "Second, as long as you put down the gun, I can guarantee that you will leave safely. I will definitely not pursue you for murdering me."

"Don't talk nonsense!" The second child said to him, then turned around and shouted at the other younger brothers: "Go get me a car."

At this time, many younger brothers called by the boss also came, and they had already seen all this scene in their eyes.

"Hurry up!" the second child shouted at the younger brother.


The moment he turned his head, a bullet passed through his head, and blood spurted out, directly spraying Ren Yi's face.

It frightened him dumbfounded. Although he had seen many murderers, it was still very scary to see the blood of his relatives sprayed on his face at such a close distance.

He looked up at his father, who fired the shot just now.

Obviously the second uncle didn't mean to kill him, why did he still shoot that shot?Did you not see this situation?
At this time, his father came over and hugged him directly, saying: "Thank you for this incident, if it wasn't for you, I would be the one who died here."

The second uncle forgot that his father was not only a scheming man, but also a sharpshooter.

"He's not loaded." Ren Yi looked at him and said incredulously.

His father pretended to be very surprised, "What? At that time, all I thought was to save you, and of course I would do anything to save you. Besides, shouldn't he be killed for this kind of treason?"

Ren Yi didn't know what to say, he was not very comfortable anyway.On the one hand is his father, on the other is his second uncle who is very kind to him.Although the two are fighting to the death, it is really good for him.

Therefore, the death of either of the two would make him uncomfortable.

His father looked at the younger brothers around him and said, "Ren Yunfeng tried to murder the leader of the gang, and even threatened the young leader, and now I have shot him dead. From now on, I will be the leader of the Stone Gang! Ren Yunhai!"

Ren Yunhai glanced at the people around him, and immediately some people cheered.

"Leader Ren!"

"Leader Ren!"

"Leader Ren!"


Ning Feng looked at him and shook his head. His younger brother really knew him best, and he was indeed very insidious.

At that time, Ning Feng absolutely didn't believe that he didn't see the rifling. How could a person who could blow the opponent's head with a pistol from such a distance not see it?
All of this was deliberately designed by him!
He had been showing weakness before, just waiting for his younger brothers to come, and deliberately forced the second brother out of the cave, and then used Ren Yunfeng's action of kidnapping Ren Yi to get rid of him.

In this way, there will be no excuses, and it will also increase their popularity.

(End of this chapter)

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