Chapter 479 Shameless

He didn't do anything in the room before, just to let everyone see that he kidnapped Ren Yi, so that it would be logical for him to kill him.

And it won't be called brutal, after all, it's to save his son.

He still kept emphasizing that Ren Yunfeng was a rebel, so if he killed his brother, he would still be able to keep his mouth shut.

In fact, from the look in his eyes from the very beginning, he knew that he never intended to let him go. When he got up, he pulled out the gun and knew that this person was very scheming. He never thought of letting this person go away. Pass.

As the boss of a gang, he will never let this kind of thing happen again.

Sure enough, his own brother knew him best.

"It's okay." Ning Feng patted Ren Yi's shoulder in the past, and then clicked on some of his learning, which made him recover from the shock. "Your father also wanted to save you. Besides, he was indeed a traitor and planned to kill your father."

"But he didn't load it—" He still couldn't believe it now.Perhaps in his eyes, both hands are relatives, but in their eyes, each other is an enemy that cannot exist.

Ning Feng smiled wryly and said, "But it doesn't mean he didn't mean to threaten you. Everything can only ensure your safety. After all, the person who wants to kill your father won't worry about you."

Anyway, enlightened him a little better.

At this time, Ren Yunhai came over to shake hands with Ning Feng and said, "I really thank you this time. If it wasn't for you, I would definitely stay here for a longer time."

Ning Feng waved his hand and said: "He is my brother, so I naturally have to help him."

A smile appeared on Ren Yunhai's face and he said, "I have to ask you for a favor." He said to Ning Feng with some embarrassment.

"You say!"

Ning Feng said to him.

"I hope you don't spread the word about my illness. After all, that would hurt the image too much. The word I spread is that I was imprisoned..." He looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, we should keep it secret." If it spreads, his gang leader was insane before, but he was cured later, which would damage his image a bit.

And if a lunatic is the head of the gang, people's doubts will indeed increase, no matter what the reason for his madness is.

With his scheming and strength, he was able to be drugged and imprisoned. There must be something ulterior in it, and this is probably the real reason why you don't want you to tell it.

But this is what he should do, of course he won't say it casually.

"Then thank you." He came to Ning Feng to unify his tone. "Today I must host a banquet for you, you must come..."

Although he spoke enthusiastically, Ning Feng still saw a trace of rejection in his eyes.Today is the day when he just came out, he must reorganize the relationship with the people in the gang, and then clean up some traitors.

At any rate, he was a sensible person, so he quickly refused: "You just came out today, you should have a good rest, I won't bother you."

Ren Yunhai was very happy with Ning Feng's sensibleness, so he didn't continue to invite him.But he still had to be polite, and said to Ning Feng: "I must thank you for this matter, otherwise I will be called ignorant. In the end, if it wasn't for you, I would probably be killed now."

Ning Feng thought for a while and said: "You don't need to thank me, as long as you take care of the Su family's business, it is considered as a thank you to me. After all, in your territory, it is necessary to trouble you."

"It's all trivial matters." He said to Ning Feng, and then stopped talking, as if this was considered a kindness.

This person does have a heroic temperament, sinister enough and ruthless enough.I really hope he doesn't provoke me, but I don't seem to have anything to make him hate.

"Let's go, let's play for a while!" Ning Feng said to Ren Yi, today's incident probably hit him a bit hard, although he rescued his father, he suddenly found that his second uncle was also good to him.

He is still not cruel enough, and the position of gang leader in the future will definitely not be his.

His character is too soft, but this is also his cuteness.

Ning Feng took him directly to Wenrouxiang, and he needed to relax at this time.

"Rogue master, why are you here again? You really are a hooligan!" Zhou Qingluo pointed at Ning Feng excitedly after seeing him.

Ning Feng stared fiercely at her perky buttocks, and said, "I'm here to relax with him, I'm as pure as a little flower, come here, give Master a shoulder squeeze!"

Lying in the pool, he said to Zhou Qingluo who was beside him.

"Call another beautiful girl and give him a hug!" Ning Feng had been here once, and he was quite familiar with the routine.

"Two stinky hooligans." She gave Ning Feng a contemptuous look, "I want to call myself!"

Ning Feng glanced at Zhou Qingluo, from the moment he saw her, he knew that her temperament had improved a lot, and her whole person was not only much fairer.And the strength seems to have improved to a certain extent.

This is because those few medicines have worked, and the meridians will naturally change people's temperament greatly.

Now she not only has a devil figure, but also has a good temperament, she really looks very good-looking.

"Girl, how much is it? Take it to the brush!" After seeing Zhou Qingluo, a blind man thought it was a girl from the bathing center.

"Hey... mine!" Ning Feng poured a handful of water on it directly, "I have to find it myself!"

"Hey, I'll give you three times the price, and you can find it again yourself." The man said to Ning Feng, and he was about to make a move on Zhou Qingluo, who made her look good, and even appeared here What kind of occasion?

Seeing this, Ning Feng began to pray for him.

Why doesn't this person have long eyes?This time I will probably be taught a lesson that I will never forget, and I dare to molested without looking at whose territory it is, or whose daughter it is.

Sure enough, in the next second.He flew out in a parabola.


Such a big lump of meat fell to the ground hard.

"Do you dare to hit my aunt's idea?" She pointed at this person and cursed: "Drag me out and beat him! Grandma's, no one cares about it."

Two burly men rushed in and dragged him out, probably a fat beating would be inevitable.

"See, that's what happens to rogues. Master rogue!" She looked at Ning Feng and said viciously.

Ning Feng pursed his lips and said: "That's because the gangster has no skills. If he had the skills, he would not end up like this." After speaking, he took a hard look at the sensitive parts of her body.

His lewd eyes immediately reminded her of the shameful scene that day, when the two of them faced each other naked in that posture.


(End of this chapter)

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