Chapter 481 Ate Three Pieces
Of course she knew what the marrow washing medicine was. When she wanted to get in with the group of killers before, of course she heard about this marrow washing medicine.

They are willing to spend all their worth in exchange for such a medicine.

You can know that this item is quite precious, and it will greatly improve their strength. For some people who have been stuck for a lifetime, a dose of marrow washing medicine may improve them several steps.

Of course she also wants this thing, after all her purpose is to improve her strength.

"Is it the kind of medicine that cuts hair and washes marrow?" She still asked in disbelief.

Ning Feng nodded, "How can a master like me refine low-level medicine?" He pretended to say, "People like me give wholeheartedly to those who help me, so naturally it won't be bad for you. of something.

They are all friends, even if I don’t have them, I have to give them to you. "

What he said was completely joking, after all, this medicine is really more convenient for him than making scrambled eggs with tomatoes.While talking to her, he could still refine the medicine.

Generally, he would have to concentrate a lot on medicines of a slightly higher grade.

But she didn't know that this thing was simple for Ning Feng, and it was simply a priceless treasure for her.After all, I have heard so many people say that this item is very precious.

So after she knew that Ning Feng was refining this kind of elixir, she actually believed what Ning Feng said later.

Still a little embarrassed and said: "I didn't expect you to trust me so much. I used you to transfer property back then. I'm really not good enough friends. But I'm not a bad girl. After all, we didn't know each other very well. Look at me now We've become acquainted, and I'll treat you as a friend. So it's definitely not that I'm mean!"

Obviously moved by Grand Duke Ning Feng's selfless behavior, she thought her behavior was quite bad, so she explained it to Ning Feng.

In fact, Ning Feng really didn't expect her to be so easy to deceive. In fact, she has done quite a lot.

But now that she said so, Ning Feng had to push forward.

"It's okay, we are all friends." He said with a smile: "Don't worry too much, I understand you too. You should be on guard when dealing with others. After all, there are not many good people like me. If you encounter bad people Oh no."

She nodded sharply in agreement, then looked at Ning Feng seriously and said, "But I don't know why, I always feel that you don't look like a good person, although what you do is indeed a good person's thing. I think you are more like Rogue master!"

"Why can't you pay attention to some inner beauty?"

"I think you are a hooligan only when I see your inside. You look honest outside." She chatted with Ning Feng very seriously and said, "You are not honest at all inside."

"I'm really honest, and I'm keeping my body like a jade now." Ning Feng said pitifully: "This is simply a shame for a talented, handsome, and attractive man."

"Bah! You are a stinky and shameless hooligan master." She said to Ning Feng, "Although you are very nice, you can't hide your hooligan nature."

Ning Feng was dissatisfied with this, and said, "Did I rogue you? Why do you keep calling me a rogue? I'm addicted, what's the matter?"

When Ning Feng said this, she remembered the scene of that day shamefully again in her mind, and she even saw Ning Feng's body.As soon as I thought about it, my face became hot for a while.

"You are shameless, stinky rascal!" She said to Ning Feng: "This is the stain of your life, and it must be branded on you for the rest of your life! Hmph!"

Ning Feng didn't have time to talk to her right now, so he slapped the lid and took out three pills from inside.

The pills cooled by cold water drops are not hot at all.

He directly handed it to her and said, "Rogue apprentice, come here, this is your marrow washing medicine. Take one pill a day, and it will definitely be effective in three days. Come back and trouble me after three days."

She didn't hesitate at all, and threw it directly into her mouth.

"Why are you taking it now?" Ning Feng was stunned, this is a pill, not a sugar pill, it has side effects!

"Anyway, you can eat it anytime!" She looked at Ning Feng and said, "You can eat it now."

Ning Feng couldn't help but smile wryly now, and said to her, "Do you have any other feelings now?"

"It's a bit hot!" She suddenly said to Ning Feng, "It's as if there is a fire inside the body."

Ning Feng said with a mournful face: "I haven't introduced the side effects of this medicine to you yet. If I aggravate your medicine to speed up the effect of the medicine, you need to constantly wash your body with cold water while you are taking the medicine!"

"Ah—" She stared at Ning Feng, the sweat dripping from her forehead, "You are a stinky hooligan, trying to take advantage of me!"

"Shit, I told you to go back to eat, who told you to eat now. And you haven't listened to me, can you blame me?" Ning Feng said with a mournful face: "Why don't you go to the bathroom and digest while showering?" That's it. Although the body is hot, it won't have any bad effects, but if you don't use cold water to cool it down, it may damage the skin a little, and it will turn black for a while.

But it doesn't matter, it started to slow down in three or two months. "

"What?" She stared at Ning Feng in surprise: "It will turn black? Take me to the bathroom quickly!"

As he said that, he directly pulled Ning Feng and rushed towards the bathroom, Ning Feng was puzzled, since you know where the bathroom is, why did you take me?
"Turn on the cold water!" Ning Feng was originally used as a coolie.

When he started to adjust the water, she had already started to undress.

"Grandma, can you take it off after I go out?" Ning Feng said with a mournful face, "Although you have a great figure, isn't it bad to do this in front of a man?"

"No, I don't dare to delay for a minute. What should I do if my skin is dark?" It seems that she still attaches great importance to the whiteness of her skin. Wouldn't it be better to be darker?

Ning Feng had no choice but to hurry up and adjust, and quickly hid.At this time, she was almost only wearing a black bra and lace panties.

Although I have seen her swimsuit before, but the same dress has different feelings in different places.

Especially after watching so many small island movies, this scene is simply too decadent.

"I'm so hot!" she yelled from inside.

Ning Feng wondered if the ingredients in his medicine were a little too strong, no wonder she couldn't wait to take off her clothes.

But I haven't stayed here for a few days, if I want to help her, I can only increase the effect of the medicine.At the beginning, I really didn't expect her to be bored with one bite.

"This guy just ate not one, but three!" Ning Feng suddenly thought of a very scary thing.This is simply fatal!
(End of this chapter)

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