Chapter 482 This is an accident

Ning Feng almost didn't even dare to think that the effect of the three medicines would be fatal.No wonder she lost her composure before!
He turned around and rushed in!
Now her whole body was almost burnt to charcoal, and her naked body was glowing red, as if it was a piece of red-hot iron.

The whole person still looked listless under the cold water washing.

After hearing Ning Feng's movements, she turned her head and said weakly, "Rogue master, why are you in again?"

"Come on your sister!" Ning Feng didn't care if she was completely naked now, and directly hugged her by the waist, "You pig's brain, why did you eat three together?"

Now she is not able to solve the problem with cold water at all, she must discharge the heat from the inside.

He was really speechless about this person, how could he be so stupid?
"Rogue master, it's so hot!" She hugged Ning Feng and said, her breath was scalding hot.

Ning Feng has no evil thoughts in holding her now. Although her figure is indeed quite predictable, who cares about those things at such a critical time.

He directly threw her on the bed, and then directly took out his own set of silver needles.

He tried to put her down, and wanted to give her acupuncture and moxibustion seriously, but she seemed to find that Ning Feng's body was cold, so she insisted on crawling on Ning Feng's body.

Now she is naked, crawling on Ning Feng regardless of her appearance.

Stretching his arms and legs, Ning Feng couldn't do anything at all.

"Just calm down for a while." He pressed directly on her numb acupuncture point.After this click, she just lay there obediently.

The whole color of the eyes burned red, looked at Ning Feng and said: "Rogue master, it's so hot, it's so hot, it's killing me."

"Just bear with it for a while, and it will be fine in a while." Ning Feng is also quite nervous now, and this matter will be fatal if he is not careful.

Now there is a hint of coquettish red on her body. Her figure is good, and her skin is also quite good.In this way, it directly added a more charming color to her body.

Ning Feng took out the silver needles and directly pierced her various acupoints, using the white tiger shaking head acupuncture technique.

This acupuncture method can be unbearable even for a strong young man, and it is easy to make the Yang Qi in the body insufficient.But this is what she needs most now.

Ning Feng doesn't care about any needling techniques now, he has used all kinds of techniques for venting.Any position on the body, as long as it is possible to apply acupuncture, all acupuncture.

The tail of the needle swung extremely, as if it was about to fall off at any time.

Even so, the hotness on her body did not decrease at all.For her now, these methods are simply drizzle.

Drizzle's attempt to extinguish the flames of the Flame Mountain was simply a joke.

Ning Feng looked at Zhou Qingluo who was getting more and more confused, and became even more anxious, "Grandma's, she's already a hooligan anyway."

After finishing speaking, he directly helped her up, and then he sat opposite her and put one hand on the Tanzhong point in the middle of her chest.

However, her figure is really good, with too much meat, it is very tempting to put your hands in it.

"It's so big, it's troublesome at the critical moment!" Ning Feng also suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and then Shen Xin started to use his own dragon turtle mentality.

Although both sides were constantly squeezing Ning Feng's hands, in the difficult game, he finally settled down.

The Dragon Tortoise Heart Technique started to work directly, and a majestic heat flowed directly from her body along the Tanzhong Point and entered Ning Feng's body from above his arm.

These calories have no benefit at all, they are all the side effects of the pills.He now needs to fully use his body to digest this side effect.

Who made her physique so far worse than mine, maybe she could still handle it, but she couldn't handle it at all, maybe she would be burned into a fool directly.

This heat is really uncomfortable, Ning Feng is using his spiritual power to break them up, and then try his best to expel them through the pores.

But these calories are really too much. The effect of eating three servings together is not one plus one plus one, it is almost doubled.

Ning Feng can't control so much now, he just introduces all the heat into his body first.

His own body became scorching hot immediately after this process was over.

The various organs of the body are obviously also affected, and the heat is a little high.

Ning Feng quickly circulated his spiritual power to speed up his metabolic system, hoping to expel all the hot air through his pores.But this process also takes a while, during this time, he has to accept the torment.

But suddenly, in his dantian, a very cold feeling rushed up, intertwined with the heat, and slowly offset each other.

Ning Feng once again had a strange feeling. Before, he often felt this cold and piercing feeling suddenly.

Now it was probably stimulated by the heat, this time it fought directly with the heat, and the heat on its body was dissipated quickly.

Just when Ning Feng wanted to check what this cold air was, it dissipated immediately.

He has a feeling that this kind of thing is definitely not a good thing, and that kind of cold and biting feeling must not be emanating from a good thing.

But it can be regarded as a good thing to do, and I didn't let myself die from the heat directly.

When the heat dissipated, he breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

After opening his eyes, there was a very familiar face in front of him.

Zhou Qingluo was looking at Ning Feng with a different look, shyness, anger, disgust...

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "I was really saving you just now! You took too much medicine before, and I was using my body to absorb the heat in your body, otherwise, you would die of heat."

He has to make things clear now, otherwise he will be easily misunderstood.

Zhou Qingluo stared at Ning Feng and said, "Do you need to hold on so tightly to save me?"

Ning Feng also followed his gaze. Her skin has recovered now, but she is still naked, and her hands have left the Tanzhong acupoint at some point.

Moved to the side for three or four inches.

This location...

"That... that... Can I say that I did it unintentionally?" He said to her, "I really didn't do it on purpose. This location is so close to Tanzhong, and it's easy to go astray if you're not careful. This is true. Not intentional."

(End of this chapter)

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