Chapter 483 Poisoned

"Ghost letter!" She knocked Ning Feng's hand off, and then rushed towards Ning Feng, "You did it on purpose, you stinky rascal, I'm going to strangle you to death."

Ning Feng was thrown to the ground by her without paying attention. He quickly controlled her hands and said, "Grandma, you are still unreasonable. If I hadn't tried my best to save you, you would have turned into black charcoal by now , where is the spirit to bully me here."

"You did it on purpose, you stinky rogue, you made the medicine so hot on purpose. You just wanted to take advantage of me, stinky rogue." She rode on Ning Feng's body and yelled at Ning Feng angrily.

Ning Feng said with a sad face: "My aunt, didn't I tell you to take one by one? If you take three pills at once, you will have side effects from any medicine. Can you blame me? If you didn't take those The heat is directed into my body, you can still bully me like this now?"

As he spoke, Ning Feng glanced at her, and then reacted unconsciously.

She didn't have any cloth on her body before, and then she rode directly on Ning Feng's body. Of course, Ning Feng saw her all at once.

And because she was sitting on Ning Feng's body again, she immediately felt Ning Feng's reaction.At this time, she also realized her state.

"Ah—you stinky rascal!" She originally wanted to take something to cover it up, but when Ning Feng carried her up, he didn't bring up the clothes.

Moreover, Ning Feng was only wearing a pair of big underpants, and his upper body was also naked.

She searched for a long time, but she couldn't find anything to cover her, but Ning Feng's eyes swept from top to bottom, and dared to respond.

"Rogue!" She had no choice but to ignore Ning Feng and ran outside.

Ning Feng looked at her back and smiled, "The figure is good!" Because the buttocks are quite straight after exercising, it is even more attractive when viewed from behind.

"Stinky rascal! Shameless!" After she ran out, she poked her head back and cursed at Ning Feng.

Hey, it seems that I have committed a crime recently.

It's only been a few days, and I've already looked at her twice, and even touched her this time.He himself didn't know how his hands moved.

He looked at his hands and sighed: "It seems that you are also a little lonely."

After a while, she got dressed and looked at Ning Feng angrily.The eyes seemed to kill people, "Smelly rascal, you are taking advantage of me again."

"Didn't I explain everything to you? It's an emergency, and it's uncertain whether you can be rescued at that time." Ning Feng said to her, "Besides, I risked my life to save you." Come back, shouldn't you thank me?"

"No thanks, you are a rogue. No matter what the reason is, you are a rogue." He sat on the sofa and looked at Ning Feng angrily.

"You're cheating. Besides, you took off your clothes yourself, and I didn't do anything to you." Ning Feng looked at her helplessly and said, his reputation is very good, he can't be so innocent Slandered for no reason.

"What else do you want to do?" She jumped up and looked at Ning Feng like a little wild cat whose tail was stepped on.

"No, no! My aunt, I won't argue with you anymore, you can say whatever you want." Ning Feng said to her: "I'm going to rest, just because I saved you, I almost tormented to death , There is no one who cannot recover in three to five days."

"You...what's the matter with you?" Zhou Qingluo suddenly looked at Ning Feng in horror, and suddenly lost his willful look before.

Ning Feng felt that his words were not that contagious, "What's the matter?" After he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a cold feeling sweeping across his whole body from the dantian.

"Your eyes are bleeding! Could it be caused by saving me?" She suddenly said with some guilt, it must have caused internal injuries to save herself, he was so powerful before, why did he suddenly become like this now? look like?

Ning Feng's whole body became icy cold, frost had already formed on his lips, and he raised his trembling hands to touch his eyes.Only to find that the blood was frozen in an instant.

"It's cold!" His teeth were chattering.

He knew that this thing was the cold air in his body just now.Obviously, the heat this time was too overbearing, and it was stimulated in advance.This is the reason why part of it has been consumed by heat.

Otherwise, the result is not known what the situation is.

Zhou Qingluo was a little at a loss for him, and hurriedly found several quilts to cover him, and said in horror: "What should I do?"

Ning Feng shook his head with difficulty, "Hide... get away..."

This matter is not something she can control at all, nor can it be solved by covering her with a quilt. The core of the problem lies in the cold air in her body.

He doesn't know how to solve this thing at all now, and he doesn't know what the purpose of this thing is.

Suddenly, there was a cramping pain in his abdomen, and the spiritual power in his dantian suddenly became chaotic and began to run around, but all the meridians had been frozen at this time.

The spiritual power can only scurry around in the dantian, but there is no way to enter the meridians.

He finally knew what the purpose of this thing was to destroy his dantian!
This is to shake the foundation of his practice. An ancient warrior without his dantian is a waste.The source of his current strength is this dantian. Although this dantian is not very good, with the help of the tortoise shell, he has made great progress.

If there is no dantian, no amount of help will be worth talking about, and it can only become a waste.

"No..." He hugged his stomach and wailed in pain, but he found that there was no way out, and watched helplessly as the spiritual power in his dantian became more and more chaotic, constantly impacting on his dantian.

If there is a meridian, the spiritual power can enter the meridian, and the repair of the meridian is much simpler.After the dantian is broken, there is no way to repair it.

At this moment, he finally understood that he had been poisoned by someone, and the person who poisoned him was still a master.

Unknowingly, he gave himself such a domineering drug. Fortunately, this drug was partially consumed by the heat in Zhou Qingluo's body, and it was activated in advance.

Ning Feng could clearly feel that the effect of this medicine in its heyday would definitely not be just to block the meridians and shatter the dantian.

That cold feeling can be felt in the sea of ​​consciousness, obviously its original purpose also includes the sea of ​​consciousness, he wants to block his two paths to death.If the spiritual power is disordered and the sea of ​​consciousness is also disordered, I will not only become an ordinary person with damaged dantian

In the end, it is possible to directly take your own life.

(End of this chapter)

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