Chapter 486

Ning Feng went to rest directly, and in the morning of the next day, after buying some breakfast at random, he was ready to take the medicine.

"Be my protector, try not to let the people around me disturb me." Ning Feng said to Zhou Qingluo.

Zhou Qingluo nodded and said, "Understood." She also knew the importance of the matter, so she didn't lose her temper.

Her strength should be considered good, unless a very powerful person comes, ordinary people can usually handle it.

Ning Feng took the pill directly, it was a matter of his fate.

As soon as the elixir was taken in, it turned into a wave of heat, which spread along the meridians.

Ning Feng quietly waited for the effect of the medicine to take effect.

It is like a scavenger, warming and nourishing all the meridians, and then slowly gathering at the dantian.

Slowly it began to gather spiritual power, and then gradually formed a vortex.

This process was quite slow, and Zhou Qingluo almost fell asleep waiting outside.

Suddenly, a voice came from outside, "Ning Feng, today you are going to be killed."

As soon as the sound ended, the door in the courtyard was kicked open.

She rushed out immediately, and someone really came to make trouble. "Who is so unqualified, don't you know that this is a private domain?"

She has just been washed, her meridians have been opened, her strength has skyrocketed, and she is looking for someone to try it.

Yucheng was stunned when he saw the woman in front of him, shouldn't Ning Feng be with Su Miaohan?How did you change it?And this woman is so beautiful, there is no reason, okay?

"Who are you?" Yu Cheng looked at her and said.

"Who do you care about me?" She thrust her waist and yelled at Yucheng: "This is my territory, who let you in? Anyone who dares to hurt us has no law?"

When she saw several bodyguards lying on the ground, she immediately became angry.

Yu Cheng rolled her eyes and said, "Where's Ning Feng? Let him come out, otherwise don't blame us for hurting the innocent."

Zhou Qingluo looked at him and said, "Hurt the innocent? Are you trying to hurt me? You can try, if you dare to move a finger of mine, I will make it difficult for you to stay in this province."

She really did what she said, these local snakes are so powerful, any ghosts and monsters have to give them some face.Without the nods of these people, no force can stay here.

Yucheng has been threatened so much, he didn't take it seriously at all, he looked at her casually and said, "Is Ning Feng abolished? Are you afraid to come out? Haha..."

"Laugh at your sister." Zhou Qingluo pointed at his nose and cursed: "You are the only one who is useless, your whole family is useless."

"Ning Feng, if you have the guts, don't blame me for being rude if you want to be a coward." Yucheng shouted into the room. Judging from the current situation, he was almost certain that Ning Feng must be useless. .

Otherwise, with his personality, he would definitely not be able to shrink back, which made him even more proud.

Pointing to the room and cursing: "Boy, aren't you very proud? Continue to be proud, and ask Grandpa to let you go twice in front of me."

He is now in a trance, precisely because he has been bullied by Ning Feng for a long time, so now he always wants to pay back all the humiliation he has suffered, this is a typical villain who succeeds.

Just relying on the fact that others have nothing to do with him, so they hurt him as much as they want.

If it's Ning Feng, then let him scold him, anyway, it's just to buy himself time.But Zhou Qingluo is different, she is a strong master, this kind of situation is absolutely not allowed.

"Shut up." Zhou Qingluo pointed at him and scolded: "Do you still have the basic qualities to make loud noises here, are you not taught by your parents or your mother? Spraying shit all over your mouth."

Yucheng didn't expect her to come back with such a curse, he was stunned for a moment, and then said to her: "Little girl, let Ning Feng come out quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Zhou Qingluo looked at him coldly and said, "No, what's the matter? Come if you have the ability."

"Little girl, you asked for this." After he finished speaking, his eyes turned cold, and he rushed towards Zhou Qingluo.He didn't take this little girl seriously at all, thinking that he could get rid of her with a random move.

Zhou Qingluo was also quite confident. After all, she had just taken a big step, so she rushed towards the opponent almost at the same time.

"Bang, bang!"

Two moves in a row, the result is shocking.

Zhou Qingluo kicked him twice in a row, kicking him into a daze.

From Yucheng's point of view, the other party was just an ordinary woman, and she was weak even with a little force.But the reality gave him two slaps.

This girl is not weak at all, at least not an ordinary girl.

In the attack that he didn't pay attention to at all, he was directly taken advantage of by the opponent.

Looking at the two footprints on his chest, he felt mixed emotions in his heart.People with this kind of strength can usually be cleaned up with one hand, but she is at most just getting started now.

It was because of her carelessness that she won a hand. Although she didn't suffer any injuries, it was also very embarrassing.

The old man next to him said to him: "Beware of arrogance and impetuosity, the lion needs all his strength to fight the rabbit."

Yucheng is really tired of this old man, don't he know it?Do you still use him for education?He always loves to judge himself so highly, and really wants to slap him, but he doesn't dare, and he doesn't have the strength.

"Yes." He still has to be taught obediently.

Zhou Qingluo found out that her strength had improved a lot, and she had an advantage just now, so she was immediately excited.She challenged Yu Cheng: "Come, come... Come again, let's see how powerful you are. What's the matter? Have you tasted the power of my aunt? I told you that the powerful is yet to come."

She has a great fart, but she has a good mouth, and she doesn't care about the opponent's strength at all.

Yu Cheng's face darkened even more, "It seems that we must get rid of you today." He shook his wrist and walked towards her.

"Come, come, come if you have the guts, and let you continue to see my aunt's flying legs." Zhou Qingluo actually rushed forward while speaking, "I will educate your parents and teach you how to behave."

Her current attack method is not very clever, it is still the previous attack method of outsider kung fu.

Don't blame her, after all, she doesn't understand anything, and Ning Feng didn't come in time to teach her.

"You're still far behind." Yu Cheng flew up and kicked her.He used his strength in this kick, and he was no longer in the same sloppy manner as before.

Before Zhou Qingluo kicked over, he felt that the strength of the opponent seemed to be a little different from before, and that kind of strength made him a little scared.

(End of this chapter)

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