Chapter 487

Fortunately, she was on the offensive side. After realizing that the situation was wrong, she quickly withdrew her strength, crossed her hands to protect her chest, and concentrated all her strength on this one spot.


Yu Cheng's kick was quite fast, and just when she was ready to react, it landed on her arm.

Zhou Qingluo was thrown to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

"Cough cough..."

Zhou Qingluo was seriously injured. Even with her hands covering her chest, she was still kicked hard enough.His own arms couldn't support his feet.

A mouthful of reverse blood was sprayed out directly, and this breath was considered to be slowed down.

"Little girl, don't be arrogant because you think you have some ability." Yucheng looked at her proudly and said.He likes the feeling of educating each other from a high position.

In fact, he never thought that others looked at him now as if he looked at that old man before.

"Bah! I want you to take care of it!" She directly wiped off the blood at the corner of her mouth, and wiped it casually, not only did not wipe it clean, but wiped the blood all over her face.

"Come again if you have the ability, my aunt will continue to play with you today." He said and made an offensive look.

She didn't want to do this either, but Ning Feng is still repairing later, if he is interrupted at this time, he will be very dangerous.At any rate, I had promised to protect him, so I couldn't just let him in so casually.

"You will die if you do this." Yucheng looked at her and said, "I can kick you to death with one more kick. I don't want to kill anyone now. Call Ning Feng out and I'll let you go."

In fact, he didn't want to kill anyone, but was worried about her identity.

Her identity has also been mentioned before, she should be the child of a powerful local family.Caiyun Province is one of their important bases, and it will probably be very troublesome if they offend local snakes.

Zhou Qingluo looked at her and said, "Hmph, then try it, I don't believe you can kill me. My aunt is amazing."

She is just holding on now, the kick just now has seriously injured her, and the blood in her body is churning out of control.She's totally holding on now.

Yucheng looked at the old man, who nodded and said, "As long as you move quickly, no one else will notice."

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude." His eyes suddenly turned cold, and now he has to make a quick decision, and he can't be poor anymore.

After finishing speaking, he rushed towards Zhou Qingluo directly, and he was already planning to use all his strength to kill her with just such a blow.

Zhou Qingluo let alone resist now, it is considered good if she can stand up, "Rogue master, I tried my best. Don't blame me!"

She still felt in her heart that Ning Feng's current situation was caused by her disobedience, so she had to delay for a few minutes even if she tried her best.

"Go to hell!" Yucheng opened his eyes angrily, "No one in the world will know who killed you."

Now that he has used his strongest strength, his purpose is not only to kill the opponent, but to really blow the opponent into scum.

He is now in the early stage of the Gathering Realm, and he really has this kind of strength to kill a person who has just started.

Zhou Qingluo felt that the power this time was infinitely greater than before, so she was desperate and closed her eyes.

But what awaited her was not death, but a familiar voice.

"Yucheng, you are looking for death again, have you forgotten what I told you before? Dare to come here again and kill you directly!"

Ning Feng's voice came directly from the room.

Yucheng's fear of Ning Feng was real, and he actually stopped walking.

"Hmph, don't be bluffing. If you're still intact, how come you haven't come out until now?" He shouted at Ning Feng. Although he was sure that Ning Feng must be injured, he was deeply afraid of Ning Feng. of.

If he wasn't injured, he would really die. He had seen Ning Feng's terrifying strength before.

"Then try to move her!" Ning Feng's voice came out of the room and he didn't continue to respond.

"How do you know that I dare not?" Yu Cheng shouted towards the inside, but his body stayed where he was.

Ning Feng did not continue to speak, no matter what Yucheng said he would not respond.

This made Yucheng even more hopeless, and now he really didn't dare to continue.

"Trash!" The old man looked at Yu Cheng with hesitation and cursed, "Did his words scare you?"

Yucheng cursed in his heart, if you can, don't let me be cannon fodder.

"This must be weird. Ning Feng is quite cunning. He said that if there is a problem, there will be a problem." Yucheng said: "My strength is low, and I will probably be killed by him directly after I go up."

What he said was quite clear, if I don't want to be cannon fodder, anyone who wants to will.Lao Tzu's strength is low, so he dare not go.Isn't your strength very high?go by yourself.

The old man glanced at Yu Cheng and cursed, "You trash, his words scared you to death."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Zhou Qingluo.

After Zhou Qingluo heard Ning Feng's voice, she immediately showed a backstage look.She knows how to act, she doesn't need to act in this kind of situation, it's just her true colors.With a face full of indifference, and then looked at the other party with disdain, as if telling the other party, come if you have a feeling.

Not to mention, Ning Feng's words really scared them for quite a while.

The old man originally didn't believe it based on his experience in the world, but after being infected by Yucheng, he also became afraid and worried about this matter.

Moreover, Yu Cheng, who was the cannon fodder, had an expression that he couldn't be killed.

Yucheng can not get in, but he has to. The credit is his own, and if he doesn't get in, he won't get it.Besides, his own strength is indeed much higher than Yu Cheng's. Ning Feng is only in the state of concentration, how powerful he can be.

Moreover, he was poisoned by his own poison, how can he influence other people's words now, how can he not have confidence in his own poison?
He glanced at Yu Cheng viciously, and said, "You bastard." Then he walked towards Zhou Qingluo.

Zhou Qingluo was nervous in her heart, not knowing whether what Ning Feng said was true or false.

"Come on, come here, I'll stretch my neck and wait for you." Zhou Qingluo sat down on the ground and stretched her neck.Although she showed a look of resignation to death, in fact, she was completely frightened and her legs were weak.

She didn't want to really die.

"Stop acting, I was the one who poisoned you, and I know your current situation best." He summoned up his courage, and then directly increased his speed, preparing to lose Zhou Qingluo all at once.

She now feels like a bait for fishing, a frontier for both sides to test each other.

(End of this chapter)

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