Chapter 488 I Don't Want To Die
He quickly killed Zhou Qingluo.Zhou Qingluo is indeed the bait for both sides now. If Ning Feng does not respond at this time, it means that Ning Feng is bound to be injured.

Zhou Qingluo was nervous in her heart, and she kept praying that Ning Feng must keep his word, and just don't talk.

"Kill!" He roared directly, and rushed to her in the blink of an eye.

But at the same time, he felt a stabbing pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, and his whole body flew out and hit the ground directly, with blood flowing from the seven orifices.

He turned over directly, and then quickly began to stabilize the sea of ​​consciousness.He also belongs to dual cultivation, but his practice in spiritual power is relatively weak.Mental strength is still quite good.

He is now at the second level of mental power, so Ning Feng's blow did not cause him a fatal injury, but it was also a serious injury.

"I told you not to come here casually." Ning Feng's voice sounded again, and then said coldly: "Who dares to come here, die!"

This time, the two of Yu Cheng were frightened directly, Yu Cheng secretly sighed, fortunately he was smart just now.

Sure enough, Ning Feng was not that simple, it was cloudy.

Looking at the oppressed old man, I still feel a little dark in my heart.

The old man didn't have time to talk to him, so he seized the time to stabilize the sea of ​​consciousness, which was too turbulent.I really don't know what Ning Feng's attack method is, it's like a heavy arrow shot directly in.

Yu Cheng also stood aside and waited foolishly, not knowing what to do at all.

It’s not going to go now, and it’s not going to go.I feel a little unwilling to leave, but if I don't leave, Ning Feng seems to have good strength.

He really has nothing to do.

We can only wait for the old man to recover.

Zhou Qingluo patted his chest, Ning Feng's words were still reliable, and he didn't let himself lose his life here.

The time passed by like this, and the two sides were in such a stalemate. One side was reluctant to leave, but dared not go in.The other party was digesting the elixir and couldn't come out to deal with them.

After about two hours, the old man woke up faintly, and the sea of ​​consciousness was temporarily stabilized.

After he woke up, he suddenly smiled into the room: "Haha... Ning Feng, you must be seriously injured now, right? However, it's a pity that your sea of ​​consciousness was not destroyed in the same way."

"But I guess you should be very weak now, and you can only use your mental power once?"

After he was injured, he thought that Ning Feng would continue to attack for the second time, then he would definitely die.But Ning Feng did not continue to attack, but stopped.

In the process of repairing, he also wanted to understand.Ning Feng must be able to attack once in a while.

And the attack this time has to pay a high price.

He thought that Ning Feng had been seriously injured by his own poison, and now he was recovering from the wound.During the recovery process, he could not be disturbed. Although he could occasionally spare a little time to guard against the outside, this kind of distraction would do him great harm.

Especially since he already felt that the aura around him seemed to be accumulating towards the inside of the room. Logically, it should be the most important time for Ning Feng to heal his wounds, and it is also the time when he should not be distracted.

But he would never have thought that Ning Feng was repairing his dantian now.

You must know that until now, basically no one can repair the dantian. Although people think that the meridians can be repaired, so can the dantian.However, no one has found Dan Fang.

Without Danfang, there is no way.

Although this was the old man's idea, Ning Feng had put a lot of psychological pressure on them before, so he still hesitated and didn't dare to go straight forward.

He said so many words, but Ning Feng did not respond at all.

"You can't be distracted right now, haha... Then don't blame me for interrupting you." He smiled at Ning Feng.

He felt that the gathering of spiritual energy was getting stronger and stronger, and when the gathering of spiritual energy reached its maximum, his eyes suddenly lit up, "My judgment is absolutely correct."

Then he slapped Yu Cheng directly with his palm.

"I hate your mother!" Yu Cheng couldn't control so much now, and cursed directly.He was very afraid of being killed, but he didn't expect the old man to be so insidious.

But when he landed, he didn't notice Ning Feng's attack.

"Haha..." The old man roared excitedly: "I said you can't get distracted now, it should be your weakest time, right?"

As he spoke, he rushed into the room excitedly, the credit must be his.

Yucheng is also very excited now, to be judged correctly by this old man, so that means that Ning Feng himself can deal with it now, so why doesn't the credit go to himself?
Thinking about it, he even accelerated towards the room.

At this time Zhou Qingluo turned out to be

For a display, no one pays attention to her anymore?
"Hey, at least you guys have passed my level!" She shouted at the two of them.

But both of them are vying for the credit, who has time to pay attention to such a young man like her?
Sometimes when a small person provokes a powerful person, the reason why people don't care about him is not because he is powerful, but because he is too lazy to care about him, and he is not qualified to care about him.

Zhou Qingluo is in this situation now.

"Rogue master, I've tried my best, you can ask for more blessings." Zhou Qingluo said, "I hope you can show your power again and kill the two of them directly. Otherwise, they will definitely not let me go when they come back. Keke..."

She was already desperate, and Ning Feng said that he would stand in for him for a while, because he was obviously not qualified for the job.Are these the people he was talking about who are more powerful than those killers?

Only then did she realize that Ning Feng hadn't lied to her, and there really was someone more powerful.

But Ning Feng is probably in danger this time.

In fact, the injury she suffered was not serious, and now she had no way to move at all, so she could only sit where she was, watching the two of them break into the room directly.

"I can only pray for you, and I don't want to die." She was like a wronged girl, suppressing the sadness in her heart, determined not to let tears fall.

This appearance is quite lovable, quite pitiful.


Just after she finished praying, two figures flew out of the room and fell to the ground hard.

She wiped her eyes and stared blankly at the two figures on the ground. There were indeed two figures, not one.

Then he turned his eyes to the other side of the room, and sure enough a familiar figure appeared at the door, it really was Ning Feng.

"Rogue master, you have really manifested." She was so excited that she was about to cry, and she finally didn't have to die.

(End of this chapter)

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