Chapter 490 Special Treatment During Special Times
Ning Feng groped around on him, but only found two bottles of medicine and a book.

""Baicao Poison Classic"?" He looked at the book in his hand and asked softly.Put it in his pocket first, he has already felt the power of this book before.

The Poison Sutra that almost destroyed his dantian is naturally not bad.

The other two bottles of medicine Ning Feng opened casually, one was green and the other was blue.Looking at the color, you can feel the poison in it. The blue bottle is the medicine that destroyed your dantian before.

That feeling is not too familiar.

Once covered, put away.

He called Ren Yi directly and asked someone to help him get rid of him.It is estimated that no one is better at dealing with this kind of thing here than they are.

Then he walked up to Zhou Qingluo and said, "Can you still stand up?"

Zhou Qingluo shook her head violently and said, "I can't stand up anymore." The previous move did a lot of damage to her, and of course the most important reason was being scared.

Ning Feng immediately picked her up and put her on the sofa.

"I want to go to the bathroom." Ning Feng was a little shocked when he suddenly heard such a sentence when he was thinking of mixing her medicine first.This girl is really straightforward.

"Go. Do you still want me to take you there?" Ning Feng looked at her and smiled.

"If I can move, no one will use you. Smelly rascal." Zhou Qingluo glanced at Ning Feng with contempt and said.

"Can you bear with it for a while, and go after I cure you?" Ning Feng really felt that it would be very indecent for him to carry her to the toilet.

And he also confirmed his identity as a hooligan, he is definitely not that kind of person.

"Wait, I was so scared that I almost peed out just now. I finally held it in until now, is it easy for me?" Zhou Qingluo said to Ning Feng: "If I hold it in again, I will pee in my pants."

He said with a miserable look on his face.

Ning Feng had no choice but to put down what he was doing, picked her up and walked to the bathroom, then put her on the toilet and said, "Fix it yourself."

"Wait!" Zhou Qingluo looked at Ning Feng with some confusion and said, "You all know that I can't stand up and still bully me."

"Why did I bully you?" Ning Feng looked at her and said, "Your legs are weak but your hands are not soft, right?"

"Who says my hands aren't soft? Try kicking your arms directly, and you don't feel anything with both hands now." She glanced at Ning Feng with disdain and said.

"Then you mean to ask me to help?" Ning Feng's face turned red in an instant, and the scene that followed was so beautiful that I couldn't even imagine it.

"What else? Do you want me to pee in my pants?" She glanced at Ning Feng contemptuously and said, "Okay, stop moaning, I won't say anything, you are a big man and you are still twitching? "

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "Are you sure? You won't call me a hooligan master?"

"Anyway, I've been hooliganized by you for such a long time, it doesn't matter if I do it again." She looked at Ning Feng and said indifferently: "However, this is also because of the special situation. And you are my master. It’s just my father’s generation, so it’s much better to think about it this way.”

She had a big brain hole, Ning Feng never thought that she could think of things like this, he was actually from her father's generation.But the age gap between the two is really not that big.It doesn't look like her father's generation.

"The situation is special, so I'm sorry." Ning Feng confirmed it to her.

After taking a few deep breaths, Ning Feng's hands trembled slightly.

"Then I can do it." The feeling now is different from when I saved someone, but at that time she was regarded as a mass of flesh and a pile of organs.

But it's different now, in front of her is a real big beauty.

"Hurry up, I can't take it anymore." Her voice was still a little trembling, but she still pretended to be strong.

Ning Feng also gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and directly pulled down the only piece of clothing, but her current posture is not very smooth, so there will naturally be some resistance in this process.

He didn't finish it in one go, but instead strangled her.

"Are you trying to murder me?" Zhou Qingluo roared, "Can you have a snack?"

Ning Feng opened his eyes and found that he could only take off half of it, and the front was still stuck.But even in this way, you can see some scenery, and you will react immediately.

After hearing her speak, he didn't know what was going on, so he slapped her ass subconsciously. "Let you talk more."


The sound is very crisp and the feel is quite good.

This immediately left a red handprint, which also made her stop talking for a while, and instantly remembered her current situation.Red directly from the neck to the top of the forehead.

Ning Feng didn't dare to continue teasing her anymore. Although he saw everything that should be seen, he finally completed the matter according to everyone's expectations.

"You go out first!" She said to Ning Feng while clutching her lower abdomen.

"Don't worry, I've seen it all anyway."

"No, you scoundrel. Take advantage of me while I can't move." She continued to curse at Ning Feng.

"This is what you asked for, okay?" Ning Feng was also surprised, it was obviously what she asked for.

She looked at Ning Feng and said, "I didn't ask you to stay here now, go out. I need to call you later."

This little girl was quite shy, so Ning Feng turned around and left the bathroom.

After relaxing outside for a while, Ning Feng finally calmed down, and another voice came from inside, "Come in!"

Ning Feng opened the door again and walked in, looked at her sitting on the toilet with flushed cheeks and said, "Come on, climb up."

"It's not clean, it's unhygienic." Zhou Qingluo said with a blushing face.

"It's almost enough, special treatment in special times!"

(End of this chapter)

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