Chapter 491 Is this difficult?
"Unhygienic." She said shyly, she could feel a little embarrassed herself.This thing is really embarrassing.

Even if Ning Feng seems to be taking advantage of things, he is not willing to do it, it is too intimate.

In the past, it was all hidden anyway, but now it is directly contacted, and the influence is really bad.

"Forget it, if you really want to feel unhygienic, just let yourself do it." Ning Feng said to her.

"What, isn't that still very unhygienic?" She blushed uncomfortably, but she still insisted on this stinky problem.

However, at this moment, Ning Feng used his powerful association ability to draw inferences from the boys' handling methods.Walking in front of her with a smile, "I thought of a good way."

She looked at Ning Feng in puzzlement and said, "What way?"

Ning Feng smiled and said a few words to her, and with a swipe, Zhou Qingluo blushed, spit lightly, and cursed, "Stinky rascal!"

But she didn't notice that she was gone, Ning Feng's bright eyes were straightened, he took a few deep breaths, and pinched himself again.

Quickly turn your eyes to the side, what's going on, could it be that I have good luck with her these two days?I have to make a fortune for myself later, and I have to stimulate myself to death if this goes on.

He really doesn't want to put pants on her again now, that process is really too tormented.Physical contact from time to time is unbearable for any man.

Ning Feng's mind was so active, he put her on the toilet, and then directly wrapped her in a towel. "Hey, it's much more convenient now."

Picked her up and took her outside.

Zhou Qingluo looked at Ning Feng with an extremely distorted expression and said, "Rogue master, this is not your character."

"What's wrong?" Ning Feng looked at her and said.

She looked at him and said, "With your rogue personality, you can still give up such a good opportunity to take advantage. I really don't understand your thinking."

He said and shook his head pretendingly.

"Hmph, if I'm really a hooligan, how can you still be so good now? What a great opportunity, you don't have any power to fight back, what do you want to do?" Ning Feng rolled her eyes and said.

Zhou Qingluo looked at him and said, "Then why didn't you think about it?"

Ning Feng pushed her down on the bed.

She opened her eyes, looked at Ning Feng pitifully and said, "Rogue master, what do you want to do, do what you want?"

"Shit, I'm going to heal your wounds." Ning Feng directly pulled down her blouse a little.

"Why are you still saying you don't want to do anything? You've already started stripping your clothes." She looked at Ning Feng pitifully and said, "You're a stinky hooligan."

Ning Feng said to her: "You think too much, I'm already your father's generation, why would I attack you? Relax your heart."

"Your arm was kicked by him just now, which caused some problems in the shoulder, and the bruise was also a little serious." Ning Feng looked at her and said, "I have to deal with it for you. I don't care about you. The yellow-haired girl has no interest yet."

"Nonsense!" She looked at Ning Feng and said, "How can you react if you're not interested in me?" She said with an old driver's face.

Ning Feng couldn't help sighing, what happened to this world?Shouldn't girls be very reserved?
When to drive a car better than a man.

He stabbed straight down with one needle, "Speak up!"

"Ah——" Zhou Qingluo stared at Ning Feng and said, "You are seeking personal revenge by taking medical treatment."

"I need to give you some blood, I'm definitely not as narrow-minded as you." Ning Feng gave her a blank look, and then took gauze to soak up all the blood.Various acupuncture methods were used to pierce her, and then she used her spiritual power to directly restore some of the necrotic muscles on her arm.

After about ten minutes, her arms could move freely.

"Huh? The bruises on it are all gone, master rogue, you are really amazing. I was worried that leaving bruises would make me ugly." She smiled and observed her arms.

Then all of a sudden, it seemed like something came to mind.Stretching his hands into the towel, he twisted his body.

You can tell at a glance that she is wearing pants.

After putting on his trousers, he threw the towel away and said to Ning Feng, "I can't move my legs yet, fix it."

Ning Feng squeezed her leg and said, "There's nothing wrong with her leg, you were scared. You can move after a short rest."

As he talked, he packed up his medicines and garbage.

"Hey... Brother God, don't rush to clean up. I'll call you an aunt to clean up later. It's definitely cleaner than yours." Zhou Qingluo looked at Ning Feng and said.If you don't have anything to do, you will definitely have a purpose.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Ning Feng looked at her and said, "Seeing how decisive you are today, I can promise you. Except for a physical promise!"

"Smelly rascal, he wants to take advantage of me again." She looked at Ning Feng and said, "I want to continue learning ancient martial arts, and I want to practice to the level of those two people."

Ning Feng glanced at her and said, "Do you really want to practice? This is very tiring and bitter."

"Of course I practiced. My biggest goal in this life is to become an awesome female killer, just to kill those bad guys." She said proudly, "So I wanted to become a powerful person, but now I realize that there are still such powerful people." , you must teach me."

"Yes!" Ning Feng nodded.

"Ah?" Zhou Qingluo looked at Ning Feng in surprise and said, "You agree?"

"Well, I'm your master now, why don't you agree?" Ning Feng looked at her and said, although she always likes to make some troublesome things, she is still a good child on the whole.

"I think with your personality, you should at least make some demands. I didn't expect you to have such a happy time." Zhou Qingluo said very seriously. It seems that the image of Ning Feng is like this in her heart.

Ning Feng was very helpless, when did he leave such an impression on him?This is simply too graphic. "Nonsense, who am I, Ning Feng? I am willing to help others and be kind. When I was a child, I loved to help my grandmother cross the road. When I grew up, I would throw a dime to beggars."

"How can you think of your great master so much? If you still dare to speak ill of the master in the future, you will be expelled from the school. This is our first rule."

"Huh? Is the first rule so difficult?" She said seriously, not joking.

Is this difficult?

(End of this chapter)

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