Chapter 492 Ready to leave
At this time someone knocked on the door.

Ren Yi sent someone to deal with that person. After he entered the door, he saw that there was a girl in the room, then looked at Ning Feng and said, "Dude, I brought them home to play. It's amazing. We've only known each other for a few days."

Ning Feng smiled and said, "That's awesome."

"Boy, do you want to be beaten again?" Zhou Qingluo looked at Ren Yi with a dark face and said.

It seemed that Ren Yi took two steps back. The pressure she had put on him before was so great that he almost broke his neck.

"Don't dare, dare not, the two must be pure." After he finished speaking, he said to Ning Feng: "I have already dealt with that person for you, what is the identity of that person, do you need revenge?"

"Of course I took revenge. If I don't take revenge, how can he solve the hatred in my heart." Ning Feng said viciously. These people almost took his life.

Ren Yi looked at him and said: "This kind of person must not be let go, and must be dealt with. As long as he is in our territory, there is nothing that cannot be dealt with. What's the name of this person, what kind of power?"

Ning Feng was immediately stunned. He didn't know the old man's name, nor did he know what power he was.These people are so mysterious that no information has ever been obtained from them.

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Well, I don't know."

"I don't know how I can avenge you?" Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng and said, in fact, he was still very grateful to Ning Feng. He not only saved his father, but also helped him get out of the ambivalence of those days.

Treat him as a good brother from the heart, and he will do his best to help him when he has something to do.

"I don't know." Ning Feng really didn't know who that old man was, "But you can go and check on this man named Yucheng, and all the forces related to him will be dealt with. Grandma, dare to slander me, the end will be certain." Can't make him feel better."

"That man's name is Yucheng?" Zhou Qingluo also said lying on the sofa: "I also asked someone to deal with him, and almost killed my aunt. Uproot the forces related to him."

The influence of these two families here is quite large. Let's put it this way, as long as there is something they are looking for here, there is nothing they can't find.

Just like the medicinal materials that Ning Feng thought were very precious before, they can be found in Zhou Qingluo's hands in three days.

After all, Yucheng and the others are such a big force. It is estimated that these two big forces still know everything about it, and it is not very difficult to find them.

"Well, leave it to me. As long as there are clues, as long as they are on our territory, there will be no one who can't be found." He said fiercely: "My friend Ren Yi dares to move, it is still in my On the ground."

"Brother, don't worry, give me two days, and I will definitely give you an answer."

"You don't have to worry, just make things difficult for them slowly. Anyway, I didn't suffer a loss." Ning Feng said as he sat on the chair.Not only did he not have any losses now, but his strength has also improved a little.

But it doesn't exonerate them because of this. The original purpose of these people is still to kill themselves.

So you can make him not in a hurry, but you can't let them go.

"En." Ren Yi was also sitting on the sofa, and suddenly noticed a ball of blood-stained gauze in the garbage dump, and a more ambiguous smile appeared on his face.

"It's nothing to say, and the evidence is not cleared up." He patted Ning Feng's shoulder and said, "Yes, you are really good, it's the first time for him—"

"Oh... Grandma, let me go." While speaking, Ren Yi was kicked flying, and Zhou Qingluo grabbed his neck.

She was temporarily out of control of her legs due to fright, but under the stimulation of Ren Yi, she recovered.

"You still dare to tease my aunt, you've learned a lot." Zhou Qingluo pinched his neck and said, "Teaching you once won't improve your memory!"

"Don't dare, don't dare, don't dare anymore..." Ren Yi was so frightened that he hurriedly begged for mercy, "I will definitely control my bad mouth in the future, and I won't dare again..."

"Ning Feng, help me..."

"Okay, okay, it's almost enough. He will never dare in the future. It's nothing, it's the bruise from her previous injury, it's not what you think." Ning Feng said with a smile: "You can't do it right now." Gotta scare him enough."

Zhou Qingluo gave him a vicious look, then let go of his neck, glanced at Ning Feng and said, "Rogue master, I'm leaving first, and I'll invite you over later. I'll go home first, I haven't been home for several days, and I will come to you to study again when the time comes."

"Several days..." Ren Yi was about to speak, but when he saw Zhou Qingluo's appearance, he quickly covered his mouth.

After seeing Zhou Qingluo leave, he quietly said to Ning Feng: "Have you been here for a few days? What? Did something happen?"

"Shut your crow's mouth." Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him and said, "It's not as dirty as you think."

"Cut." Ren Yi looked at Ning and said, "There will be a fun thing in a few days, let's go play together..."

"No, I'm going back to Haicheng. I still have to work, and I've been delayed for several days, so I have to go back quickly." Ning Feng said, he had stayed here for too long, so he had to hurry go back.

I don't know what's going on in Haicheng yet.

"Oh, that's it. That's fine. Anyway, the traffic is so developed now, it only takes an hour or two for me to find you." He said to Ning Feng: "I have already opened the supply chain between you and the Zhou family. I said hello, and it went very smoothly. With us here, you can rest assured."

He said to Ning Feng, this is the most important thing for Ning Feng to come here, he must help Ning Feng to complete this matter no matter what.

Ning Feng nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

"Okay, don't be polite to me, let's go for a drink." Then he dragged Ning Feng to drink.

In the next few days, in addition to arranging Hu Daodao's master and apprentice to go to Haicheng, Ning Feng also helped Zhou Qingluo learn the basic method of spiritual power operation, because her meridians are already normal.

So now it's an entry point.

Of course, Ren Yi still came to play with him from time to time, but he was cruelly rejected by Ning Feng.However, their encirclement and suppression of Yucheng was quite powerful, and Ning Feng still underestimated the status of this precious girl in Zhou Tianchu's heart.

In almost three or four days, there were news that various forces were destroyed, and the stone gang was around to help.The two big head snakes quickly wiped out their foundation here.

The foundation of many years of operation was completely destroyed in just a few days.

It is estimated that they will regret it now and die!
(End of this chapter)

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