Chapter 604 I Can't Take It Anymore
Ning Feng touched the corner of his mouth, then his nose, and sure enough, it was bleeding.

I tried to exercise my spiritual power, and found that it was no longer smooth, the blockage of the meridians caused the spiritual power to be disordered, the qi and blood surged up, and the corners of the mouth began to bleed.

"It's okay, the toxicity has occurred." He sat directly on the ground and said.

Shen Zhitao looked at Ning Feng nervously and said, "Are you okay?" She held the clothes in one hand, and supported Ning Feng with the other, looking at her anxiously.

She wanted to know what happened, but she didn't understand at all.It needs to be taught by Ning Feng himself.

"You tell me what to do?" She felt guilty and anxious now.And moved.It was precisely because Ning Feng was anxious to save her that he became poisoned.

The two of them fell ill at the same time, it seems that those people directly poisoned their food.They knew their whereabouts, so they probably started in advance.

It was his own habits that harmed Ning Feng.

"Tell me what to do?" She supported Ning Feng with both hands, and she didn't care whether she was gone or not.

But Ning Feng didn't answer, and then fell to the ground without moving.

In fact, he himself is conscious, but all the meridians have been sealed, and then the disorder of spiritual power impacts the body.After reaching the limit of the body, the brain will automatically make the body unconscious to protect the body.

But his mental power is extremely powerful, although he can't move, his consciousness is still very clear.

He also wanted to tell her what the method was, but he couldn't open his mouth, so he could only silently observe the situation in his body.I hope to find a chance to open a meridian!
This level of congestion can be resolved as long as he is given a certain amount of time, but there may not be much time now.Because the revenge of those people will come immediately.

Shen Zhitao saw that Ning Feng suddenly passed out, and he panicked and didn't know what to do.

But after all, she was someone who went through a big scene, her head turned quickly, and then she made a direct phone call. "Remember the prescription I gave you just now? I'll order another one according to that medicine. It must be fried well. Hurry up."

She is still very smart. Since the condition of the two is the same, the previous prescription must be very effective.

Although she wouldn't use Ning Feng's messy methods, she would at least pour it directly into his mouth.

Sure enough, after a while, Ning Feng felt a bitter taste pouring down from his mouth.First of all, he felt a burst of joy, because Shen Zhitao is really smart, as long as he has this medicine, he can quickly stabilize this condition.

But he still has some worries, because this medicine is not an ordinary medicinal material, and it contains a blind medicine that will trigger the most primitive desire of the human body.If it is not eliminated by silver needles, it is equivalent to an aphrodisiac!
"Forget it's important to save your life, just hold back when the time comes." Ning Feng was not polite, and directly guided the medicinal liquid in his stomach to digest and penetrate quickly.

The spiritual power guides the medicinal power to move towards the various meridians.This medicine is specifically for this disease, and the effect is naturally very significant.

After Shen Zhitao fed Ning Feng's medicine, it was obvious that his condition was much better.The red color on his body also quickly disappeared, and his face quickly returned.

"Obviously the situation relieved quickly after drinking the medicine, did this guy do it on purpose?" Shen Zhitao looked at Ning Feng and asked.But while speaking, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It shouldn't be so, although it's a bit of a hooligan, it won't be corrupted."

Ning Feng breathed a sigh of relief, it was really a wish, a conscience of heaven and earth, he really had no other thoughts.Although her own strength is good, she still mobilizes spiritual power through her dantian after all, and the speed is too slow.

Naturally, the circulation of the medicinal power is much slower.

Ning Feng does not have a dantian, and his cyclone, which gathers spiritual energy, does not have that kind of restriction, and can directly transport countless meridians at the same time.Of course the speed is faster than her.

This fast speed means that it is transported to the meridians quickly, and it does not mean that the medicine is effective.

Fortunately, she believed in herself.

"You must be good." She said to Ning Feng: "Or I will have to feel guilty for the rest of my life."

"That's unnecessary." Ning Feng opened his eyes and looked at her and said, "You don't need to feel guilty."

"How are you?" She looked at Ning Feng excitedly and said, "The effect is really remarkable."

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "First of all, I really didn't take off your clothes on purpose. You don't have such strong mental strength as me. If you faint, you're really finished."

"Okay, I believe you." She said and walked towards Ning Feng. "What do you mean by bowing like a prawn?"

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "Don't come here, stay away from me while I can still control myself, this medicine contains aphrodisiac ingredients, you are so beautiful, it's like a medicine primer."

"Ah? Then why don't I feel this way?" She looked down at Ning Feng, and then couldn't help but smile and said, "You won't make excuses for your reaction, will you?"

"I won't lie to you, you should stay away quickly, I am using my mental power to forcefully suppress it now. If you can't suppress it, you will be in real trouble." Ning Feng looked at her and said, "Hurry up, get away from me quickly!" a little."

He is basically on the verge of collapse now, on the verge of a struggle between reason and desire.

In the end desire is sure to win.

Because desire will persuade reason with various reasons, even if the reasons are false, they will definitely be persuaded.

She also seemed to see that Ning Feng's appearance was a little different, and his eyes were gradually turning red.But deep down in her heart at this moment, she didn't intend to escape, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

She went straight up to meet him.

Ning Feng finally lost control of his rationality, and his desire surged out like a volcanic eruption.He threw her directly on the sofa, and began to undo the clothes with both hands.

Although Shen Zhitao's drugs were eliminated by Ning Feng with silver needles, there were still some aphrodisiac drugs left in them.Two people dry firewood meet fire!

All kinds of clothes were gradually scattered all over the place.

Ning Feng looked at the beauty in front of him, if he continued, he would definitely taste the beauty.But at this moment, in his mind, Su Miaohan's figure couldn't be dispelled no matter what.

He looked at Shen Zhitao, who was blushing, and took the silver knife on the table and stabbed it directly into his thigh just as he was about to kick the door.

Suddenly, a sense of pain rushed into my mind, and immediately canceled out more than half of my desires.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he rushed to the bathroom and drenched under the cold water.At this time, the heartbeat is very fast, and I almost made a mistake!
(End of this chapter)

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