Chapter 605 The Vampire Clan

Despite the cold water pouring down from his head, with the help of his right hand, he finally suppressed this feeling in his body.

He shook the water droplets from his hair, casually picked up a towel and wiped himself clean.

"Huh, I almost made a mistake." It's okay to fight and fight, but Ning Feng is still very cautious about this kind of sex.After all, she is a girl, so she can't be responsible for her after she did this, isn't it very wicked?

The injury on the leg healed quickly under the restoration of spiritual power.

He put on his clothes and went out.

Shen Zhitao has already dressed, she is wearing a relatively loose silk gown, revealing a white neck and slender legs, like a delicacy waiting for someone to eat.

It took a lot of effort for Ning Feng to turn his head aside, and said, "I was really sorry just now."

"I won't rely on you." She said with a smile, "I'm an adult now, so I won't have such naive thoughts."

"No no... If I did something, it doesn't matter if you rely on me, but I didn't do anything in the end." Ning Feng said lightly: "It's as if I succeeded, what a loss! "

Shen Zhitao smiled lightly and said, "That's not doing anything? Except for the last one, you have done everything you should have done, right?"

"Anyway, I'm sorry." Ning Feng sighed and said, "It was true that my mind was out of control at that time."

"Hehe...Look at how nervous you are." Shen Zhitao pulled Ning Feng to sit beside her and said, "I didn't realize that you are still a conservative person, and a person under normal circumstances can't control himself in that situation. You are really willing to pierce yourself."

"You are a girl who suffers no matter what." Ning Feng said lightly: "I have to think about it for you, right? Did you lose control of yourself then?"

As he spoke, he smiled slightly at Shen Zhitao.

Shen Zhitao thumped him and said, "Poor mouth!"

"It's getting late, hurry up and rest, I'll go back first." He said to Shen Zhitao.After finishing speaking, he walked outside.

It's just that he just went out and then came in again.

But instead of walking in, it fell directly into it.The whole person directly hit the wall behind.

"What's going on?" Shen Zhitao looked at Ning Feng and said nervously.

Ning Feng waved her to stop talking, then stood up, watching a person slowly appear at the door.It turned out to be a foreigner. This guy was tall and tall, but his skin was snow-white, as if he hadn't seen the light all year round.

"Who are you?" Ning Feng stared at this human being, and he could tell that this person should be sent by those three people. Sure enough, they felt that they were too bad.

Want to kill yourself and save face?

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth twitched slightly, this is for you to be shameless first.

The man didn't answer him, and suddenly two long teeth appeared from the corner of the man's mouth.

"Vampire family?"

Ning Feng looked at this person and said in surprise, he had always thought that vampires were legends, but he did not expect that they really existed.

He jumped up and kicked the man's chest with all his strength.Kicking people out of the door directly, the things in the room are so expensive, I can't afford to pay for anything broken.

This vampire should have just grown up, and his strength should be in the state of concentration.

His attack method is somewhat unpredictable, and his strength is also very good.If it was replaced by the self before the breakthrough, it would be really difficult to deal with it.

Even now, in the face of this kind of attack that I have never seen before, I have to be more careful.

No one knows how many hole cards they will have, and what are the functions of these hole cards.

"Protect yourself." Ning Feng shouted at Shen Zhitao, then picked up the feather duster on the wall and rushed out.

The vampire seemed to be more energetic in the darkness. After being kicked to the ground by Ning Feng, he turned over and jumped up, and then rushed towards Ning Feng and bit him.

"If you only have this ability, you should go home as soon as possible." Ning Feng punched out directly.

The vampire didn't know what to say in the bottom of the Uri, and then his speed was doubled.Ning Feng's punch landed directly in the air.


Ning Feng was kicked from behind, and then jumped out.Directly came a dog to eat shit.

Although he was thrown to the ground, his mental strength was maximized instead.He kicked out with a roundabout kick.


Ning Feng kicked directly on his fist.

As expected, this guy was taking advantage of his quickness, and he hardly gave his opponent a chance to stop. Fortunately, Ning Feng's judgment was more accurate, otherwise the second injury would have severely injured himself.

He looked at the terrifying white vampire standing not far away, and said, "Are you sent by John?" He knew that this person might not be able to speak Chinese, so he spoke in his broken English.

Although complex sentences cannot be said, these simple words can still be done.

The man stared at Ning Feng without saying a word, and suddenly rushed towards Ning Feng again.

"Your sister!" Ning Feng couldn't help cursing, why is this guy so stubborn.No news at all!

He is now locked on to this person with a high degree of mental strength, and his quickness actually has no effect on Ning Feng.It just happened suddenly, and Ning Feng didn't have time to react.

With Ning Feng prepared, he will not succeed.

Every subsequent attack was easily resolved by Ning Feng.

The vampire was also staring at Ning Feng curiously. It was really surprising that this person was able to stop him from going so fast.

He stared at Ning Feng for a while, and then began to mutter again.Then he ran towards Ning Feng again, but this time the speed did not increase much.

Ning Feng looked at this person curiously, not knowing what he could do this time.

He didn't hesitate to rush up to punch him, and suddenly found that his strength had grown several times.

Ning Feng was directly pushed back more than ten meters.

He looked at this person in surprise, the gibberish things that this person said should be something similar to spells.Some can speed up, some can increase strength, I don't know if there are other functions.

Ning Feng shook his hands, looked at this person and said: "Interesting, interesting, it seems that we need to understand this race well."

When this person rushed over again, Ning Feng directly teleported to behind him, and then kicked him in the back.

"Before attacking me for so long, it's time for me to fight back."

(End of this chapter)

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