Chapter 606 The Power of Bloodline

This kick landed on his back firmly.

He jumped straight forward, slapped the ground with both hands, and then turned over and stood still in the distance.He also looked at Ning Feng curiously, his speed could be so fast.

"You can be so fast." He said suddenly.And he still speaks standard Chinese, so this guy can speak.

Ning Feng stared blankly at him, "Do you speak Chinese?"

"Of course, I just thought you were not worthy to be my opponent." He closed his teeth and looked at Ning Feng and said.Putting his teeth away is proof that he doesn't want to fight Ning Feng for the time being, he wants to chat with Ning Feng.

Ning Feng also relaxed, looked at him and said, "Do you think I'm your opponent now?"

"Yes. No one's speed can keep up with me." He looked at Ning Feng and said, "You are the first person who made me feel fast."

Ning Feng smiled slightly and said: "That's because you still have few contacts, and there are more truly powerful people. There are not a few people who are faster than this."

He may have stayed in his home for a long time, and he actually felt that his speed was already invincible.

In fact, the speed of people at the upper level is the real terror.

"Oh." He looked at Ning Feng curiously, "But in Huaxia, you are my first opponent who looks good."

Ning Feng smiled contemptuously and said, "That's because your level is too low. If you can get in touch with a higher level opponent, you will feel how naive you are."

There are many people who are more powerful than him, and various large organizations are even more terrifying, such as the backstage of the SAARC that injured him that time.The people they randomly send out are from the innate realm, and I don't know how many real masters there are.

"Are you here to kill me this time?" Ning Feng looked at him and said, too lazy to discuss this topic with him.

The man said without hesitation: "Yes."

Ning Feng nodded and said, "Let me introduce you, I am Ning Feng."

The man also smiled and said, "Baron Robinson."

"The vampire family?"

"Yes." Without any concealment, he looked at Ning Feng and said, "I'm glad to be your opponent. I haven't had a serious fight for a long time." He showed his fangs again, it seems I am ready to continue fighting.

"Mission must be accomplished."

Ning Feng smiled, looked at him and said, "You can't beat me."

"Then you have to try, don't you?" He said confidently: "Once the vampire family becomes an adult, the speed of strength is several times that of ordinary people. But don't worry, I will not kill you. Our vampire family has never Killing, I just want to beat you."

Suddenly, a charming blue light appeared in his pair of blue eyes.

This kind of light actually has the effect of shaking people's minds, but it's a pity that this effect has almost no effect on people who have cultivated spiritual power.

Ning Feng smiled, "Then I will guide you and show you how to use speed and power."

"If I lose, I will be your servant!" After finishing speaking, he rushed towards Ning Feng, and his speed soared even faster than before.

Even Ning Feng's mental strength was just enough to capture his figure, leaving only an afterimage in place, and the man disappeared.

"It's interesting." Ning Feng said.

Ning Feng was still talking here, but Robinson's sharp claws had already scratched Ning Feng's throat.But after he passed by, he realized that this person was also an afterimage.

The afterimage was still speaking, and the sound had just come out.

Ning Feng's speed is much faster than his!
"Speed ​​is not just about being fast, but about being precise. Like now!"


Ning Feng punched him on the back and slapped him directly to the ground.

He looked at Ning Feng in surprise, when did he get behind him?And it's still so close to me?

Ning Feng didn't take the opportunity to chase him down. This person is very interesting, and this family is also very interesting.And their family seems to be good, they don't kill people.

This is very popular with Ning Feng.

"Why are you so fast?" He looked at Ning Feng in surprise.

Ning Feng shook his head at him and said: "It's not that I'm fast, but that I'm precise. When you're so far away, you speed up, and it's easy to give your opponent time to react. Like me, go after you've been bullied, and then I hid behind you, defended and counterattacked, and then shot out."

He looked at Robinson with a smile and said, "During the duel between experts, you leave too much time for others."

The fast movement of two people can't be used unlimitedly, Ning Feng's is to use the instantaneous burst of spiritual power to teleport.And he is using that spell, perhaps to stimulate the potential in his body.

Therefore, the person who took effective countermeasures with this move has actually won.

How can you win if you show your back to your opponent?

"I'm not as good as you in terms of speed." He looked at Ning Feng and said, "Then you come and try the blood power of our vampire clan." After speaking, he stood up and began to bite his fingers and drew a messy picture in the air .

Ning Feng can actually defeat him easily, after all, his strength is oppressive.But he didn't intend to defeat this person directly, he didn't know anything about vampires, and now was his chance.

Looking at the painting, this should be something like a curse.In fact, it is similar to their martial arts, but the method is a little different.

Ning Feng picked up his feather duster and said, "I will use this feather duster to deal with your blood power."

He looked at Ning Feng and said, "Are you ready? If you can block this blow, I am willing to sign a blood contract with you and become your servant completely. Otherwise, you have to become my servant, how about it?"

When he said this, he was obviously very confident.

Ning Feng smiled, looked at him and said, "You are very confident, so feel free."

It seems that Luoshuishen's lightsaber has not been used since he learned it by himself. Maybe it's time to try its power at this time.

"Take the call!"

All of a sudden, the bloody thing he drew merged with the moonlight, and then a bloody and cold feeling rushed over.

As long as there is moonlight, you can feel the power of the blood fiend. It really comes from the power of the blood. This blood should be the kind of murderous aura that they condensed after fighting the werewolf.

But Ning Feng was really not afraid, and waved the feather duster in his hand.

With the dancing of the feather duster, it seems that a divine light descends.A sacred feeling emanated directly.The same power from the moon came down, as if there was a fairy standing alone, holding a sharp sword and pointing it indifferently!
The sword energy was wanton, and the cold light flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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