Chapter 607 VIP Treatment
"The fairy guides the way!"

This is the first time Ning Feng has used it for real, and he didn't dare to use his spiritual power when he contacted him before.Exerting this move with all its strength now, it can still trigger such a great force.

An evil spirit of blood is everywhere.

One is the posture of a fairy from Haoyue.

Which of these two forces is more powerful?

In fact, when Ning Feng just used this trick, the answer appeared.In this round, Ning Feng will win!
The vampire family also has various relationships with the moon, and their power will be strengthened regardless of the relationship with the moon.As long as the moon exists, they have never lost.

But this time, the spiritual power between heaven and earth, and even the brilliance from the moon disturbed this move of Immortal Guidance.

When Robinson also saw Ning Feng's move, he was already a little nervous. The move he used was too powerful.


The two forces collided.

There was just a muffled sound, and it didn't cause any large energy fluctuations.

The pole of Ning Feng's feather duster just touched a drop of blood, and the transformed fairy image disappeared, as did the blood demon pattern.

This action seems to be frozen.


Blood hit the feather duster rod.There was an unidentifiable sound, but the sound was indeed very clear in the ears of the two of them.

"En! Poof!"

At this moment, Robinson spat out a mouthful of blood.His face became even paler, he looked at Ning Feng and said, "I lost."

Ning Feng shook his head, then looked at him and said, "No."

After finishing speaking, he took out the feather duster, which was actually broken into two pieces.Sure enough, something like a sword cannot be replaced by other things at will.

Not only did it fail to bring out the full power of the Immortal Guidance, but because of its own material problems, it actually split open.

"My weapon is also broken, we can't count who wins and who loses!" Ning Feng looked at him and said.

"No, I lost. If it wasn't for your weapon, I would have lost even worse. This drop of blood is linked to my hard work, and maybe I would die." He looked at Ning Feng and said with a smile . "I lost, I am willing to sign a servant contract."

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "First of all, it is certain that you can't beat me, but it is my business that I didn't hold the sword in this match, it has nothing to do with the result. Secondly, I don't want any servants, I don't want to enslave anyone. You let's go!"

He didn't want to offend such a Robinson family here. This family still looks very large. He is only a baron with such good strength, and there are a lot of people on the top of him.

The strength of vampires increases with age, and the strength of those above must not be weak.

This family still looks good. They know how to keep a line and don't kill people.Facing this kind of person, he will stay on the line.He also said just now that among his peers and even seniors, almost no one is faster than him.

Should be regarded as a very talented person.

Maybe he is a candidate for the future Patriarch. If he enslaved him, the family would hate him to death?
"Are you sure you don't want to sign?" Deep down in his heart, he didn't want to sign either. Who would want to be someone else's slave.

"Not to sign!" Ning Feng said: "But this time you scared the hostess, you need to apologize!"

He stood up and said to Ning Feng: "This time I also owe you a favor. I am also deeply sorry for disturbing the lady, and I will apologize." Then he walked towards the house.

When the two of them walked into the house, Shen Zhitao changed into leaner clothes, looked at Ning Feng and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Ning Feng said, and then he stabbed the vampire.

Robinson looked at Shen Zhitao, put one hand on his chest, and bowed: "Beautiful lady, I am really sorry to disturb you at night, I am very sorry. The Robinson family will compensate you tenfold for all your losses !"

Shen Zhitao was taken aback when he heard the words Robinson's family.She knew who the Robinson family was, the famous nobles in Europe.Vampire families basically follow their lead.

It can be said to be the leader of European vampires.

In fact, these vampires can also be said to be foreign practitioners, but they pay more attention to blood inheritance.Usually, like ordinary people, you should do business and do business, and do what you should do.It is no different from ordinary people.

Their assets are also quite rich, it can be said to be a European consortium.At the same time, it is the bearer of noble honor.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for John and the others to invite people from the Robinson family.

What's going on here?
Ning Feng didn't know all this, and said to him: "Okay, it's all over. We don't care about these things, I hope you go back and tell John and them. Since the agreement was reached at the beginning, it should be followed. I help them win games, they pay me, and if they don’t want to pay, just stand up and say, don’t use these small tricks.”

Robinson looked at Ning Feng strangely and said, "En? What's going on? They told me that you insulted the nobles and looked down on our European family."

"Lies, deceit!" He himself was suddenly furious, "I can tell that you are not that kind of person."

"Of course not. If you hadn't come, I wouldn't even know there were you in foreign countries." Ning Feng said.

Shen Zhitao also understood that this person was not invited by them.They were the ones who tricked them, maybe they felt that their subordinates couldn't deal with Ning Feng, so they tricked such a simple little nobleman to deal with Ning Feng.

As defenders of noble honor, they must stand up.

"The relationship between me and them is a transaction. Because they are a little dissatisfied with the rewards they paid, they just want to kill people to silence them." Ning Feng said while looking at him indifferently.

"Shameless liar." Robinson said angrily: "I am very sorry for this incident. I didn't think carefully. If you are willing to talk to the Robbins family, we will treat you as a distinguished guest."

When he spoke to Ning Feng, his tone was calm.But he really cared about this kind of deception.

He gave Ning Feng a black iron sign and said, "All my friends will have one like this. We don't know each other anymore. I am willing to make you my friend."

Ning Feng put away the sign and said to him, "I'll bother you when I have time."

The two exchanged a few polite words, and then he left very angrily, probably to find someone to settle the score.But this guy is interesting!
(End of this chapter)

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