Chapter 608 Blue Blood Family
"Why did you two become friends?" Shen Zhitao looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng casually put the black iron plate in his pocket and said, "He was going to be my servant, but I stopped him. I would like to express my gratitude to me."

"Do you know this Robinson family?" Ning Feng looked at her and said, "You have such a wide range of contacts, you should know about it."

Shen Zhitao nodded, and then told Ning Feng everything he knew.

"Oh, so they are quite powerful." Ning Feng said.

"Of course it's amazing, one of the top nobles in Europe." Shen Zhitao said: "In shopping malls, there are also strong relationships in politics."

"Oh, but it's none of our business." Ning Feng said with a smile: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, I have to deal with those people next. They really dare to bully me above the head."

Shen Zhitao looked at Ning Feng worriedly and said, "Although the Robinson family won't help them anymore, you should have noticed the man who never spoke before, right? He is probably related to another family, the Blue Blood family .”

"If it matters, it's hard on their territory. On the land of Huaxia, even a dragon has to be coiled up for me." Ning Feng said directly.

"Then when do you plan to do it?" Shen Zhitao said, "Do you need me to lead the way?"

Ning Feng shook his head and said, "Don't get involved, just give me the address. These three grandchildren dared to frame me, didn't they just cheat them out of billions of dollars?"

It's tens of billions, even if it's for millions, people will kill people, let alone tens of billions.

"They live in the Golden Crown Hotel." Shen Zhitao looked at him and said, "They also bring a lot of bodyguards with them every time they travel, and these bodyguards are quite powerful."

"I'm not afraid that his bodyguards are strong, but I'm afraid that they will run away when they see that they can't get a hit." Ning Feng said: "Okay, then I will go and deal with them first."

This time it was actually quite dangerous. First of all, they poisoned themselves.The purpose is to seal the meridian, and then send the Robinson family.

If everything is normal, according to their thinking, Ning Feng will definitely die in the hands of the Robinson family.This is naturally very good. If Ning Feng survived by luck and killed Robinson instead, it would attract revenge from the Robinson family.

This is the most potential successor of their family.

He directly called Little Wild Wolf and the others and said, "Are you free?"


"Gather at the Golden Crown Hotel, don't have too many people, the three of you are enough." Ning Feng said to him, "Come and do me a favor."

"No problem, just wait!"

It really made Ning Feng wait for a while, he was very close to the Crown Hotel, so he called them in advance, and when Ning Feng arrived, they had all arrived.

This action speed is too fast, right?
"You didn't come directly by helicopter, did you?" Ning Feng looked at the few people and said, he was really afraid that they would answer yes.The reason why he came to the three of them was because he was afraid that there would be too much noise.

If a helicopter came, the movement would be even greater.

Little Wild Wolf looked at him and said, "Why? We were having sex not far away before, and the time for your call is just right."

"Are you guys staying up in the middle of the night to play skewers?" Ning Feng looked at these people and was really convinced. "Okay, let's not talk about your sex, I invite you to come here because I want you to help clean up some people."


"There are three people above, and they are members of a few famous financial groups." Ning Feng said: "Do you dare to clean up? There may be people from the vampire family around them. If you are afraid of causing trouble, let me do it myself."

"Your words are not authentic." Snow Wolf jumped out and said, "Brothers are doing business, who dares to stop you."

"Well, that's right." Cang Lang didn't know much about talking, so he rolled up his sleeves and got ready to do it.

"It's all trivial." The little wild wolf said: "Our duty is to find and deal with some potentially dangerous people. These people should also be regarded as potentially dangerous people. Bringing a vampire to Beijing is a dangerous thing. within the scope of processing."

Ning Feng glanced at everyone, "Thank you! Do it!"

As he said that, he rushed in. Since you want to kill me, you can't blame me for killing you instead.

Snow Wolf and their identities are here, and they quickly obtained the residence information of those people.

These people covered the top three floors of the hotel.There is a presidential suite on the first floor, all of which are occupied by them.

A few people went directly to the third-to-last floor. As soon as the door opened, two burly men waved their hands to stop them and said, "The above three floors are all covered, please go down."

"I want to find your boss." Ning Feng said as he stepped forward.

The two big men were obviously anxious, and pushed Ning Feng into the elevator. "No one can come in..."

Before the two of them finished speaking, Ning Feng directly held one of them's arm and circled his head, strangling him until he couldn't breathe!

As for the other person, Snow Wolf kicked him to the wall with one kick, knocking him unconscious.

But this movement was too loud, and it directly provoked his security personnel scattered everywhere.

The four of them glanced at each other, then rushed towards the crowd.These people are just blocking ordinary people. To them, they are basically no different from ants blocking the road.


Basically, all these people were beaten to the ground without any suspense.

With so many people left, basically no one dared to come up and try it out, and all of them retreated obediently.Where the four of them walked, no one dared to stop them.

The strength of these people has been demonstrated before.

Three talents, one master of distraction, dealing with these people is really bullying them.

Ning Feng kicked the suite away, but there was no one in the room.

"What about people?"

Ning Feng turned his eyes to a bodyguard beside him.

The bodyguard was scared out of his wits, and quickly pointed upstairs.

Ning Feng smiled at him, "Good boy!" He said and patted him on the shoulder.Then he just fainted from fright, the behavior of the three of them was too abnormal.

The three casually walked towards the upper floor, but there was still no one on this floor.Continue to go to the upper floor, and the bodyguards on this floor are much stronger than those on the lower floor, which can be regarded as just entry-level.

However, with one attack from Ning Feng's consciousness, they all fell to the ground.

"You can't go in!" Right at the door of this room are five white people. These five people are horribly white, with blue blood vessels showing on their exposed arms.

"Blue blood family!"

(End of this chapter)

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