Chapter 613 You will not succeed

Ning Feng smiled at him and said, "Forget it!"

After speaking, he drove them home directly.

He took a quick shower and fell asleep.I've been up all day today and I'm exhausted.

When he woke up the next day, he realized that there were several missed calls.

They were all called by Dean Liu, why did he call himself?Ning Feng called back the phone suspiciously.

"Dean Liu, what do you need from me?" Ning Feng said.

The person on the other side seemed to be very anxious, and Dean Liu walked very fast, "Ning Feng, are you in the capital now?"

Ning Feng said: "Yes."

"That's good, is it convenient for you now? Can you come to the armed police hospital?" He said to Ning Feng.Words filled with anticipation.

In fact, Ning Feng wanted to go back to Haicheng today, but since Dean Liu made a request, he couldn't refuse it directly.

"Okay, wait a minute. I'll be there in a while, what happened?" Ning Feng asked.

Dean Liu said: "We found a strange disease here, and we suspect that it is highly contagious. We suspect that this may trigger a new round of epidemics."

Ning Feng understood, "Okay, I understand, I'll go right away."

As he said that, he packed his things and drove over directly.

When he arrived at the hospital, Dean Liu had already sent someone to pick him up. "President Liu is in the ward, are you going directly to the ward?" the man looked at Ning Feng and asked.

Ning Feng said: "Go directly to the ward." Hearing Dean Liu's tone, he seemed to be in a hurry, so it was better for him to go and have a look.

"Then you come with me." He said and walked towards the ward with Ning Feng.

There are also quite a few people in the ward, with six or seven doctors.They should all be regarded as experts and scholars, and their level should be very good.

"Xiaofeng is here." Dean Liu looked at Ning Feng and said excitedly: "We are at a loss now, it's great that you can come." He grabbed Ning Feng's hand as he spoke, obviously giving him high hopes.

"Dean Liu, who is this?" A person looked at Dean Liu and asked.

Dean Liu looked at the crowd and said excitedly: "This is the vice president of our hospital, a famous Chinese medicine expert, Mr. Ning Fengning. He was the one who controlled the epidemic in Haicheng before."

In fact, this place in the capital city was the most glorious place for Chinese medicine after all. It is not so repulsive to Chinese medicine, and its acceptance is quite good.

Everyone didn't despise Ning Feng because he is a Chinese medicine doctor, nor did they compliment him because he cured the epidemic.All the people present are big shots, and no one has two awesome things to say.

"Oh, such a young Chinese medicine practitioner." The man looked at Ning Feng and said, "Isn't it just a waste of fame? Now some liars are like that, using the banner of Chinese medicine to bluff everywhere and ruin our reputation as Chinese medicine."

"This is?" Ning Feng didn't sound very good when he heard him, as if he had a deep resentment towards himself.It's as if he robbed his wife by himself, and it's like taking gunpowder when we meet.

Dean Liu introduced: "This is a family of Chinese medicine in Beijing, Chu Yuejin! They are also very accomplished in Chinese medicine, especially in the modernization of Chinese medicine. Mr. Chu Yuejin is also a famous doctor of Chinese medicine , cured many dark diseases, I hope the two can communicate and improve in the same field."

He enthusiastically introduced, probably hoping that the two of them could have a good communication.

After the introduction, it turned out that only Chu Yuejin had a bad face, and now even Ning Feng had a bad face.What is his relationship with the Chu family now?The Chu family wanted to kill him.

No wonder this guy would show his face.

Seeing that the faces of the two were not very good, Dean Liu gave up on letting the two of them communicate, but said to everyone: "Dean Xing, please tell us about the situation of the patients here."

This Dean Xing is a middle-aged woman with a very temperament, and she looks like that kind of medical family.

She looked at everyone and said, "This patient is the first carrier of the disease to be discovered. After getting sick, his whole body is extremely itchy, and his hair is all bald. A new virus has indeed been found in the blood, but there is nothing to do about it."

At this time, the patient suddenly woke up and started scratching, "Itchy... It's so itchy...Doctor, doctor, save me quickly, give me another injection of anesthesia, I'm so uncomfortable!"

"No, you can't do it anymore, and you will have problems with your nervous system." Dean Xing shook his head and said, "If you persist for a few more days, we have already invited the best doctor in China. , and a solution will soon be found.”

"But...but I itch!" He scratched his body and said.There were even bloodstains on his body, and he didn't stop, as if he didn't feel any pain at all.

"Please, please, give me an injection, life is better than death."

He was wailing there, but no one would give him an injection. Another injection just after the effect of the medicine wears off would be fatal.

"Forget it, let's go back to the meeting to study the problem first. The situation is just like this. All kinds of antibiotics are basically ineffective." Dean Xing said helplessly. If they want to find out the reason, they must first study the virus in the blood. What is the attribute, how is the structure, and then judge what needs to be used to destroy him.

"Don't worry, since he is in such pain, why don't I give him acupuncture anesthesia." Chu Yuejin looked at the crowd and said, "Acupuncture anesthesia will not harm any nerves."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Ning Feng proudly, as if to say that I am better than you, would you know such a trick?

"You'd better not do this." Ning Feng said lightly: "You will never succeed at all."

"Hmph, if you don't understand what you don't understand, just watch it from the sidelines, you are still young, and there are still many things you don't understand." He said to Ning Feng, "Acupuncture anesthesia in traditional Chinese medicine has a long history, and none of the anesthesia I have performed has failed. "

"Then let Dr. Chu try it, the patient is really in too much pain now." Dean Xing looked at the crowd and said.

Everyone nodded and said, "Then try it. Dr. Chu is really skilled in acupuncture and anesthesia. You might as well give it a try."

"After all, the patient is in such pain that it's uncomfortable to watch."

"Young man, study hard with Dr. Chu for a while. Acupuncture and anesthesia are national treasure-level medical skills. It will be of great benefit to you if you can learn a little bit."

"Hey." Ning Feng shook his head. Sure enough, everywhere you have to compete for qualifications. If you don't have qualifications, everyone will think you are a child. "It's up to you, but he won't succeed."

Acupuncture-moxibustion anesthesia seems to be done by piercing silver needles in the tiger's mouth, but the subtleties are very difficult to grasp.The patient needs to be quiet, and the doctor needs to feel the degree with his hands.

In fact, Chinese medicine must largely rely on the doctor's feelings, and each person's acupuncture points are slightly different.After physical contact is required, then feel with experience.

Now this patient obviously does not have the above two points.

(End of this chapter)

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