Chapter 614 I Can Relieve
Now his whole body is extremely itchy, and there is no way to wait for him to get the needle safely.Moreover, this person's disease is contagious, and it is very rare to feel the depth of the needle.

Since they don't believe it, and they have nothing to say, they can give it a try.

"Boy, you still have a lot to learn. Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and you can't be proud everywhere just by knowing a little thing." After hearing what happened to his brother, Chu Yuejin was very disdainful of this Ning Feng.

No matter how smart a young man is, he can't fully understand it.It's a shame that his brother lost to a young man.

"You can try it." Ning Feng smiled and said very modestly.

Dean Liu looked at Ning Feng, it didn't seem like his character, he knew Ning Feng's level.He is quite proficient in acupuncture and anesthesia. When he was under anesthesia, one shot worked.

Chu Yuejin ignored Ning Feng and walked up to the patient.Said to the patient: "You have to be patient for 2 minutes, I will give you acupuncture and anesthesia, then you will not itch."

The man nodded, then fought back the itch and put his hand to his side.That hand had tried its best to keep it still, but the itching on his body was beyond his control.

That hand was trembling all the time, and he tried hard to control it, but the trembling was not small.

"Slightly more stable, there is no way to give the needle." He looked at the patient and said, he did not expect the patient to have such a strong reaction when itching.

The patient took a deep breath and then tried to stay still for a few seconds.And Chu Yuejin seized this opportunity, and the silver needle in his hand was about to be pierced.

However, he seemed to think that this person would be contagious, so the other hand did not dare to touch him directly.One-handed acupuncture started, but the effect of one-handed acupuncture was far worse.

He twisted it for a while, but he didn't see any signs of relief from the patient.The patient's trembling was getting bigger and bigger, and Chu Yuejin's forehead was sweating more and more.

Is it true that as Ning Feng said, this is really impossible?Isn't this too embarrassing?He still wanted to try it, but the patient obviously couldn't help it, and quickly scratched it.

"I can't, I can't, I can't take it anymore." The patient was in great pain, "This acupuncture and anesthesia is not reliable, so give me an injection, I can't take it anymore."

"Please, life is better than death. It's better to die, doctor, please." He looked at Dean Xing and said.

"No, the patient is moving too much, there is no way to give the needle at all." Chu Yuejin walked back and looked at the crowd and said.

Ning Feng didn't directly mock him, but just shrugged at him, and everyone knew what it meant.I have told you before that it is not suitable, so you have to give it a try, what is the result?Did you slap yourself in the face?
Seeing Ning Feng's expression, all the doctors couldn't help laughing.

"This little doctor is really interesting. I didn't expect him to have some skills. He can explain this situation clearly. It seems that he is not in vain."

"It's really good, at least his judgment is very good. Give him a while, and he will probably be the leader of domestic Chinese medicine."

"He has a unique vision, but he doesn't know how medical skills are. We haven't seen him perform medical skills with our own eyes."

Their understanding of Ning Feng has also undergone major changes. Before, they really didn't pay much attention to Ning Feng, but after this time, everyone looked at him seriously.

But Chu Yuejin refused to accept it, and stared at Ning Feng with eccentricity and said, "If you have the ability, come here, to put it lightly!"

He was just talking casually, just to satirize Ning Feng.

"Then I'll give it a try, maybe there's a way." Ning Feng said with a smile, "I'm still a little sure about alleviating the patient's condition."

"You mean you can alleviate the patient's condition? Not anesthesia?" Dean Xing looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Anaesthesia is also needed, otherwise it would be difficult for him to give acupuncture if he moves all the time."

"Are you bragging?" Chu Yuejin looked at Ning Feng and said, "I doubt you even if you say you can anesthetize, but you still brazenly say that you can alleviate the disease? So many seniors here can't help it."

Ning Feng said quietly: "You are old, but you can't tell whether you can be anesthetized or not."

"Pfft!" One of the little nurses couldn't help laughing, then looked at Chu Yuejin's face, and fled out in desperation.

Everyone held back their smiles. What Ning Feng said was indeed reasonable. Chu Yuejin himself judged the situation incorrectly. How could he have the nerve to say that others can't?
"You..." He pointed at Ning Feng and wanted to scold him, but he didn't know what to scold. "Okay, okay...then you come to treat it, if you can cure it, you are amazing!"

The doctors also looked at Ning Feng strangely and said, "Can you really do it? If you can't, don't try to be brave. This matter should not be rushed. You can discuss it slowly and study it slowly."

"Yeah, don't mess around just because of fighting spirit. Just help him anesthetize. There is no need to forcibly treat the patient, and it may not be a good thing for the patient."

"Do what you can, treat it to the extent you can, and don't let the condition worsen."

Everyone obviously still had doubts about Ning Feng's ability to relieve the disease. After all, they didn't have any signs of it. How could Ning Feng be able to alleviate the disease directly.

Dean Liu looked at Ning Feng and said, "Let's do it, I believe in your strength."

Ning Feng smiled at him, because Dean Liu knew him well, and he was not very sure that he wouldn't know how to say anything.When he said that he could alleviate the patient's condition, it meant that he already had a way to treat the patient in his heart.

He directly took out the silver needle and pointed at Chu Yuejin and said, "First anesthetize the patient, and I will show you how to anesthetize the patient in this situation."

After finishing speaking, he smiled at Chu Yuejin.

This is provocation, well, this is provocation.

"Come here, come here, if you have the ability, control him and not move." Before he finished speaking, half of the sentence was still spinning in his mouth, so he stopped abruptly, because he found that the patient's right hand was really It's not moving.

Everyone was shocked by Ning Feng's performance.

"I'll rub it, it's so cool, this is the strength. Don't you just stick the needle as you want?"

"That's right, it turns out that you can still do this. It really is a genius. I have to admire it! I even began to believe that he can alleviate the condition."

"How do you think he, a little doctor, knows so many things? I don't think even Chu Tianxiong has his level here."

"It's not possible, it's definitely not." Dean Liu looked at everyone and said with a smile: "You should know the information circulating in the circle recently, right? The wolf king's illness was cured. The person who cured his illness was not Chu Tianxiong, but a young lad."

(End of this chapter)

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