Chapter 615 Seven Star Needle Technique
"Him? So it was him? The wolf king was cured by him, so young."

"It turned out to be him. He is the famous doctor in Haicheng. I didn't expect him to be so young. He is a hero. He seems to have real skills. Just one needle is enough to tell that he has a lot of background."

"Yeah, this sudden stabbing, my confidence in him has improved a lot, maybe it can really alleviate the condition."

Everyone looked at Ning Feng and said excitedly.

Ning Feng quickly pierced the silver needle into an acupuncture point on his shoulder just now, and his arm stopped swinging immediately.In fact, Ning Feng's move is very effective. After all, it is very difficult to stab directly into the tiger's mouth, but it is much easier to stab into the acupuncture points on the shoulder.

After all, the shoulders are not as shaking as the hands, and the acupuncture points on the shoulders are much easier to find than the acupuncture points on the tiger's mouth.The acupuncture point on the shoulder is at that place, just pierce it, but the position in the tiger's mouth has to be groped by the doctor himself.

His strategy was to seal the acupuncture points on his arm first, so that his arm would not move, and then anesthetized.

Seeing this move, Chu Yuejin was also very surprised. Others might just see Ning Feng's stabbing, and the patient's hand stopped moving.But he noticed the speed and method of Ning Feng's shot, as well as the effect of this acupuncture point.

He himself didn't know that this acupuncture point had such an effect before.

One effect is actually the cooperation of various factors such as manipulation, acupuncture, strength, acupuncture points, depth, twisting, lifting, and so on.If there is a slight error in one of them, the effect will be different.

So when Chu Yuejin saw Ning Feng's technique that he had never seen before, he was very shocked.Basically, seeing this performance, one knows that Ning Feng is much stronger than him.

But he wouldn't admit it like that, "Don't you just know how to find an acupuncture point? It's all a small plan. If you have the ability to relieve the patient's condition. Don't just talk about it."

Ning Feng ignored him, put on a rubber glove and said, "According to my observation, the patient's condition is transmitted through contact, so there is no problem with wearing gloves. There is no need to be so afraid."

He said this to Chu Yuejin. After all, Chu Yuejin was too scared to touch the patient just now.

Ning Feng smiled at him, and then stuck the silver needle into the tiger's mouth. A few seconds later, the patient fell asleep directly.

"It works. This young man can also do acupuncture and anesthesia. It seems that a hero is born as a boy. Haha... amazing, amazing."

"It really anesthetized the person. The patient really spread it by contact. You can see that he didn't come into contact with the patient. Sure enough, nothing happened."

"How did he know it was transmitted through contact? Can he really relieve the patient's condition?"

"It's really hard to say, he's so powerful. Besides, the person who cured the wolf king should be as good as he is."

Everyone also had considerable trust in Ning Feng. After all, the performance just now had convinced everyone, and with the honor of curing the wolf king, everyone basically treated him as an equal.

Chu Yuejin was not feeling well now, the honor of curing the wolf king should belong to their Chu family, but Ning Feng snatched it away.This time the honor should also belong to him, but it was about to be snatched away by Ning Feng again.

"Don't think that being able to anesthetize is powerful. Who in the older generation of Chinese medicine can't do it? If you don't have a little level, then you don't deserve to be called a Chinese medicine doctor. Didn't you say that you can cure it? Come on, I will see it with my own eyes. You heal the patient." When he spoke, he had a sour taste, which should have been the time for him to express himself.

Instead, it made him perform.

"Doctor Chu, don't get excited. Mr. Ning Feng is already very good at reaching this level. After all, the treatment of this disease does not mean that it can be cured just by treating it. Everyone hasn't figured it out yet."

"Yeah, we don't force it to be cured. There is nothing we can do. Why should we ask him to be able to cure the patient? Let's be realistic. Sometimes people have to admit defeat. The older you are, the older you get. It’s getting harder and harder to admit that I can’t do it anymore.”

There was something in the doctor's words, and he obviously pointed the finger at Chu Yuejin.

"We have to admit that there are younger generations who are great, otherwise how can the medical profession progress?" Another doctor said with a smile: "It's not difficult for you, it's whatever level you can treat, anyway, it's better than us anyway."

Among these doctors, there are still people of high moral character.Not all people like Chu Yuejin.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "I really have a cure, but now I can only help the patient relieve it first, and I have to sort out the prescriptions and the like after I go back."

"Look, this is what he said by himself. You can cure it. You are capable if you cure it." Chu Yuejin looked at him and said, "Don't think that you are so powerful that you don't know how powerful you are."

"Don't be brave, even if we can't relieve you, we won't doubt your strength." Dean Liu looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng smiled slightly and said: "I'm really not trying to be brave, I really have a way, but now I can only help him relieve it, as for the follow-up treatment, it's better to take it slow!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the patient, took out the silver needle, and pierced all of his big acupoints including Neiguan.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, this situation should be regarded as occlusion of yang qi, leading to the prosperity of yin and the decline of yang, and the imbalance of yin and yang leads to no hair growth at all.It will fall off naturally. As for the itchy skin, it is obviously that there is evil stimulation in the body.

What he can do now is to alleviate the condition, dredge Yang Qi, and balance Yin and Yang.Thereby reducing the itching of patients, as for the irritation in the body, medication is still needed.

His golden needle runs through hundreds of meetings, connects the sandalwood, and meets Guanyuan.

Then use the eight extraordinary meridians and the major acupoints as the connecting points to diffuse the yang energy.

He flicked the silver needle in his hand, and then saw a little cold light flickering on the patient's acupuncture point.

"This is? Seven-star acupuncture?" Chu Yuejin looked at Ning Feng and said in surprise.Others may not understand it, but he himself knows it clearly. The seven-star acupuncture method is exactly their family's non-transmission acupuncture method.

Why is Ning Feng able to use it, and the effect of using it seems to be more powerful than that of his own people?

The seven-star acupuncture method takes the seven major acupoints of the body as the support point, penetrates the dual qi of yin and yang, and connects the eight extraordinary meridians.When the needle is applied, there are dots of cold light on the tip of the needle, like stars in the sky.

And because it is based on seven major acupoints, it is named Qixing acupuncture.

Ning Feng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, looked at him and said, "You have good eyes, you know this kind of acupuncture." He glanced at him lightly, he didn't know that the Chu family knew the seven-star acupuncture.

(End of this chapter)

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