Chapter 616
"How do you know it? How do you know the seven-star acupuncture method?" He stared at Ning Feng and asked.

Ning Feng glanced at him casually and said, "Could it be that the seven-star acupuncture technique is yours?"

"The seven-star acupuncture method is the secret of my family." He stared at Ning Feng and said, "Where did you get these things from?" He was a little panicked, the best acupuncture method in their family up.

It is precisely because of the existence of this acupuncture method that they have treated countless diseases and created their current reputation.Now I didn't expect Ning Feng to know this kind of acupuncture. Their family is not a monopoly.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Your family created the Seven-Star Needle Method?" He glanced at him disdainfully and said, "No, the predecessors created the Seven-Star Needle Method and passed it on to the world, and there were more than one or two disciples. If you say it belongs to your family, it belongs to your family. Why don’t you say that Chinese medicine belongs to your family?”

Chu Yuejin's mind is in chaos now, how could Ning Feng have such a technique.

"Seven-star acupuncture has been lost for a long time, and it was only recovered after our Chu family studied the classics. Did you learn it secretly?" In his opinion, only their Chu family knows this kind of thing in the world. Since Ning Feng To be able to learn this acupuncture method, you must have learned it secretly.

"Doctor Chu, don't talk nonsense." Dean Liu couldn't stand it at first, and said to Chu Yuejin: "Mr. Ning is also a master of traditional Chinese medicine after all, and he knows a lot about acupuncture. Is it possible that he came from your home?" Stealing will not work. Don’t talk nonsense without proof.”

"That's right. Look at how many Chinese medicine practitioners know how to burn volcanoes and cool down the heart. Could it be that they all learned it from your family? Don't underestimate the people of the world. It's not only the Chu family who can research it."

"Doctor Chu, don't be so narrow-minded. People understand that there are others' methods, and I think his methods seem to be more skillful and professional than those of the Chu family. It's really hard to say who is the real master."

Everyone also looked at Chu Yuejin and said, his current performance is really annoying, why is it that others can learn something from your family secretly?
In fact, he was also confused by anger. He has been relying on the needles to survive and determine his status, and suddenly found that others can do it. Isn't this cutting off his own money?
His mind was short-circuited for an instant, and Ning Feng's move really shocked him.

"If you think I learned from you secretly, you can take a look at my use method, which should be several grades higher than what you have studied." Ning Feng smiled and said: "Because I come from a serious teacher." .”

"So, I don't blame you for stealing my stitches. It's already quite magnanimous. Don't challenge my bottom line."

This smile slowly froze, and finally there was a murderous look in it.

"Come here, I'll just watch you and see how good your seven-star acupuncture technique is." He looked at Ning Feng and said disdainfully. He now thinks that the seven-star acupuncture technique has been lost. Acupuncture is the best, because they saw it from an ancient book.

This ancient book is also an orphan.

He just didn't believe that other people would have real masters. For the past two years, they had advertised that they were the true inheritors of the Seven-Star Acupuncture Method, and suddenly a real successor of the Seven-Star Acupuncture Method appeared.

He couldn't believe it.

Ning Feng smiled at him and said, "You can see clearly."

After finishing speaking, he gently twisted a silver needle with both hands, and saw a trace of cold light slowly appearing at the bottom of the silver needle.

"Hmph, this is just the original technique of the Seven Star Needle. Who can do this kind of acupuncture?" He looked at Ning Feng with disdain and said.

Ning Feng ignored him, and suddenly his hands flew like flying, continuously walking on the seven big acupoints.It moved so fast that Chu Yuejin couldn't even see the movement clearly.

Although the return was quick, he found that this effect seemed to be much stronger than the set of stitches they created.

Because when Ning Feng used this set of acupuncture to the end, the cold lights in seven places turned on at the same time, like the Big Dipper in the sky.

And suddenly there is a silver line connecting the seven stars slowly.

"Ah—Seven Stars Lianzhu!"

Chu Yuejin looked at Ning Feng excitedly and said.

Qixing Lianzhu is the last move of the Qixing acupuncture method, and it is also the state of Dacheng.When this step is reached, the yin and yang qi can be blended quickly, and the balance of yin and yang can be achieved at a very fast speed.

"Hiss—what's going on here? It's amazing. There is still a cold light shining in the human body? It's so strange that there is still silver connected."

"I don't understand. Sure enough, different theoretical systems have different understandings. With our theories, we definitely can't understand them, but they have their own system. There's no need to forcefully integrate them to understand them."

"Sure enough, it's like the Seven Stars Lianzhu. Ning Feng's technique is also fast enough. It's almost like walking away after touching it? I really don't know how he did it."

Everyone admired Ning Feng's Seven Stars Lianzhu move. It was already very impressive to be able to reach this step, and it was enough to show off his acupuncture skills.

Ning Feng raised his head and said to Chu Yuejin, "This is not the Seven Stars Lianzhu, this move is the Seven Stars and Seven Luminaries!"

After finishing speaking, he said to him: "See clearly, this is Seven Stars Lianzhu."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, under Chu Yuejin's astonished eyes, his hands moved away quickly again.He directly pulled out the silver needle on the inner gate, and then directly pierced the top of the sandalwood.

In a rather fast situation, the seven needles were replaced by a thread from Guanyuan to Baihui.When the silver needles were lined up in a row, Ning Feng quickly pulled out the silver needles on the Baihui acupoint.

Then I saw a bright yellow light slowly descend from the first needle and converge with the remaining six needles.The seven pins are connected with a bright yellow wire.

"This is the real Qixing Lianzhu." Ning Feng looked at Chu Yuejin and said, "Do you understand? It seems that your Chu family's research on Qixing acupuncture is not thorough enough, and you don't even know that Qixing acupuncture is effective for this kind of disease." Great suppression."

After finishing speaking, he directly pulled out the silver needle from the patient's tiger's mouth.

The patient slowly opened his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, he didn't continue to complain that his whole body was itchy.

Dean Xing looked at the patient and said excitedly: "How do you feel now?"

The patient was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said excitedly: "I don't itch anymore, that's great, it doesn't itch anymore. Thank you very much."

Dean Xing shook his head and said, "It's not me, it's Dr. Ning's credit."

He froze for a moment, then said excitedly to Ning Feng: "Thank you very much, thank you so much. I have to bow to you."

At this time, there is obviously a power of merit and virtue flowing into this agate.

Ning Feng quickly said: "No, no, really no."

"This is what I should do. Besides, you are not fully cured now, you are only in remission, and you still need follow-up treatment. You stay on the bed now and don't move around. Listen to the doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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