Chapter 617 Eavesdropping
The patient nodded excitedly, then looked at Ning Feng and said, "You are my savior, that kind of itching is unbearable, thank you."

As he spoke, he actually shed two lines of tears.

Ning Feng comforted: "Don't worry, we already have a treatment plan, as long as you treat according to the situation, you will be fine, trust me."

"Enen, thank you doctor." The patient said to Ning Feng.

Everyone saw that the situation of this person was much better, and then they all signaled to leave the ward.

As soon as they got out of the ward, these experts and scholars were as excited as a child. They patted Ning Feng on the shoulder and said, "My boy, I can't see that you still have this kind of ability. Not bad, very good."

Dean Liu also said with a smile: "I thought you would have a solution, and it's true. You really have a lot to hide."

"Haha... Heroes come out of youth, young man, are you interested in coming to our hospital? How about I give you a raise, double your original income?" One of the white-haired old men said to Ning Feng, obviously thinking It's time to poach the wall.

"Old Cui, it's inappropriate to do this. I'm from Haicheng Hospital. It's not proper for you to do this. Besides, Xiaofeng is not the kind of person who loves money. You won't succeed. I have someone here who doesn't want to leave. What about the people?" Dean Liu said proudly.

"How is it possible? I'll pay three times the price. If you're willing to change jobs, I'll take care of it for you, Old Liu." He looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Cui, for your appreciation, but my family is all in Haicheng, and I really don't want to leave my hometown."

"What's the matter, I will arrange board and lodging for you, and the family will also arrange..."

"Okay, it's almost enough." Dean Liu interrupted him directly: "The most important thing is that he has a beautiful girlfriend over there. Aren't you tearing him apart?"

"Oh, so that's the case, haha..."

This made Ning Feng a little embarrassed.

Ning Feng said to the crowd: "Don't we have several patients with the same symptoms? Why don't we take a look together. You can relieve as much as you can."

He finally left the topic of his girlfriend.

"Enen, indeed, there are five or six people with the same illness. The remaining dozen or so are all relatively mild, not so serious." Dean Xing said while looking at Ning Feng.Now they have unconsciously centered on Ning Feng.

Whoever has the ability will be the core.

Ning Feng nodded and said: "The milder ones are unnecessary, and they can be cured by taking the medicine directly." In fact, he himself has somewhat forgotten all the types of medicines, and he can't remember the few medicines clearly.

In order not to be ashamed, he didn't say it directly.Just saying need to go back and research. "Although the prescription has an outline, it still needs to be studied."

Next, Ning Feng gave acupuncture and moxibustion for the remaining few people.

In fact, acupuncture and moxibustion consumes a lot of physical energy, and it also consumes a lot of mental energy.After Ning Feng treated all these people, he almost collapsed from exhaustion.

"Take Dr. Ning to my office for a rest." Dean Xing said to a nurse. "Thank you for your hard work." These words were addressed to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng shook his head, trying not to let himself fall asleep, he is now in the state of being able to fall asleep at any time.If the mental power is consumed a little too much, he will need to sleep, and then let him slowly replenish it.

"It's nothing, it should be done." He has consumed a lot of mental power now, but the power of agate's merit has gained a lot.However, Ning Feng has no way to draw spiritual power from it now, probably because it has not been completely transformed.

"You take a break first, I'll go check on the patients first." Dean Xing said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng nodded, and accompanied by Dean Liu, he arrived at Dean Xing's office.Then put him directly on the sofa, and now his double eyelids are starting to fight.

Dean Liu looked at Ning Feng and said, "Xiaofeng, do you really have a solution?"

Ning Feng tried his best to open his eyes and said: "Really, in fact, there are only a few kinds of medicinal materials, Atractylodes macrocephala, ice flakes, holly..." He fell asleep after chanting, he was really tired.

Dean Liu looked at Ning Feng and shook his head helplessly, he was indeed too tired.

And Chu Yuejin, who was outside the door, was suddenly overjoyed. He heard the cure for this condition.If it can be cured, the credit is my own.

In fact, he had this idea after Ning Feng relieved the patient's condition, so when Ning Feng came back, he quietly followed, just to wait for this opportunity.

Let him tell the configuration of the medicine himself, and then cut off the beard by himself.

It is said that the mayor will come to inspect in person. This is his chance to show off, and the credit must be his own. "Atractylodes macrocephala, borneol, holly...haha..."

He whispered to himself, and then slipped away quietly.

Ning Feng didn't know how long he had rested, but he just felt a wave of mental power pouring into his sea of ​​consciousness, and felt that his mental power had indeed increased a little. Although there was no qualitative change yet, the quantitative change had already occurred .

He confirmed the names of his medicines, and he seemed to have forgotten one or two of them.After exploring again with the tortoise shell, it was only then that I really understood all of this prescription.

"Hey, you still have to study hard in the future, and you can't always ask the tortoise shell for help." Ning Feng shook his head helplessly.Then got up and walked outside.

"Doctor Ning, you're awake." A little nurse looked at Ning Feng and said, "Just in time, Mayor Fang is here, so you should hurry up and see him too. You are the hero who contributed to the treatment of the epidemic."

After speaking, he led Ning Feng towards the sixth floor.

Ning Feng walked into the office and found that many people were there, including some of the previous doctors.Everyone was sitting apart, and one of them, a 60-year-old man in a suit, was probably Mayor Fang.

"Doctor Ning is here." Dean Xing said to Ning Feng. "Do you feel better?"

Ning Feng nodded and said: "It's not bad, the recovery is okay."

Dean Xing said to Mayor Fang: "Mayor Fang, this is Ning Feng who told you about it. He was the one who relieved the patient's condition with silver needles before. It made everyone calm down. "

The old man looked very kind, pulled Ning Feng and said: "Thank you this time, if this disease spreads, the consequences will be unimaginable. Please!"

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "It should be, this is what we should do. Let's work together. It is the best to cure the patient's condition."

"He was just able to relieve the disease, but he couldn't really cure the patient." A voice suddenly came from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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