Chapter 624 Prepared Gifts

Ning Feng took the Pixiu from her hand, and then directly picked out the two black gemstones.

"We need to use these two things to suppress it." He said with a smile: "As for the rest, if you put two eyes on it, it will probably sell for a good price. After all, the things are still from the Southern Song Dynasty."

But Shen Zhitao looked at Ning Feng and said, "But...but how can I give my master a gift then?" She looked at Ning Feng anxiously and said, "Should I use those ordinary things?"

Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, yes, it seems that he hasn't chosen a gift for her master yet.

"Is it important to give your master a gift?" Ning Feng asked tentatively.

"En." She nodded and said: "If you don't give well, you will be despised. I am already hated by others. If the things are more ordinary, I will definitely be more jealous. And my master always favors me. , can’t always be the worst gift given.”

Ning Feng nodded and said: "Yes, it is easy to be excluded if you are beautiful. And if it is the worst gift every time, it is really not very good."

He shook his head and said, "Give me your master's gift this time, and you will be satisfied with it." He looked at her confidently and said.

"Ah? You? What are you going to give?" She looked at Ning Feng and asked.

Ning Feng teased and said: "You will know when the time comes, just don't worry, I am absolutely reliable in my work, and I will definitely make you face a lot."

"Really?" She was still a little puzzled.

"Are you kidding? When do you think I've let you down." He said, "Keep your heart in your stomach. You can just come and find me tomorrow."

In this doubtful letter, the two separated.

Ning Feng's gift is very simple, it is a second-grade elixir.I heard from Shen Zhitao before that it would be difficult to hire a first-grade pharmacist, but the second-grade elixir is enough to make her stand out.

In fact, the main thing is to say that this alchemist is more precious. You must know that only a small part of all people can practice, and only a small part of people who can practice practice spiritual power.Among the people who practice spiritual power, there are only a few who practice both spiritual power and spiritual power.

Among those who practiced dual cultivation, only a few of them were able to refine medicine.

One can imagine how important alchemy is. If Ning Feng said that he is a third-grade alchemist, it is almost certain that the various schools must be licking their faces and begging him to join.

What he is going to refine now is a spirit-gathering pill, and there are materials anyway.I am also surprised by the refining of Juling Pill, the most important thing is because Juling Pill is well-known in the hearts of everyone.

To surprise everyone, you have to use something that everyone knows is hard to come by.

Lighting the fire and starting work, his movements are already quite proficient, and he successfully refined this elixir in almost a short while. "Dan Cheng!"

Ning Feng put it into the bottle, "Perfect!"

After finishing speaking, he did not go to rest directly, but took out two black gemstones, then took out a piece of talisman paper, and prepared a brush and cinnabar.

He quickly drew some weird pictures on the talisman paper, and then threw it directly at the two black gemstones.

The talisman paper suddenly disappeared, and then there were some strange lines on the black gemstone.

Ning Feng used a bracelet to string two black gemstones together.

These two black gemstones are not ordinary black gemstones, but a kind of black flint. This kind of stone is almost indistinguishable from black gemstones.But it has a characteristic, that is, it is more tolerant and tougher.

Some runes blessed to it can survive well, and the stone will not be destroyed because the power of the runes is too great.

And it has a very strong magnetic field, which belongs to the kind of strong magnetic field.For someone with a strong magnetic field like Shen Zhitao, it is best to use something more powerful to suppress her destiny.

If he hadn't discovered these two things by accident today, he would have almost forgotten this method himself.

Day two.

Shen Zhitao looked at Ning Feng brightly.

Ning Feng knew what she meant, and quickly handed her the vial he had prepared earlier, "This is a gift for your master."

She opened the lid curiously, and a scent immediately permeated the whole car, and after smelling it, she immediately felt a transparent feeling.

This is a spirit-gathering pill, which contains countless auras, so it is of course very good for people.

"This is?" She quickly covered the lid and looked at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng smiled slightly and said, "This is the Gathering Spirit Pill!"

"Oh, Juling Pill." She didn't care about what she said at first, but suddenly she seemed to realize something, her eyes widened suddenly, she stared at Ning Feng and said, "Ju...Ju...Juling Pill? That Second grade pill?"

She obviously can't believe that this is the second-grade spirit-gathering pill. You must know that this kind of pill is what countless practitioners want. Some people who are stuck on the door can break through as long as they eat one at will realm.

This thing is simply a treasure!

"This... isn't this too precious?" She looked at Ning Feng and said with some embarrassment: "You don't have to pay such a big price for me."

She obviously thought that this thing was hidden by Ning Feng himself, and now he took it out for her.

She would never think that Ning Feng was a pharmacist.

After all, a pharmacist is too precious.

Ning Feng waved his hand casually and said: "It's not very precious, why are you being polite to me, isn't it just a elixir. Your face is the most important thing this time, and you have to be the number one no matter what, what do you think?"

Shen Zhitao was suddenly moved in her heart, she had already made up the picture in her brain, in order to save herself face.Ning Feng actually took out the elixir that he had treasured for many years, and was even going to use it to break through the bottleneck.

How can this not be moving.I almost cried.

In fact, she didn't know that Ning Feng himself could take all kinds of precious pills like pills.

"I really can't accept this, it's too expensive, although I really want it, but I think this thing is more precious to you." Shen Zhitao still wanted to refuse.

Ning Feng held her casually and said, "Okay, what I gave you is for you, old ladies, don't smudge! If you feel embarrassed, just give me another copy of those herbs from before."

Shen Zhitao really liked this thing, after all, it was something for her master, so she no longer refused: "Okay, then I will prepare two copies of those medicinal materials for you."

"That's right." Ning Feng smiled slightly, looked at her and said, "Let's drive. Oh, yes, this thing is for you too!" He took out the two worn together from his pocket. black gem.

(End of this chapter)

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