Chapter 625 Hugging
Can this thing suppress my fate?She looked at Ning Feng strangely and said.

Ning Feng said casually: "Yeah, I have blessed this thing with runes, and it should be fine if I approach you in the future."

She smiled slightly, put the things away and hung them on her arms and said, "Didn't you notice? Are you all right for being close to me for so long?"

"Me?" Ning Feng pointed to himself and said, "My life is harder."

He pretended to say that he understood what she meant, but although he wasn't a good person, at least he wasn't a scumbag, right?
After all, someone who has a girlfriend is destined to lose one person, unless he travels back to ancient times and marries three wives and four concubines.

The two of them were speechless all the way, driving all the way to her home, and then directly changed to a private helicopter and flew towards the destination.

The life of the rich is different. Traveling is always flying in the sky, and there are no traffic jams.

The speed was very fast, the two of them went directly to the sea, and they probably flew for more than an hour before landing on an island.Ning Feng didn't even know which country this island belonged to.

As soon as the two got off the plane, someone came to greet them.

After seeing Shen Zhitao, a man said excitedly, "Junior Sister, you're here? I've been waiting for you for a long time." But when he saw Ning Feng, his expression changed immediately.

Well, there are many beautiful women.Sure enough, it is a natural target for hatred.

"Who is this?" He looked at Ning Feng and said.

Shen Zhitao smiled and said: "This is my friend, and also the doctor I invited for Master. His medical skills are very good, and he will definitely be able to cure Master's illness."

"His name is Ning Feng." Shen Zhitao said to the man, then turned around and introduced Ning Feng: "This is our senior brother, Luo Qinglian!"

"Hello." Ning Feng smiled at him with the proper etiquette.Going to shake hands with him.

He glanced at Ning Feng, then gave a cold hum, and then said to Shen Zhitao: "Junior Sister, let's go, Master is in a hurry."

Ning Feng withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and shrugged at Shen Zhitao, he was really wronged in this matter, and he has nothing to do with her.I am also loved, right?

It seems more embarrassing to say that.

Shen Zhitao also looked at Ning Feng helplessly and said: "Don't worry about it, senior brother has such a personality. Well, this sounds so fake. In fact, you are the one who provoked hatred."

"Blame me?" Ning Feng said pitifully, "I'm also the victim, okay?"

Shen Zhitao pinched a piece of Ning Feng's flesh and said, "What? I feel like I'm at a disadvantage? Elder sister, I didn't even say anything? Okay?"

"You're taking advantage, so of course you won't say anything. Hiss—be gentle, be gentle. It hurts..."

Hearing the two of them squabbling behind, Luo Qinglian's face turned black, everyone on the island didn't know that she liked Shen Zhitao, and as the most powerful person left on the island, she was a perfect match for Shen Zhitao.

This outsider dared to compete with him, but he was just a stinky doctor.

"Junior sister, our master's illness is under the care of a professional doctor, so don't be fooled, there are so many liars nowadays." He said in a strange way: "Some people are willing to pretend to be miracle doctors to cheat money and sex. People have to be careful."

"Er..." Ning Feng shook his head helplessly at him, couldn't these people find a better reason?After all, Shen Zhitao is also the person in charge of a large consortium, would he be so stupid that he would be fooled by him?
Is it bad to think a little bit when you speak?

Although Shen Zhitao was quite helpless, he still explained very seriously: "Brother, this Dr. Ning is a master. He not only cured the epidemic in Haicheng, but also cured the strange disease in Beijing. He also..."

"Okay, you don't need to tell me." Seeing that Shen Zhitao knew Ning Feng's identity so clearly, he felt even more angry. "Liars are always willing to make their identity and resume perfect."

And he looked at Shen Zhitao with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and said: "Master also knows that you have good intentions, even Mr. Sun said that this is hopeless, how can you still be deceived?"

"Senior brother, he is different from ordinary people." Shen Zhitao still planned to persuade him.

"Mr. Sun is a first-grade pharmacist, and he is here today." He said proudly.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ning Feng and said, "If you have no real skills, just leave now, and I won't embarrass you. If you have no real skills and are just here to cheat, then don't blame me if you will be exposed. You are welcome."

Ning Feng didn't even look at him, as if talking to him would make him lose his IQ.

"Little junior sister, look at the personality of this person you brought, how can this make Master see a doctor?" He said to Shen Zhitao: "Today, all the seniors studying outside the island will come back, you just It’s a disgrace to have this person here.”

Shen Zhitao was also annoyed by him, and said to him: "I know, you don't need to tell me. I have my own sense of propriety." Saying that, he ignored him and walked forward.

Seeing that Shen Zhitao didn't seem to listen to him, he said to Ning Feng, "Boy, you'd better not think of my junior sister, or I'll kill you."

Ning Feng gave him a hard look with the white of his eyes, the kind of white that almost rolls the eyeballs over.expresses the greatest contempt and disgust for him.

He opened his lips lightly, and then said two words lightly. "Fool!"

Then she went directly to chase Shen Zhitao, saying that the IQ of men and women in love will drop, but unrequited love will also make people's IQ drop.And the decline is so severe that it is almost a negative number.

"You..." He pointed at Ning Feng and wanted to scold him.

But Ning Feng took two quick steps to catch up with Shen Zhitao, then hugged her waist very arrogantly, and gave him another white look.

Luo Qinglian was furious, "This is provocation, provocation!"

In fact, this kind of behavior of Ning Feng is provocation, since when the young master tolerated you, you made an inch of it, then don't blame the young master for not giving you face.

"Stay hugging?" Shen Zhitao said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "It feels pretty good."

"Shit, you kid has a lot of revenge, you have to piss him off." Shen Zhitao looked at Ning Feng and said.

"Don't you think he shouldn't be angry?"


"Then it's over." Ning Feng said with a smile.

"You'd better be careful, this is his territory after all, be careful that he's messing with you." Shen Zhitao looked at him and said, "He's notoriously narrow-minded."

"I can see it, but I like to deal with this narrow-mindedness the most." Ning Feng said proudly: "It's fine to put up with him once or twice, but if he dares to come three or four times, then I have to give him a face. go in!"

After Ning Feng finished speaking, he walked into a room with Shen Zhitao.

(End of this chapter)

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