Chapter 626

This house has only three floors, but it occupies a very large area. Ning Feng felt that the space on this floor was larger than the banquet hall on the second floor of the Golden Crown Hotel.

If you want to hold a ceremony, you can definitely do it here.

And in fact it is, because there are indeed many, many tables here.And there were quite a few people who came. It seemed that besides the disciples from Luoshui Island, there were also people from various sects.

After all, Luoshui Island is also a big faction, and it still has a status in the circle.

Although Shen Zhitao is not often on the island, but because he is deeply liked by the island owner, even though he is of the "Zhi" generation, he can still be ranked at the front.

The disciples on the island are ranked according to the four words "Danqing Zhixin".

Almost all the disciples of the Dan generation are no longer on the island. Each of them has a big responsibility to shoulder and is the backbone of Luoshui Island.Already in various places, responsible for the situation on Luoshui Island.

The young generation is considered to be the main character in the island, and Luo Qinglian is the boss of the young generation, so people in the island generally call him senior brother.

The zigzag generation is completely regarded as the junior generation, basically they belong to the underdogs, and they are not qualified to sit here.

The Xinzi generation has not yet recruited people. Only when the younger generation can take charge of the affairs of the island and the Zhizi generation can take charge of the island's affairs, will they continue to recruit people from the Xinzi generation.

The reason why Shen Zhitao can sit here is of course not only because the island owner likes it, otherwise it will be criticized to death by everyone.Another important reason is that most of the living expenses on this island are guaranteed by Shen Zhitao.

If a sect wants long-term development, some people will naturally make money.The material foundation can determine the development prospects of a sect.

After all, all kinds of herbs and elixirs need money.

It is precisely because of Shen Zhitao that Luoshui Island has been developing at a high speed.Even cultivated a few good young talents.

"Xiao Tao is here." One of the men said to Shen Zhitao.

Shen Zhitao looked at the man and said, "Senior Brother Yang is back too."

The man smiled and said: "Master's birthday is over, and there is no big event this year, and you play such a big role, our pressure will be much less. It is estimated that Dan Chang and the others will come back."

Although this man is only in his 20s, Shen Zhitao has no choice but to call him senior brother, who made her start late?Moreover, these people have all experienced various experiences. They seem to be only in their 20s, but they are definitely no less mature than 40-year-olds.

"Thank you, this is what I should do. Brother Dan Chang and the others are back, this time it's very lively, Master and the elderly should be very happy." Although Shen Zhitao said so, there was no sign of excitement on his expression. look.

Although they are all referred to as brothers and sisters, there is still some distance between them.

For example, we are closer to this man, because they are the same master, and both are apprentices of the island owner.As for Dan Chang and the others, they are the disciples of the elders, so the relationship is quite different.

"This is your boyfriend? The guy is quite handsome." The man looked at Ning Feng and said, his eyes sized up Ning Feng, as if he wanted to find something.

Ning Feng was not afraid at all, and stared at him with a smile on his face.

It may be very difficult for him to test his own strength, but it is still possible to test his own strength.

"At the early stage of distraction!" Ning Feng sighed silently in his heart, as expected, he was still a martial arts school with many talents.I always thought that the speed of my progress was against the sky, but I didn't expect them to be so powerful.

At this time, Shen Zhitao hurriedly introduced: "This is Senior Brother Feng Danyang, and this is my boyfriend, Ning Feng!"

"Senior brother Feng started at the age of four, and now he has reached the peak of innate strength." She said excitedly, pulling Ning Feng's arm.

Although he was concerned about what she meant by giving him the status of a boyfriend at this time, he still accepted it. After all, it was not the first time he suffered a disadvantage.

After hearing Shen Zhitao's words, he shook his head and said, "Wrong."

"En? What's wrong?" She looked at Ning Feng in confusion.

"This Senior Brother Feng is not the peak of innate talent." Ning Feng looked into Feng Danyang's eyes and said.

"Yes, when we met last year, Senior Brother Feng was already at the peak." She still looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng smiled slightly and said, "Senior Brother Feng has broken through to the state of distraction, congratulations." Then he clasped his fists and cupped his hands at him.

Now both of them were shocked, Feng Danyang expressed surprise at Ning Feng's probing ability, Shen Zhitao expressed surprise at Feng Danyang's breakthrough to the state of distraction.

"Brother, have you made a breakthrough?" She looked at Feng Danyang and said, Feng Danyang took good care of her from the beginning, just that kind of brother-sister relationship.After all, she is so beautiful, and she can immediately feel whether a man really has a purpose for her.

So far, there are only two people who have no intention of sleeping with her, one is Feng Danyang, and the other is Ning Feng.

Feng Danyang is more of a kind of pity for himself!As for Ning Feng, he couldn't see through it himself, he was a little wary of himself, and he still had some resistance, maybe he liked it a little bit.In short, it is invisible.

Feng Danyang smiled and said: "It's not long since the breakthrough." After he finished speaking, he turned to Ning Feng.

"How do you know?" Feng Danyang looked at Ning Feng in surprise and said, "Are you a spiritual practitioner?" He looked at Ning Feng suspiciously.

Ning Feng nodded.

"Sorry." He stood up quickly.Practitioners with a slightly weaker mental power are actually not very effective against people in the distracted state. Even if Ning Feng is using such a strong attack technique now, it can only shock them.

No serious harm will be done at all.

But he still stood up and showed respect to Ning Feng, because every spiritual practitioner could be a pharmacist.Therefore, the status is generally very high, but it is different when it reaches the state of distraction.

It depends on the strength of the spiritual power practitioner. If it exceeds the fifth level, then it is a guest of honor. If it is three or four levels, it can be treated equally.If you are at the second level, you can communicate politely.As for only level one, no one will even bother you.

The way he is showing now, at least makes Ning Feng feel that this person is not bad.After all, he only has level three mental power, so he is completely unnecessary.

"You're being polite. Since you are Taozi's senior brother and my senior, how can I let you let me? Sit down." The two of them pretended to be polite for a long time, and finally sat down.

The reason why Ning Feng wanted to show himself in front of him was because he felt that this person was not bad, and he was not sure what kind of revenge Luo Qinglian would receive here, it's always good to hug his thigh.

(End of this chapter)

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