Chapter 628 Don't spray dung
"I don't know how to live or die, but I dare to do it." Hu Danchang looked at Ning Feng and said disdainfully, his strength had already reached the innate realm.Among the younger generation, except for Dan Yang who worked so hard, no one can reach this strength at such a young age.

"Boom." The two slapped each other, and then quickly backed away.

After Hu Danchang took Ning Feng's palm, he looked at him in surprise.His age seems to be about the same as his own, why is his strength so high?This palm was able to tie himself.

"The kid is so arrogant, he dared to fight with Senior Brother Dan Chang, he is looking for death." Luo Qinglian flattered her.

"Yeah, this kid is simply too domineering. Doesn't he know the strength of Senior Brother Dan Chang? Now he is a person in the innate realm. There are not many people who have reached the innate realm at such a young age, right?"

"Not many? That's almost none, just a few people who came over with his hands, right? Dan Chang is the proud son of heaven, and this person dares to provoke him. I really don't want to live."

"But you didn't realize that his palm just now seemed to be a tie with Senior Brother Dan Chang? Both of them retreated about the same distance."

"Really? It must be his sneak attack. Senior Brother Dan Chang didn't react. Maybe Senior Brother Dan Chang hasn't used his full strength yet."

Dan Chang's strength was already invincible in their minds, but now Ning Feng dared to provoke him, he was looking for death.

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile, and then said with disdain: "Your strength is just like this."

Dan Chang looked at Ning Feng, and a stern look flashed in his eyes, "Boy, don't be complacent, the next move will directly kill you!" After finishing speaking, he tiptoed and rushed towards Ning Feng.

But at this time, a spiritual power in the palm had already arrived first.

Ning Feng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, letting out his spiritual power?As if no one would.Suddenly he punched out, and a burst of spiritual power directly smashed through Dan Chang's spiritual power.

Then the body rose directly and rushed towards Dan Chang.

The mental power also burst out suddenly in an instant, directly impacting his sea of ​​consciousness.

He didn't intend to hurt him or something, so he didn't use his mental power to the maximum, it just made him dizzy.At the same time, he leaned over and patted his shoulder with a palm.

Dan Chang didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly his head felt dizzy for a while. Could it be that he had hypoglycemia because he didn't eat in the morning?
Suddenly, he felt a force hit his shoulder, and then his feet were messed up, and he sat on the ground directly.

Ning Feng looked at Dan Chang who fell to the ground, and smiled disdainfully, "That's all." After all, this is his territory, it's not good to hurt him, let him lose face, just know that he is not number one in the world up.

After seeing Ning Feng's move, everyone was dumbfounded.Dan Chang, whom they thought was a hero, turned out to be a genius and lost.

"What? Dan Chang was directly thrown into the ass? Isn't this incredible? What kind of strength is this person? Could it be that he is also in the innate realm?"

"How did Senior Brother Dan Chang lose? What happened to him in the end? He just stood still? Did this guy use some shady means?"

"The two have been here all this time, how did they use shady means? I guess it's because he has some hidden skills that we haven't seen."

"You mean Senior Brother Dan Chang can't beat him?"

"The facts are obvious. He did lose. Just look at the facts!"

"Shit, Senior Brother Dan Chang didn't pay attention, it was just a mistake."

"Whatever you think, but if you lose, you lose. If you can't afford to lose, just say you can't afford to lose."

The person who satirized him was the disciple of the island owner, and the one who had been defending Dan Chang was the disciple of the Great Elder.There are also great conflicts between them, Ning Feng is now Shen Zhitao's boyfriend, so he is naturally in their lineage.

After Hu Dan cleared his head for a while, he woke up and saw himself sitting on the ground, while Ning Feng looked at him proudly and smiled.

"You lost. You can't even stand firmly, what are you proud of?"

Go back after speaking.

"I fuck you." Of course Hu Danchang couldn't accept this result, he jumped up and rushed towards Ning Feng, intending to do his best.

This kind of person who has been praised by others will be crazier than ordinary people once he fails.

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Feng's mouth, if that person didn't stand up again, he was really ready to do something.This kind of attack from behind is a big taboo for warriors anyway.

Because at this time, it is equivalent to that he has given up his defense, and the muscles in his body are in a relaxed state, which is the most vulnerable to injury.

Therefore, things like sneak attacks from behind are hated by everyone.

But just when Ning Feng was about to make a move, a force pounced on him, and immediately swept Hu Danchang down.

"As expected." Ning Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, he had already realized that he had already arrived, and he had been watching the show by the side.

"Master." Hu Danchang quickly knelt down and said after seeing the person who came.Although he is domineering, he is still very afraid of his master.

Ning Feng also looked at this man. He had a tall hairline and was not too young. He was estimated to be in his 70s or [-]s.But the appearance is very energetic, and it seems that he can live for a long time.

His strength should be very high. Ning Feng can't detect his strength for the time being, but he can be sure that it must be above the level of distraction.

"I don't know what occasion this is?" He glanced at the two of them, and then said, "If you're making trouble at the island owner's birthday banquet, get out of your place."

He said harshly to Hu Danchang.

Then he turned and stared at Ning Feng and said, "Who are you? You shouldn't be a disciple of the younger generation, right?"

Ning Feng was not afraid at all, and looked at him with a smile on his face.He is using coercion to subdue himself now, but he is really not afraid of this coercion now.

"No, I'm the invited doctor to treat the island owner." He looked at the man calmly and said.

"Get out!" He didn't say anything, just stared at Ning Feng and said.He said it directly regardless of the situation, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was avenging his disciple.

Those whom his disciples could not offend, he would take revenge himself.

"Elder Elder, this is my boyfriend, and I invited him to treat Master. His medical skills are very good..." Shen Zhitao wanted to come over and intercede with him.

"Shut up, do you have a place to talk here? Otherwise, I'll let you go together." This man is really in the late menopause, and he didn't make any excuses to the two of them.

"Shut up, don't spray dung everywhere." Ning Feng scolded him directly, isn't he just a great elder?Young Master is really not afraid of you anymore.

Back then, the backer of the SAARC had done it himself, and I was afraid that you would fail.

"What did you say?" The Great Elder's face turned dark, he stared at Ning Feng and said, as if he was ready to tear Ning Feng to pieces at any time.

Ning Feng showed a slight smile, looked at him and said without a word: "Don't spray dung all over your mouth!"

(End of this chapter)

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