Chapter 629

"Boy, do you want to die?" He looked at Ning Feng with gloomy eyes, "Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Isn't he just an elder? What's there to be proud of?" Ning Feng stared at him without fear. Although his strength was not as strong as his, he still had ways to subdue him.

"Elder Elder, he didn't mean it, so don't pay attention to it." Shen Zhitao hurried up to warn, "He doesn't know you, and he didn't intend to offend you."

As she spoke, she rushed between the two and said to the Great Elder.

The Great Elder doesn't know what Ning Feng is trying to sell, so he doesn't know what he wants to do. He has never dared to do it easily.

He didn't understand how a lowly doctor dared to be so presumptuous to himself.

But this Shen Zhitao dared to do it himself.

"Slap!" He slapped her directly in the face, and threw her to the ground.

A red handprint came out directly on his face, and a trace of blood seeped from the corner of his mouth. "Is it your turn to speak here? A disciple of the Zigzag generation, it would be good to let you in. How dare you bring the wild man back..."

Ning Feng quickly helped her up and looked at the red handprint on her face, her eyes suddenly changed, and the smile on her face disappeared.

"Don't move." As he said, Ning Feng took out a little medicine powder and applied it lightly on her face, and then saw the red palm print disappear quickly.

"Does it hurt?" Ning Feng looked at her and said.

Shen Zhitao's eyes were already filled with tears, but he still held back and said, "It's okay, don't provoke him, and when Master comes out, he will naturally uphold justice for us."

Ning Feng sneered, he never needed others to give him justice.

"Hey, who made them stupid? They even dared to resist the Great Elder so forcefully. Fortunately, the Great Elder's palm didn't use much force, otherwise he would have directly killed him."

"You deserve it, you dare to cause trouble on our territory, you don't know how to live or die. If you provoke the Great Elder, there will be no good end."

"Shen Zhitao is really ashamed now. On such an important occasion, he was slapped directly. I just don't know what this man will do? I don't know if he dares to stand up or not?"

"If it were you, would you dare to stand up?"


Of course he won't, this is a huge gap in strength, and he will die if he is not careful.He is very knowledgeable about current affairs, so he wouldn't be so stupid as to provoke someone he couldn't afford.

In the eyes of the great elder, isn't he just a disciple of the Zigzag generation?Just hit it, it's no different from hitting a pet as usual.

It's normal for him, but for some people, there will be some things that must be guarded.

No one can move.

Ning Feng stood up, and stood in front of the Great Elder with a gloomy expression, with raging anger in his eyes.Everyone could see that he was very angry.

"Damn it, he doesn't want to make trouble with the Great Elder, does he? His strength is so low, how dare he?"

"His brain must have been flooded, right? That's the Great Elder of Luoshui Island. He's not even a little bit stronger than him. Does he dare to make any moves?"

"I think he just got a little dizzy and flinched after a while."

"But I think he looks like he's planning to fight the Great Elder to death."

"Hmph, just because he still wants to fight the Great Elder? That's just looking for death. Don't think that if you win Senior Brother Dan Chang, you won't take the Great Elder seriously."

Everyone watched Ning Feng's appearance and discussed intensely, but Ning Feng's actions still moved the hearts of many female disciples.At least he is willing to stand up for his woman.

When facing power, you can't be cowardly. Even if you can't beat it, you can make people feel that you are reliable.

"Apologize!" Ning Feng looked at him and said lightly.

Although these words were light, it was like a flash of lightning across the entire hall.

No one has dared to ask the Great Elder to apologize. Is this guy crazy?

"Is he crazy? He dared to ask the elder to apologize. Does he not want to live? I'll go, go find the island owner, or you will die."

"It's really crazy. How dare he say such a thing with such a weak strength? There is no cure."

"Is your brain sick? Why do you look like a fool?."

"Although he acted a little silly, why am I still a little moved when I look at it?"

"I'm touched too."

It wasn't just them who were moved, but also Shen Zhitao, she looked at Ning Feng and said, "Don't, don't..."

"Great Elder, he is talking nonsense, don't take it seriously. He..." She wanted to continue pleading for Ning Feng, but was suddenly interrupted by Ning Feng's words.

"Shut up." He said decisively: "Don't interrupt about men's affairs." Then he looked up at the elder and said coldly: "Are you really apologizing?"

The anger was already visible on the face of the First Elder, he looked at Ning Feng as if he was looking at a clown. "Hahaha...It's really funny. This is the first person who dares to make me apologize. I think you don't want to get out alive."


Before he finished speaking, he felt a burning pain on his face.

As expected, it was Ning Feng who made the move. This guy actually gave him a slap, and the disciples who were blocking the whole island gave him a slap on the face.

There was an eerie silence at the scene. His performance was so amazing that no one could believe that he had directly slapped the Great Elder.

Shen Zhitao was also terrified, Ning Feng actually avenged her.

The face of the Great Elder turned red and swollen at a visible speed. It could be seen that he must have put in a lot of effort.

"The two are cleared up." Ning Feng said lightly.

"Go to hell." The Great Elder was going crazy. At their age, face was the most important thing. Being slapped in the face was the most unbearable thing.

Just now, he never thought that a person with such a big difference in strength from his own would do it. He didn't expect that this guy didn't have any fear at all, and he really gave him a slap.

"Great Elder, don't. He's doing it for me..." Shen Zhitao rushed directly in front of Ning Feng and said to the Great Elder.

Ning Feng smiled slightly, then pulled her behind him, looked at the elder and said directly: "I'm standing still, try to slap me."

After speaking, he stood still in place.Just stretching his neck like this, with that evil smile on the corner of his mouth.Quite a masculine charm.

But everyone always feels that this scene seems a little inappropriate. Shouldn't the roles of the two be reversed?

The great elder walked towards Ning Feng with eyes full of anger. He really wanted to make a move, but halfway through, he suddenly stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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