Chapter 630 Forget it
"Damn it, beat him up and dare to attack the Great Elder. This is no longer just an insult to the Great Elder, but an insult to our Luoshui Island. The Great Elder killed him."

"That's right, kill him. This kind of person is unforgivable, and his arrogance is boundless. I really don't know what my last name is. An innate disciple dares to beat the elder."

"Hey, he really dared to do it. No one can save him now. Huh? Why do I smell a fragrance, whose perfume? It's so special."

"I don't know, I smelled it too. Hey? I can't seem to smell it anymore. It smells so good."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and everyone said that Ning Feng was bound to die.

"Master, if you are not willing to do it, this disciple is willing to do it." Hu Danchang stared at Ning Feng and said viciously, "I will help you kill him with my own hands."

Luo Qinglian looked at Ning Feng and said: "This guy has committed a heinous crime. He openly provoked Luoshui Island. He must be killed. Otherwise, how can we gain a foothold in the future."

But Ning Feng didn't feel anything about these voices, and kept staring at the elder with that smile.

Everyone didn't know why, but there was always a feeling that this Ning Feng seemed invincible.

I don't know where his confidence comes from.

But the Great Elder's steps stopped abruptly, and then he looked at Ning Feng with a strange look. "Boy, what trick do you want to play?"

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "You guessed right, you just have to think about the consequences."

He suddenly said such a specious sentence, and no one knew what it meant.

But the Great Elder froze in place. Is that true?
"Master, kill him, this guy must die." Dan Chang said to the elder.

"Shut up!" The Great Elder suddenly roared at him, then gave Ning Feng a hard look, and said, "Okay, okay..."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left directly.

"Master..." Hu Danchang said very angrily, he still wanted to fight, but he had to win Ning Feng before he could regain face.

"Don't make trouble with him!" After finishing speaking, he shook his hands and left.

The rest of the people are boiling.

Ning Feng actually forced the Great Elder back directly, and the Great Elder didn't dare to fight back just standing there.

"What is his identity, so that the Great Elder is afraid? He actually forced the Great Elder to retreat, Madam..."

"This person is really strange. He still has such a great ability? Not only did he slap the Great Elder, but he was able to retreat completely. The Great Elder has all the strength but dare not do anything to him. Who is he?"

"This man is so handsome that he actually forced the Great Elder away. I guess the Great Elder will not be able to eat for several days?"

"It's good not to die of anger. The Great Elder is the most face-saving person. He was able to retreat completely. It's really amazing."

Shen Zhitao finally breathed a sigh of relief, hugged Ning Feng, and cried, "You scared me to death."

Ning Feng patted her on the back and said: "I know this matter well. Don't cry, don't cry."

Feng Danyang looked at Ning Feng thoughtfully, and said quietly: "So that's the reason, he is so talented at such a young age, powerful, powerful."

Hu Danchang gave Ning Feng a vicious look, then ran out quickly, caught up with his elder and said, "Master, why didn't you kill him, this guy is so domineering, he dared to hit you... ..."

The Great Elder trembled visibly, then turned to look at him and said, "I will do it, but now is not the time. I can't afford to mess with him, so I can't use my identity to kill him."

"Then I'll go."

"Neither can you!"

"Why? This person has a lot of background? Is he stronger than our Luoshui Island?" Hu Danchang looked at the elder and said angrily.

The Great Elder gritted his teeth and said: "In our ancient martial arts world, there are two groups that you should not easily provoke. They are pharmacists and weapon refiners. These two groups are very united and have a strong ability to call. And spiritual weapons can gather countless masters.

And they are extremely defensive. If you kill a pharmacist and other people find out, there will be large-scale revenge. "

"Are they really that scary?" Hu Danchang said, "They are so powerful, they will unify the whole world not long ago."

"No, there are very few of them, so generally they won't easily do things like destroying sects. Moreover, these alchemists are generally very weak. Although they can't kill them openly, they can still do it after hiding their identities. As long as Just leave no evidence." The great elder's eyes were already bursting with flames of anger.

"You mean that this guy is a pharmacist?" Hu Danchang looked at the Great Elder and said.

The Great Elder shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, but there is a great possibility that it is. Haven't you noticed the fragrance? It's the elixir smell on his body, and this elixir is at least a second-grade elixir. "

"Huh? Could it be that he is still a second-rank pharmacist? Then let's just forget about it?" He also said very unwillingly.

"Why do you just forget about it?" The Great Elder said, "Do you still remember what I said to do with these people?"

"Hidden identity interception?" His eyes lit up, looking at the Great Elder and said.

The Great Elder nodded and said: "Yes, after the birthday banquet is over, you let Dan Wu and Dan Cheng go. They must be completely silenced, and no evidence can be left behind."

"Master, let me go too." He looked at the Great Elder and said.

The Great Elder shook his head and said: "No, you just have to be patient and prepare for the Eight Gates Conference now. And you have been exposed, it is not suitable for you to show up again, let them go with more confidence. After all, their strength is still slightly higher .”

"Master, I can do it too. Today is because of a sudden dizziness, which caused this result." Dan Cheng and Dan Wu are both older, so their strength is also relatively high.He thought that the great elder was blaming him for his low strength.

The Great Elder touched his head and said, "I know, your strength is even a little bit higher than his. But the Eight Gates Conference is more important, and it is when you become famous. If you want to compete for the position of the owner of Luoshui Island , you have to shine in the Eight Gates Conference. You even have to overwhelm Feng Danyang, understand?"

Hu Danchang's eyes lit up, and he said to him: "Master, I understand, I will patiently prepare for the eight-door meeting. But there is a big gap between me and Feng Danyang, it is said that he has broken through to the state of distraction gone."

"You don't have to be nervous. I have already prepared a lot of things for you as a teacher. As long as you follow my plan, you will definitely shine in the eight-door conference. Don't worry about today's unhappiness, let you Senior brother help you to take revenge." He looked at Hu Dan and said.

"Yes, Master." He said.

"Go back quickly." The elder said to him, "It's shameless to go back as a teacher, but if you want to become the owner of the island, you have to be magnanimous. If you lose, you lose. Don't be stingy."

"The disciple understands."

(End of this chapter)

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