Chapter 631 I'm Satisfied
Ning Feng sat on his seat amidst everyone's amazed gazes. He slapped the First Elder in the face just now, and now he is being looked at like a monster.

As for the murderous look in Dan Chang's eyes all the time.I guess I'm still thinking about how to make myself look ugly?

At this moment, a middle-aged woman in a wheelchair was pushed in by a woman.

The middle-aged woman doesn't look very big, she only looks like she is in her 30s, but Ning Feng knows that she is at least 60 years old.It is because of her long-term practice that she keeps her appearance better.

Her legs were covered with a blanket.

And the woman who pushed her was pretty good-looking, she could be considered a beauty.But compared to Shen Zhitao, it still lacks some charm.

When she first came in, she stared at Ning Feng, of course not eyes full of love, but eyes full of hatred.

Did you hire her yourself?

Maybe not.

"She likes Hu Danchang!" Shen Zhitao seemed to have noticed this situation, and whispered to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng suddenly realized that he had bullied his lover, no wonder.

However, this kind of person seems to be more difficult to deal with than Hu Danchang. After all, he is a person close to the island owner. If he often blows wind in his ears, why not make himself the biggest enemy of Luoshui Island?

After the island owner came in, everyone stood up and called her the island owner respectfully.

There are also those who call Shibo, Shishu, and Master.

She didn't respond one by one, after all, these people really didn't deserve her to say hello one by one.When she arrived at the core disciples, she had a smile on her face, and everyone who greeted her would respond with a smile.

"Master." Shen Zhitao waited until she came over, squatted down with a smile, looked at the middle-aged woman and said.

After the middle-aged woman saw her, she was also very happy and said: "Little girl, how long has it been since you came to see me, have you forgotten me?" She said lovingly and patted her head.

It seems that the island owner dotes on her from the bottom of his heart, and he really likes this little girl.

Shen Zhitao looked at the island owner and said with a smile: "How is that possible? Recently, I manipulated a gamble, so I'll come to see you as soon as I'm done."

"It's really hard for you, a woman who controls such a big group." She patted her on the shoulder and said.Then he looked at Ning Feng and said, "This is your little boyfriend?"

Ning Feng looked at the island owner without her introduction and said, "Hi island owner, my name is Ning Feng."

"Not bad, not bad, the young man is very energetic, what kind of work do you do?" The island owner just responded to the others with a casual smile, at most it was a word of encouragement.

Never had such a detailed chat, it seems that she really cares about Shen Zhitao.

A Zigzag person who is cared about so much will definitely be envied.The woman pushing the cart for the island owner was one of them, and Ning Feng could notice the jealousy in her eyes.

"It should be regarded as a doctor." Ning Feng said with a smile.

"Hello doctor, hello doctor, not bad." She asked Ning Feng casually, and then walked towards the back.

Ning Feng couldn't understand what this person was thinking at all, and he didn't say a word about what he did before, so he couldn't see through.

The island owner also had a very enthusiastic exchange with Feng Danyang. After all, he is his most proud disciple, so he should care more.And now Feng Danyang still has a lot of affairs in Luoshui Island.

As for Hu Danchang of the Dan family, she just asked a few casual questions.From the way he treated his apprentice, Ning Feng probably understood something.

Sure enough, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there must be a lot of power struggles in it.

The woman pushed the island owner onto the high platform, and the island owner looked at the crowd below and said: "First of all, I would like to thank all the sects and factions for sending representatives to attend the old woman's birthday banquet, and thank you for giving me this face."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands to everyone.

The representatives of the various factions below also bowed their hands at the top to express their politeness.

"I hope everyone can eat and play happily today." She didn't say too much politeness, but just said a few words casually.

Because these words are originally official words, clichés, and everyone doesn't like to hear them.

The woman behind her stood up at this moment and said to everyone: "All the disciples are back today to celebrate the island owner's birthday, so please offer your congratulations."

In fact, this process was not only intentionally designed by Luoshui Island, but also something other gang representatives were willing to watch.

From this process, we can fully see the background of this gang. If the things that are handed out are all good, then the background of this sect is naturally not bad.If it's all a mess, then the background of this sect is mediocre, and they should go back and figure out how to divide up the territory.

The reality is so cruel.

Of course, this process started with Feng Danyang, whose annual congratulatory gifts are the most dazzling.After all, he controls a large part of Luoshui Island's industry and has high strength, so the people he contacts are naturally different.

He walked out with his head held high and his chest held high, then took out a small wooden box, handed the box to the woman directly and said, "This disciple presents a second-grade low-grade elixir, Yixin Pill, to Master."

This elixir can barely be regarded as the second grade. Its function is to help the cultivation but to calm the mind. It is very helpful to the cultivation and can increase the speed of cultivation.It's just that its effect doesn't last long, only a month.

In any practice, it is true that there is not much progress in a month, so it is a bit embarrassing.

But it can barely be regarded as a second-grade elixir.

After everyone heard his elixir, they were shocked, the second-grade elixir!Last year's birthday gift, what he took out was nothing more than a high-grade first-class elixir.

This year, he actually took out the second-grade elixir directly.

"Second-grade elixir, this thing is very rare, even a first-grade high-grade elixir is very rare. Not to mention second-grade elixir, it seems that this time he won the first place again. I don't know What kind of reward will the island owner get?"

"The reward is definitely very good. I'm still my own disciple, so I'm sure I'm willing to do it. Hey, what can I do about it? He is strong and has a lot of resources. It's expected that he will win the top spot, but as long as we are not the last It’s okay if it’s bad, at least it’s not ashamed.”

"The last place will definitely not be ours, and there is Shen Zhitao. What kind of good things can she come up with? At most, they are those vulgar things? How can vulgar things compare with our things?"

"That's right, I'm relieved. I also feel that everyone's things this year are much better than before."

"The development of Luoshui Island has been relatively good in the past two years, and there are naturally more resources that everyone can control."

In fact, the reason why they have more resources is not because of Shen Zhitao's control from the outside, and the continuous blood transfusion for Luoshui Island.But they were still laughing at her while enjoying the benefits she brought.

The island owner smiled slightly, looked at Feng Danyang and said, "Not bad, very good. As everyone's elder brother, you must take the lead and lead Luoshui Island to a better future."

For him, the island owner is very satisfied, he is neither arrogant nor impetuous, he practices hard, and handles affairs very prudently.She is a good successor, and this time she is going to pass on the Luoshui sword technique to him in this form.

Feng Danyang also smiled in satisfaction and said, "I would like to obey the teacher's order!"

(End of this chapter)

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