Chapter 633
When Luo Qinglian heard the laughter of the crowd, her complexion suddenly turned ugly.She was slapping him in the face, and now everyone knew that he was flattering Hu Danchang.

And the island owner actually agreed.

He looked at Shen Zhitao with resentment and said: "Hmph, I'm the last one every time, so I'm ashamed to come out. If it were me, I would obediently be the last one, and I will definitely not stand up and embarrass myself."

"Senior Brother Qinglian, don't say that. She is in the secular world and has not come into contact with those alchemists. It is understandable for the alchemists. And she has tried her best." A junior sister felt that Luo Qinglian was going too far , said to him.

"Hmph, why is it my fault that he can't get in touch? Who made her incapable." He said bluntly.

The little junior sister said angrily: "Senior brother, don't forget that our Luoshui Island is mainly living on her funds? The reason why you can exchange good things is also the money she provided. She is for us Luoshui Island has never been in touch with those people, how can you talk like that?"

What she said made sense, but Luo Qinglian didn't care about that.He glanced at her with disdain and said, "That's because she wants to, she deserves it."

This kind of shameless, only when they lose their financial support, will they feel the importance of others.Now I still feel that he deserves it. It is very appropriate for this kind of person to embarrass him.

"Why did Shen Zhitao go up? Isn't she afraid of being ashamed? She has been ranked last several times. How dare she go up at this time?"

"Yeah, although everyone understands her difficulties, isn't it fun to go up behind two second-grade pills?"

"But that's good too. After she goes up, we don't need to be embarrassed. Anyway, she's already been humiliated first, as long as it's not the worst."

Everyone also looked at Shen Zhitao worriedly.

Luo Qinglian looked at her and said: "You can go up, just help me to be at the bottom." Before Shen Zhitao was ranked last, he was almost ranked second to last.

But because of Shen Zhitao's existence, his sense of existence is not so strong.

Especially this time there are two second-grade pills in front of him. If his things are particularly bad, he will be ashamed and thrown at home.Let Shen Zhitao lose a group of people now, and he will be much better when the time comes.

Shen Zhitao smiled and took out a jade bottle and handed it to the island owner. The woman was not used at all, so it could be seen that she was very much loved by the island owner.

Standing by the side of the island owner, she helped squeeze his shoulders and said, "Master, you will definitely like this thing I gave you very much." She also showed a smug smile as she spoke.

The island owner scratched her nose dotingly, "You little girl, what kind of fun did you come up with?" In her mind, she could only come up with some fun things.

The woman gave Shen Zhitao a hard look and said, "There won't be some unrefined jade or something like that? To us, what's the difference between those things and trash?"

"Qingluo!" The island owner stopped her and continued talking, looked at Shen Zhitao with a smile and said, "Master is clear about your situation, so don't make things difficult for yourself."

"My things must be better than senior brother Dan Chang's." Shen Zhitao said with a smile.

"Oh? What kind of good thing is it?" The island owner looked at her curiously and said.

In fact, she didn't think that Shen Zhitao could come up with anything that could overwhelm Hu Danchang. It was really hard to find second-grade inferior medicines.

After Hu Danchang heard this, he snorted coldly: "It's better than mine? Could it be that you can still come up with a second-grade mid-level elixir? It's just a joke. It would be great if you can get in touch with a pharmacist."

His tone was very disdainful, and he really didn't believe that anyone could get something better than him.It took a lot of effort to get this second-grade elixir.

Luo Qinglian said unceremoniously: "Okay, don't brag, everyone knows about your things, hurry up and take them out, don't waste time. It's up to me next."

Shen Zhitao looked at Hu Danchang and said, "My stuff is indeed not a second-grade middle-class pill."

"Just look at me, how could she surpass me." Hu Danchang hadn't finished speaking.Shen Zhitao spoke again at the top: "My item this time is a second-grade high-quality elixir, Juling elixir!"

At this moment, the island owner opened the bottle cap, and a fresh fragrance wafted out of the bottle.

A burst of fragrance filled the entire hall in an instant.

People with a little bit of experience will be instantly sluggish, this fragrance, and this concentration.It really is Juling Pill, it really is top grade.

"It really is the Spirit Gathering Pill. I've seen one before, and the fragrance is exactly the same. And the purity seems to be higher. There is no doubt that it is a top-grade Spirit Gathering Pill." One of the expatriate representatives said in surprise.

"It turned out to be a spirit-gathering pill, it turned out to be a spirit-gathering pill. Not to mention the quality, this pill is better than Senior Brother Dan Chang, and it's more effective than him."

"That's right, Spirit Gathering Pill can quickly increase your strength. It's more effective than Liuhe Pill. Liuhe Pill improves the efficiency of your practice, and Juling Pill directly helps you break through. It's clear which one is better."

"How could she have this kind of elixir? It's still a top-ranking elixir of the second rank. Last year, she could only get some antiques to make up for it. How could she have such a good thing this year? Is there any chance?"

Everyone looked at Shen Zhitao in surprise.

Those expatriates were already so surprised that they couldn't help themselves, did this Luoshui Island make an announcement this year?These disciples could easily get second-grade pills, and three pills appeared in a row.And there is a second-grade top-notch one.

Hu Danchang was also so surprised that he couldn't help himself. He took out this treasured thing for Luoshui swordsmanship, but now someone is better than his own thing.

Didn't he lose his second-grade elixir in vain?Didn't play a role?
Shen Zhitao looked at the island owner and said, "Master, do you like it?" She said to the island owner coquettishly.

The smile on the island owner's face became more obvious, "Of course I like it, I like everything Taozi gave me." She was so excited not only because of this gift, but more importantly, Luoshui swordsmanship will definitely not It fell into Hu Danchang's hands.

As long as it is in the hands of my disciples, it is easy to say what to do, after all, the same energy is connected.At this time, it also hit Hu Danchang's arrogant atmosphere and prestige.

The island owner's eyes fell on Ning Feng. This young man is not bad, he is very good at seizing the opportunity.

Ning Feng also smiled at her as a response.

Now it was Luo Qinglian's turn to be embarrassed, originally thinking that Shen Zhitao could pave the way for herself, but she didn't expect to directly give herself a higher altitude.

The higher the height she gave, the worse she fell.

"Grass, why are there so many second-grade pills?" He murmured silently in his heart, and then looked at them bitterly, feeling angry inside.

"Senior Brother Luo, have you finished talking? It's your turn." Shen Zhitao said to him bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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