Chapter 634 I have a way
Now it's time for Luo Qinglian to be stunned, wouldn't it be embarrassing to let herself go up at this time?
There are three second-grade pills in front of him. If he can come up with a first-grade pill, it's fine. The key is that he doesn't have one.He used to be ranked second to last, so he was only slightly stronger than Shen Zhitao.

Now that Shen Zhitao has directly changed from the last one to the first one, wouldn't he be the last one?
But when it was his turn, he had to bite the bullet and move forward.

But he glanced at the two of them with resentment in his eyes, and said: "The disciple wishes the island master to be as blessed as the East China Sea, and to live longer than Nanshan, and specially present a century-old ginseng."

After he finished speaking, his face turned red. There were second-grade pills in front of them, and he used a wild ginseng to make up the number.

It's definitely not an inability to find the good stuff, it's definitely not a desire to find the good stuff.After all, it takes a lot of money to find those good things, and in the end, there is nothing but the first prize.

"Mountain ginseng? How can he get it? It's not difficult to find a first-grade elixir with his ability, right? It's also possible to find a spiritual weapon. How can he use a ginseng to make up the number?"

"Hmph, that's how he did it a few years ago, but Shen Zhitao has been at the bottom all these years, so everyone didn't notice him. This time Shen Zhitao got the second-grade elixir from somewhere, and he just showed his original shape .”

"After all, he is also a big disciple of the younger generation. He is usually called a big brother, but the things he does are not like a big brother at all."

"Hey, let's play it off. I thought I could fool it, but this time it's embarrassing. I guess he will be the last one this time."

Everyone was very dissatisfied with his behavior, and his status was quite high, how could he come up with such a thing?And it's as big as the previous fault?

The expatriate representative finally breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, there was no second-grade elixir. This Luoshui Island was too surprising.

The island owner didn't say anything, and waved at him directly, understanding the meaning.Obviously very dissatisfied with him, in fact, she is not a lover of money, but she still knows what a person of what status can offer.

After all, in the past few years, Shen Zhitao's things were the worst, but she still liked them very much.

This person is obviously not distracted, not careful.

Luo Qinglian was furious, she was all to blame for Shen Zhitao jumping in line and making herself so embarrassed.If it weren't for her, even if one's own things were poor, the next person would be slightly worse, so it wouldn't be so obvious.

His eyes suddenly turned to Ning Feng, since he came as Shen Zhitao's boyfriend, he had to prepare a gift.Shen Zhitao has the financial resources to find a second-grade elixir, but a small doctor like him must not have the financial resources.

He directly targeted Xiang Ningfeng and said: "This little doctor, as the boyfriend of my junior sister, didn't you prepare a gift? Since you can sit here, shouldn't you also show your gift?"

After he finished speaking, the woman above was also upset at Shen Zhitao.Without the consent of the island owner, he read: "Next, why don't you come?"

She stared at Ning Feng and said.

"What does this Luo Qinglian want to do? Shen Zhitao has already presented a gift. This person is just a guest anyway. He probably didn't prepare a gift, right?"

"It's normal, he did it on purpose. As long as Ning Feng didn't prepare anything, that's the situation he would like to see the most. Look at how embarrassed he is now. If someone who is not as good as him, the situation will be much better ?”

"The scheming is really deep, but I'm also very curious about what his stuff is? As long as it's not bad, I should be able to accept it."

"He is not prepared for anything, what good things can he have? And he is just a little doctor, what good things can an ordinary person have, can he reach this level? Brother Luo Qinglian has sinister intentions."

People with a discerning eye can still see his purpose, but most people can't see it, they just think it makes sense, if his girlfriend has offered gifts, he should also offer gifts.

Especially the people on the side of the Great Elder, they can't wait for Ning Feng to make a fool of himself.

"It's the first time you come to your natal family, don't you plan to give a gift? Isn't it the right thing to do? Since you know it's the island owner's birthday gift, shouldn't he, as a junior, prepare something?"

"It's what it should be. Hurry up. If you don't bring a gift, just say it. We won't make things difficult for you."

"Aren't you very arrogant before? Don't you know etiquette? What are you doing here if you don't understand etiquette? I think your quality is like this. It's really a flower stuck in cow dung."

They satirized Ning Feng very unceremoniously, because their leader was insulted by Ning Feng, so now they still feel that the opportunity has come and they want to take revenge.

Luo Qinglian looked at Ning Feng and said: "You don't dare, do you? Didn't you prepare something? As a junior, shouldn't you prepare some gifts for the elders to celebrate their birthdays? Are you so unqualified?"

Shen Zhitao also looked at Ning Feng worriedly, she didn't expect him to make trouble at this time.

Ning Feng came out with a smile on his face, looked at him and said with a smile: "I'm different from you, so naturally I tried my best to prepare presents. I won't be like you, taking wild ginseng to fool people at random. "

After speaking, he smiled disdainfully.

This was slapping him in the face in front of everyone, just mocking him nakedly.Laugh at his random fooling.

Luo Qinglian looked at Ning Feng and said, "You don't have to worry about me, just take out your things, leave me alone? Don't just brag, cry when you flash your tongue."

Ning Feng ignored him, walked up to the island owner and said, "Ning Feng, the younger generation, has met the island owner. I wish the island owner a quick recovery."

"Hiss—" Everyone took a breath, he dared to speak like that, you must know that the island owner's leg has always been her pain point, and no one is allowed to mention it.

As long as this is mentioned, the island owner will turn his face.This seems to be a pain point for her.

"Does he not want to live? Don't you know that the island owner hates people talking about her problems? Don't you want others to wish her a speedy recovery?"

"Didn't Shen Zhitao remind him of this? This person is really..."

"You deserve it, kid. I made you arrogant. You will regret the consequences of doing so. You dare to say bless the island owner for recovery. I don't think I will give him a good face."

"It's strange to give him a good face. Didn't a disciple just mention this at the beginning, and he was directly expelled from the teacher's school. He is unlucky."

Sure enough, the island owner's face darkened, and there seemed to be anger in his eyes.It seemed as if he was ready to tear Ning Feng at any moment.

Shen Zhitao quickly comforted him: "Master, he doesn't understand the situation, so don't be angry. He didn't mean it, so don't take it to heart." Then he signaled Ning Feng to apologize quickly.

But Ning Feng shook his head and said loudly: "I know the situation, and this is indeed my blessing!"

(End of this chapter)

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