Chapter 853 Treasure Pavilion

This transition went very smoothly, in fact, I still have to thank the previous leader.If it wasn't for him to poison, these people would not be so easy to control.

In fact, this kind of poison is not difficult for him now.

"I'll take you to a place." After these people left, Andie looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng looked at her suspiciously, "Where?"

"You'll know when you get there." Then he pulled Ning Feng and ran towards the back mountain.That place is really far away, and it took half an hour to get there.

Ning Feng did not expect such an elegant building to exist in such a remote place.

This place is exactly like an ancient garden, with mountains and water, and some flowers, carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions and pavilions, very elegant.I don't know which person came up with this method, it is really very interesting in life.

"What is this place?" Ning Feng looked at Andie and said.

An Die didn't stop, and said to Ning Feng while walking: "This is where the elder guarding the pavilion lives."

"Why do you come to the place where he lives?" Ning Feng asked him strangely. Although the garden is really nice, if it is a beautiful woman who lived there, it would still have some artistic conception. If it was him, it would not be very interesting up.

Andie gave Ning Feng a white look, looked at him and said, "Do you know why he is called the elder of the pavilion?"

"Why?" Ning Feng looked at her strangely and said.

An Die said: "Because he is guarding the Treasure Pavilion, the bronze lamp before is what's inside, are you interested in this place?"

Nonsense, can you not be interested?Treasure Pavilion, this is Ning Feng's favorite place.

"Is this the place?" Ning Feng's eyes began to glow.

Andie led him to turn left and right, and then stopped in front of a mountain. "The last time I followed the dark dragon, it was this place, and I entered from this place at the beginning."

As she spoke, she walked over and patted a lion's head three times.

Just when she was about to wait for the change, Ning Feng suddenly shouted.


He directly put his arms around her waist and turned around, leaving the spot.Borrowing strength from the toes on the ground, he suddenly retreated backwards.

Andie didn't react at all, just as they stopped, suddenly a fishing net appeared directly from where she was standing, but this fishing net was not an ordinary fishing net.

You can tell it's a very good material just by looking at the glittering gold thread on it.

And that wasn't over yet, the net had just been closed, and countless arrows shot towards that place, instantly tying that place into a hedgehog.

Seeing this, An Die was almost scared to death. If Ning Feng hadn't led her to run fast just now, she would have become a hedgehog now.

When did this place become like this?

"What's going on here? It wasn't like this the last time you came here?" She looked at Ning Feng with some puzzlement and said.

Ning Feng stared at this mechanism and said: "This mechanism doesn't look particularly powerful, nor is it very esoteric. Obviously, it was temporarily arranged because you were discovered when you entered here last time."

It was only at this time that An Die remembered that they seemed to have been discovered.It is also necessary to be prepared.

"Then what should we do next?" An Die stared at Ning Feng and said, "Why don't you go in first. It's not what I'm familiar with."

Ning Feng had a smirk on his lips. "It's all here, why would I leave? Don't worry, just leave it to me. Besides, you want to control this place in the future. What's the point of not mastering this treasure house?"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the mountain. This mechanism is very simple, and it is not difficult to decipher it.I just don't know how many of these things he has set up.

But in front of me, such a superficial mechanism won't have much effect.

"Be careful." Andie said while holding Ning Feng's hand.

Ning Feng suddenly smiled at her, "What's the big deal? If this small organization wants to plot against me, can I still get along?"

Qiu Kui's mechanism and array were broken by himself, let alone such a simple mechanism.


Ning Feng randomly picked up a stone, and then threw it towards the lion. The stone didn't seem to be very powerful.But when it hit the stone lion, the stone lion was directly smashed into pieces.

After the stone lion was shattered, there was indeed a set of mechanical equipment underneath, but after being destroyed by Ning Feng, it no longer rotated.

Ning Feng walked over, looked at the composition carefully, then shook his head, "It's really simple."

"The stone lion is ruined, so how do we get in?" She looked at Ning Feng worriedly and asked.

Ning Feng smiled slightly, looked at her and said, "I just saw that the mechanism for opening the door has been transferred, and this is an independent mechanism. However, according to the previous line, the opening of the door should be here."

He walked along a line, came to a slightly larger stone, and turned sharply.

"Boom!" Sure enough, after he turned the door, the door opened.

Andie stared at Ning Feng in surprise, looked at him and said, "How do you know that the mechanism to open the door is here?"

This performance was simply too shocking. You must know that there are many stones around, at least dozens of them. Why did he choose this one all of a sudden?

Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said: "The door-opening mechanism was inside the stone lion before, but now he changed the stone lion into a killing mechanism, so he will naturally transfer the door-opening mechanism. If it is transferred, the original basic line will not change , then he could only have moved the organ backwards from the inside of the stone lion, so it must still be on the original route.”

"But how do you know it's this stone? These stones seem to be on the road." Andie looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "How should I put it? Although the purpose of the agency is to confuse the enemy, you have to let yourself know which one it is. So, generally speaking, you will choose a slightly different one."

"Then what's different about this stone? I look similar to the others?" Andie asked suspiciously.

Ning Feng said: "It's not the same. Haven't you noticed that other stones are square and square, but this stone is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom? Take a closer look!"

"It seems to be like this." She looked at Ning Feng in surprise and said.

Although Ning Feng found out that there was such a little doubt, his thought was that even if he guessed wrong, he could escape with his own strength, and he would definitely not die.

Now, though, it looks like he guessed right.So he can pretend to be x in front of beautiful women.

(End of this chapter)

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