Chapter 854 Baby
The two of them walked into the cave. There was not such a powerful mechanism in this cave. It seemed that it was a mechanism to prevent them from simply making it out.

However, there are already elders guarding the pavilion here, so there is no need for any complicated mechanisms.

Ning Feng glanced at the contents casually, and there seemed to be nothing serious about it.They are all simple things, basically some elementary spirit weapons, these things are nothing in the eyes of Ning Feng now.

After all, with a Master Artifact Refiner, his eyesight has been greatly improved, and ordinary things are no longer in sight.

"This thing is really ordinary." Ning Feng said casually looking at the things around him, picking and choosing among those spiritual weapons while talking, just like picking Chinese cabbage.

Although these things are really not good things, they are still very shocking in An Die's eyes. She doesn't have such high vision as Ning Feng.

"Come with me." She said after hearing Ning Feng's words, and then pulled him towards the back.

"It's just the exterior here."

Immediately, Ning Feng became interested, and there was still something.

He followed the dark butterfly to a wall, and then knocked three times, and the door was opened.At this time, I should thank the dark dragon from time to time. If it weren't for him, it wouldn't be so easy to find this inside, right?
The space inside is obviously much smaller than the outside, only about a dozen square meters.

Two rows, six shelves are placed inside.

Ning Feng glanced at it, and the things inside were indeed much stronger than the ones outside. There were some intermediate spirit weapons and some high-level spirit weapons on these shelves.

It has to be said that they have been causing harm for so many years, and they still have some background.

"They are really stingy." Ning Feng looked at this and said, there are so many good things that he is reluctant to give out to his disciples. If they are equipped with this equipment, their strength will be at least greatly improved.

"No way, they don't trust people at all, and they won't give spiritual weapons to ordinary disciples." An Die said, picking up a sword with a high-level spiritual weapon.She casually pulled two sword flowers and put the things in place. This weapon is not very suitable for her, and she still prefers to use soft weapons.

She walked to another shelf, casually picked up a nine-section whip and waved it twice, then said to Ning Feng in satisfaction, "How is it?"

"Average!" Ning Feng scanned around and said, "I don't think there is anything amazing."

He finally set his eyes on the box in the middle. This box was not placed on the shelf, but placed squarely on the table.

This should be a precious thing, right?

"What is this?" An Die naturally shrugged helplessly, his vision is too high, these high-level spiritual weapons are also quite precious things in some great sects.

She also saw the box and said.

Ning Feng shook his head, "I don't know, but you can find out after opening it." He walked over and opened the box directly.

There was no dazzling light, and nothing dangerous happened, it was just a simple box.

"It's just a broken box that made it so mysterious." Ning Feng was highly nervous just now, but now he immediately relaxed.

He took out the contents of the box, and it turned out to be a piece of cowhide.There are some messy things drawn on it, like a map.

"Map?" Andie looked at Ning Feng and said suspiciously.

Ning Feng nodded, "It seems to be such a thing, but this kind is placed here, obviously because it is more precious, but what is its use?"

"I don't know." An Die also looked blank. "Whatever, leave it alone if it's useless, and it won't delay things anyway."

A different feeling suddenly flashed in Ning Feng's mind at this moment. He seemed to have seen this picture before, and it was in the hands of the old man behind Wang Shan.

He still had to give it to himself at the beginning, but he firmly rejected it.

He tried his best to recall the content of the picture at that time. Although he forgot some of the content, some of the corners of it matched his own picture.

This is strange, there are two copies of this thing, which is a bit strange.If there is one copy, it is likely to be a fake, but if there are two copies, it is suspicious.

He put this thing up directly, and then said to An Die: "Let this thing be with me, I'm afraid this thing is not simple."

When I replaced Wang Shan and the others in the competition, it was just for the admission ticket to a place, and the old man said that this thing was the map of that place.

This is interesting.

Then this matter is a big one, it seems that I have to pay attention to it, maybe I can learn about the situation there.

"En." Andie nodded.

There was nothing else good in it, and the two left after wandering around for a while.

After Ning Feng gave her the antidote formula, he left here. He had to figure out these things himself.To figure out these things, of course the most reliable person is to find the wolf den.

And isn't that guy Little Wild Wolf active nearby recently?Maybe this guy is also here for this matter.

Dark Butterfly still has to be here to appease those people.

Ning Feng called Little Wild Wolf directly. After learning the address, he drove there directly. Time was tight, the sooner the better.

There are several admission signs and a broken map on him. If you don't understand these things, it will be a big loss if someone kills you for no reason.

He now basically knows that these things on his body should be regarded as treasures, otherwise there would not be so many people fighting for them.

When Ning Feng sensed the location of the little wild wolf, he found a bad situation. This guy came out to meet him on crutches.

Ning Feng looked at him strangely and said, "Are you making wool?"

The little wild wolf smiled wryly, "Hey, it's a long story, don't understand it, come in and sit down."

He looks very haggard now, obviously because of something.

Ning Feng helped him into the room. The place where this guy lives is quite luxurious, a small single-family building. There must be at least a dozen rooms in it, right?Can he live alone?
But when he entered the room, he knew that he was thinking too much. It turned out that he was not the only one living in it, there were more than a dozen people.

And there are several acquaintances among them.

"Mr. Ning." Xuelang stood up and said to Ning Feng, and of course several other people also greeted Ning Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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