Chapter 855 Three Brands
"Are they all there?" Ning Feng looked at so many people, and then sat down politely.Then he looked at the little wolf's legs and said, "What's going on here?"

"It was interrupted." He said very easily.

Ning Feng directly took out a elixir and threw it to him, "Eat it." In fact, fractures are not considered serious injuries for alchemists, as long as they are moistened with the elixir containing spiritual energy, they can almost heal It is a second recovery.

His eyes lit up when he saw this pill, "This..."

I have tried it before, and it works very well on Dark Butterfly, basically it works immediately.

"Why, can I still harm you?" Ning Feng looked at him with disdain and said, "You look so ugly with a cane."

Of course, the little wild wolf didn't want to be limping like this, it was very inconvenient, and it had a great impact on him, especially at this juncture.

He didn't hesitate anymore, and directly swallowed the pill.

"Okay." After drinking a glass of water, Ning Feng said to him, "You can remove the plaster."

"Demolition?" Snow Wolf felt a little pain, looked at Ning Feng and said, "Mr. Ning, isn't this a bit fast? Let it go for a while?"

Ning Feng glanced at him and said, "I'm just telling you that it's all over now. If you want to keep wrapping it up, then keep it up. I have no objection."

The last thing Little Wild Wolf wanted was to have a plaster cast, which seriously affected his actions.Immediately, I smashed the plaster away, and then jumped on the spot twice.

Really feel no pain.

Everyone looked at him and felt pain for him. If it didn't get better, it might take a long time to recover.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Ning for taking the shot." He bowed directly to Ning Feng, obviously very excited.

"Okay, okay, don't be so polite." Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Why are there so many ink stains?"

Everyone was quite surprised by Ning Feng's performance this time. Some people didn't know each other before and didn't think Ning Feng's elixir would work.But the reality is so angry, the little wild wolf is so direct in front of their eyes.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Little Wild Wolf looked at Ning Feng and said, "If you have something to say, I will definitely do it for you."

Ning Feng stared at him and said, "I want to ask you, what are you doing here this time?"

After he finished speaking, everyone at the scene fell silent.Obviously, this question is not easy to answer, and people seem reluctant to answer it.

"This..." Little Wild Wolf hesitated for a while, looked at him and said, "This is not very convenient..."

"Is it for an admission ticket!" Ning Feng said to him without waiting for him to finish speaking.

After he finished speaking, several people at the scene immediately stood up, and then looked at Ning Feng with a fierce look.

"He's not that kind of person." The little wild wolf was the first to react from the shock, and then waved at the others.He looked at Ning Feng and said, "Do you understand what you want to do with this matter?"

From their reactions, Ning Feng already knew, and his guess must be right.Just know that these people will not miss this matter.

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said: "Don't bother me, I know the inside story about this matter. Judging from your situation, it should not be ideal. In fact, you can tell me, maybe I can still do it." Do me a favor."

Little Wild Wolf looked at Ning Feng strangely, but remained vigilant, and said to Ning Feng, "Mr. Ning, you should not get involved in this matter. It's not that I'm worried about you, it's just that this matter is extremely dangerous. I put you in danger. Do you see my legs? That's what caused them."

"So, I advise you not to understand. Sometimes curiosity can kill people."


Just as he was saying these words, Ning Feng threw a sign on the table.

When he saw this sign, he immediately shut up.Since none of them knew what the sign meant, he was already involved.

"Why do you have this kind of thing?" Snow Wolf couldn't help it at first, picked it up and looked at it for a long time, then looked at Ning Feng and said: "This..."

It's like holding a roasted sweet potato, it's a little hot, but I don't want to throw it away.

"I think you can tell me a little bit about the situation, because I also have some things to ask you for advice." Ning Feng said, if he didn't show it, they would not give it to him if they were killed.

Little Wild Wolf sighed, then looked at Ning Feng and said, "Since you already have this brand, I won't hide anything. We are indeed here for this thing, but..."

"But it seems that you have failed." Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said, "And you were calculated."

He basically understood from the scene. Either they lost, or the sign was robbed, it's as simple as that.

"We have been calculated." When he spoke, there was anger in his eyes.Those people around were also filled with righteous indignation.

Snow Wolf stood up directly, "Who would have thought that their own ideas would also be fought?"

"Red Rakshasa?" Ning Feng said this tentatively, because he knew the situation of the wolf den very well, one was the power of the Wolf King, and the other was the power of the Red Rakshasa.

Although Red Rakshasa lost last time, her power is still there. She said she would take action, but she didn't expect to do it here.

"Who else but her?" Snow Wolf punched the wall angrily. "We paid a huge price to win the Kangaroo Country, but we didn't expect to be fooled by them."

"Then grab it back." Ning Feng said.

"Where is it so easy?" Little Wild Wolf said: "The four basic tokens are with the Wolf King. If we want to participate, we must grab the four tokens this time. They must have hidden this token very carefully. And they seem to have quite a few masters.

Red Rakshasa must have used a lot of hidden strength this time, and we can't get it back with the strength of the few of us. "

"Then you can just ask for it from the wolf king." Ning Feng said casually.

Snow Wolf shook his head and said: "The sign from the Wolf King has a destination, we can't get it."

Ning Feng understood that although they won the card, they were overshadowed by their fellow students.Not only was the sign stolen, but someone also broke his leg.It's really sad.

He shook his head, then directly took out three more signs and placed them on the table.

When the three signs are lined up on the table, they are all stupid. What's the situation?three brands?How could he have three brands?
"I'll see you off." Ning Feng waved his hand grandly.

(End of this chapter)

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