Chapter 860 You Lose

This force is very strong, and the rippling waves directly cut off the upper half of the surrounding trees.

Little Wild Wolf and the others quickly withdrew and retreated. They could feel the danger of this force, and they couldn't bear it.

Several people looked for various hiding places one after another, and used their spiritual power to protect themselves comprehensively.

And in the central area of ​​the explosion, nothing could be seen anymore, smoke and dust were flying, and sword energy was raging.

"What kind of sword technique is this? It's really fucking powerful." Snow Wolf said while clutching the wound on his arm. He just ran a little slower and was injured.

"I don't know, but it should be quite powerful. I didn't see that Ning Feng's strength has reached this level." The little wild wolf stared at the field and said: "The strength without the distraction state can't exert this kind of strength at all. .”

"Distraction?" Snow Wolf stared at him stupidly and said: "Are you sure? How long has it been? He can reach the state of distraction from the state of concentration? Just cross the innate state?"

"I've been trapped in the innate realm for five or six years." He said in disbelief.

The little wild wolf said: "There must be a state of distraction. If it weren't for the state of distraction, there would be no such strength at all. This kind of sword energy cannot be used by the state of concentration."

Snow Wolf's eyes lit up, then looked at him and said, "Then who do you think will win this time? What is the probability of Ning Feng winning?"

"I can't say for sure." Little Wild Wolf shook his head and said, "The situation inside is not clear at all. Both of them are using the strongest martial arts. Although he is also in the state of distraction, if he doesn't use mental power , it’s a bit worse than Red Raksha. After all, Scarlet Raksha is not such a simple move.”

Just after he finished speaking, a bloody force rushed over.

"Run!" The little wild wolf got up and ran.

Snow Wolf didn't know what was going on with him, but he could only continue to run away.

Just as the two of them left that place, they got the power of Bloody and directly hit that place into ruins.

In the center of the arena, Bloody's power also seemed to become stronger in an instant, entangled with that sword energy, and it seemed that they were indeed evenly divided.

But in terms of momentum, he still left with sword energy.

The two of them stopped after running for another hundred meters, looking at the situation in the field, they said: "It seems that the two of you really fought hard, and Red Rakshasa even used this trick. It seems that she is about to lose gone."

"You said this is the Moon Night Blood Brake?"

Snow Wolf looked at the blood energy emerging from the field, and then those forces were intertwined, like a Rakshasa stimulated by a moonlit night.

They could feel that tyrannical feeling from such a distance.

"I guess it won't take long for the winner to be decided. I didn't expect Red Raksha to lose. Her move Moon Night Raksha hasn't had any defeats at the same level."

Little Wild Wolf looked into the distance curiously, "I really don't know where Ning Feng got this kind of move that can resist the Moonlight Raksha?"

"I looked at the two of them very anxiously, as if they couldn't tell the winner for a while. The two are fighting for the strength of martial arts. It's not easy to tell who can win right now?"

Snow Wolf looked at the field and said, the two are obviously fighting for power now, and in the end, whoever exhausts his martial skills will lose first.

"It's already come out. In such a short period of time, Red Rakshasa has changed two moves, and her moves are fierce. Her strongest move has come out, and Ning Feng has not changed at all until now. This This is enough to explain the situation, this martial skill is really good." Little Wild Wolf said: "The power of this sword feels like a drop of water dripping into a calm sea, but the power of this drop of water makes the whole sea churn."

"Is it so powerful?" Snow Wolf looked at the center of the field strangely, not feeling any difference at all.

"This is also the reason why you can't make progress." Little Wild Wolf patted her on the shoulder and said.

Ning Feng felt a little uncomfortable now. He originally planned to sweep the opponent directly with this move, but the opponent suddenly changed his move.

And the power of this trick seems to be stronger than before.

"It seems we can't wait any longer." Ning Feng pinched a sword formula and moved the long sword in his hand, "Let's end it!"

All of a sudden, the surrounding sword energy directly became stronger, and the sword energy directly gathered in the center from the scattered surroundings.Then, as his sword moved, he finally slowly condensed the sword energy into one.

If you look at it from the outside, you don't know if it is the reflection of the sword light, but there seems to be a ray of divine light descending on Ning Feng's side.

Then this divine light pierced towards the Red Rakshasa.

"Red Rakshasa lost." Little Wild Wolf said with a smug face, knowing that Ning Feng would take this step.

"How do you know?" Snow Wolf asked in puzzlement.

"It's actually very simple." Little Wild Wolf looked at Snow Wolf and said, "Red Rakshasa had already changed his moves to resist Ning Feng's moves before, and he managed to block this blow after changing his moves, but Ning Feng has been fighting against it from the beginning to the end. No change of tactics."

"Then what does it mean?"

"Generally, in this kind of confrontation, you will keep the second hand, because this way you can give the opponent the strongest blow after understanding the opponent's strength. Red Raksha has already used the second hand, but Ning Feng has not used it yet. And the backhands are generally very strong." The little wild wolf explained lightly.

But Xuelang obviously didn't understand such a high-level thing. In his opinion, isn't fighting just fighting each other?

"That is to say, Ning Feng still has cards that are useless. Red Rakshasa is already the strongest, understand?" Little Wild Wolf said: "Did you see the light before? That is Ning Feng's change."

"Oh, I understand." Snow Wolf nodded sharply.

Just after he finished speaking, the bloody power suddenly disappeared, and a figure in the middle of the field flew out.And another figure followed closely, and the sword energy raging around disappeared in an instant.

Everyone stared at the two, the person who flew out was obviously Red Rakshasa, and the person who followed was Ning Feng or someone else.

"Damn it, Ning Feng really won?" Snow Wolf looked at him and said, he was so powerful.

Ning Feng raised his sword against Hong Luosha's neck, then said with a smile, "You lost."

Red Rakshasa spat out a mouthful of reverse blood. She was injured by Ning Feng's sword energy, and her whole body's defenses were wide open. Now the meridians in her body have been severely injured.

If there is no good alchemist, it is basically useless.

"I lost." She said resignedly. "Just kill me."

Ning Feng calmly put away the sword, "No need, I don't really want to kill." He didn't want to kill her, after all, the other party didn't want his life, but just came to grab something.

It is enough to injure the opponent yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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