Chapter 861 Convince People With Virtue
Ning Feng walked over to Red Rakshasa's attendant with a smile, picked up the Earth Thunder Fruit, and handed him a bottle of elixir by the way.

"I didn't hold back my attack this time, but I don't want to destroy you yet." Ning Feng turned to Hong Luosha and said, "This is Tongluo Pill, you owe me a favor."

After finishing speaking, he showed a very kind smile.

In fact, there is not much enmity between him and Hong Luosha, he is just at the center of the struggle.

So there is no need for me to abolish her. If there is no such elixir, she probably won't be able to use her spiritual power in this life.

When I abolished her, the most proud thing was the wolf king, but the wolf king, I can't see whether he is a good person or a bad person.And I don't need to pull this hatred, what if Hong Luosha still has a conscience?

After the man took the elixir, he rushed in front of Hong Luosha and quickly fed the elixir.

The effect is very, very obvious, because just after taking it, her mental state has improved a lot. Although she has not recovered, it is not a problem to stand up.

After she took the elixir, she walked towards Ning Feng with a tangled light in her eyes.

"Hey, hey, don't know how to repay her, but you are still going to fight? If you do, don't blame me for continuing to fight." Ning Feng looked at her and said.

But she didn't seem to have any plans to make a move, but bowed to Ning Feng and said, "I will remember your kindness, and I will pay it back."

"Are you out of your mind?" Ning Feng was really afraid that she would tell lies. If she told lies, he would simply knock her out now.

She smiled wryly, looked at Ning Feng and said, "You must know that I didn't insist on targeting you. If you don't get involved in this matter, maybe we can still be friends. It's just a relationship of interest."

"Oh." Ning Feng also understood that each of them represents the interests of a group, and they must do their best for the benefit of this group.

"Thank you for saving me this time." She cupped her hands at Ning Feng and said, "You are not our opponent, I hope you will not continue to meddle."

"Oh." Ning Feng said twice without distraction.

Just kidding, I thought I was willing to get involved, but this matter is obviously a treasure house, and I have to be next to the wolf king and their laps to go there.

"Farewell." After finishing speaking, Hong Luosha led the people and left directly.

After these people left, Ning Feng casually glanced at a place not far away.I'm so fucking wise, but it's a pity that I lost one of my pills.

To save her by myself, on the one hand, I feel that we are not enemies with her, and there is no need to kill or live.If she is abolished, she will have to suffer revenge, and there is no major hatred between the two.

The second aspect is that he felt a force not far away.This power is very powerful, at least above the realm of congealing spirits.

If he didn't do what he did just now, and if Hong Luosha didn't get up and give himself the status of a good person, that person would probably kill him directly, right?
After all, no one wants to have such a powerful opponent.

"Ning Feng, you are really good." Snow Wolf threw himself on Ning Feng and said.

But after Ning Feng spent such a long time, his spiritual energy had long been exhausted, and he had no physical strength.He was thrown directly to the ground.

"Get out!"

Ning Feng roared: "I didn't die at the hands of Hong Luosha, I almost died at your hands." He looked at Xuelang and cursed.

"Mistake, mistake, I didn't think of it." Snow Wolf scratched his head in embarrassment, "This is an accident, an accident."

"Why did you let her go just now?" Little Wild Wolf came over, helped Ning Feng up, and asked puzzledly: "Is she with strength less threatening than her without strength?"

Snow Wolf graciously patted the dirt on Ning Feng's body.

Ning Feng said: "You think I am willing? It's not like you don't know how much a Tongluo Pill is worth."

"Then you still save her?" Snow Wolf said: "She is the kind of person who will be destroyed if she is crippled."

There is a deep blood feud between them and Red Rakshasa, and they are completely on the opposite side of Red Rakshasa.But I am not, I am just a character in the middle.

No need to offend anyone.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Did you notice the northwest corner just now? At the end, a powerful force appeared in that place. If I don't save her today, do you believe that the three of us have already been linked to the southeast branch?"

"Really?" Snow Wolf looked at Ning Feng in surprise. "Is there really someone?"

"You did the right thing." The little wild wolf looked at Ning Feng and said, in fact, there is a bottom line in the strife in their wolf den, which is not to hurt people's lives.If Ning Feng really abolished Red Rakshasa this time, then the other party would naturally have the guts to do so.

The few of them will definitely be cleaned up like chopping melons and vegetables.

But Ning Feng finally said that he didn't hold back his strength, and gave the other party Tongluo Pill, which blocked the opening very well.

Ning Feng sighed and said, "It's a pity, that pill is very valuable..."


The two wisely did not pick up on each other.Just kidding, do you still want us to lose money?
Ning Feng couldn't help sighing, people really don't have old hearts.

His own little calculation is indeed good, at least he is now hedging his bets.Since there is no way to get rid of this vortex, then the two sides should make friends and no one will offend.

He helped the Wolf King and the others a lot, and even saved Hong Luosha's life. Although he did it himself, it was also a life-saving grace.

Besides, she was the one who made the move first, and she was repaying evil with virtue, and she had a noble personality.

"We need to send these things back to the capital immediately. The matter is much more serious than I thought. I have to leave immediately." Little Wild Wolf said while looking at Ning Feng.

This time the Red Rakshasa actually appeared around Haicheng, which is a very bad signal.No one knew the purpose of her sudden appearance here.

Naturally, Ning Feng wouldn't hinder their work, and he didn't talk nonsense, so he just said goodbye and left.

Anyway, I got the news I wanted.

"People inside you should pay attention, you know our location so quickly, and you also know that we have a brand." Ning Feng stopped talking and did not continue.

In fact, they also know that there must be traitors among them.

Otherwise, they would have been known by the other party just after they got the sign. How could such a miraculous thing happen?

Fortunately, Ning Feng was pulled out by the little wild wolf. If the other party knew that he had the central map, the hidden strong would probably come out and kill him directly, right?
Because the temptation of this thing is not comparable to several brands.

"Understood." Little Wild Wolf nodded solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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